Roland RE201 Space Echo

Classic RE201 Space Echo Tape Delay, Spring Reverb

(312 Votes)
1.1 (Updated 16 years ago)
May 27, 2008
Reaktor 5 or lower
Effect Delay based


Welcome to my first upload. A loving recreation of the ultimate echo effect the Roland RE201 Space Echo. The guts of this are mostly from Michat's excellent ensemble Michat's Space Echo ME-201. This is more than a reskin though, I have added a few other features (mostly borrowed from the UA version of the RE201). Thanks to Michat and thanks to Jonathan Style for inspiring me to begin the path to becoming a builder.

User Notes:

The Power switch is an output mute. Handy in case of out-of-control speaker blowing feedback. Secondly the Wet Solo switch is just what it says it is, it removes the dry component from the signal (it is just like the "From P.A." jack on the real thing, useful for when using the RE201 as a send effect). It is possible to have no output if you have the echo-norm switch set to norm and the wet solo on. The Echo-Norm switch is an effect bypass.

The fluctuation section simulates the wow and flutter of analog tape and the noise feature is a crucial component to recreating the otherworldly vibe of the original (thanks to Michat).

Lastly I know the mode selector is not quite right. It goes backwards and the knob is supposed to spin all the way around, but I could not figure out how to get it to wrap around. I am sure someone knows a more elegant way to do the mode selector switch so please let me know. Thank you.


Cristian J. R. Montes
8 months ago
como instala?
Dave Sewell
2 years ago
be great
Dave Sewell
2 years ago
would bench for the clueless to have install and use instructions
Ryan Liau
2 years ago
wowwwww duster time
miike ragan
3 years ago
i cant figure out how to get it to work in studio one where do i place the file
Matt Main
4 years ago
Works fine in Reaktor 6, it's not an ensemble so you have to "create an ensemble" to use it
Claude S.
4 years ago
This thing sounds so good! I just get this nice moody vibe from it. Very lovely
Joseph Kindred
4 years ago
hey, is there anyway to make this available as an .ens file - can't access it in 6fx :-(
José Torres Vicente
4 years ago
How can you make the Reverb work? In REAKTOR 6?
Patrick W
4 years ago
@Joshua ... it works with my Reaktor 6 :)
Joshua Reinhart
5 years ago
this doesn't work with reaktor 6 then?
Patrick W
5 years ago
Connect this to 'Synth in a case' and pure Oxygene floods out of the speakers. Magic :)
6 years ago
Beautiful ! thank you. Spring Reverb dose work.
Patrick W
6 years ago
Oh how brilliant is this? Awesome :) Love it. Downloaded old RE-201 manual to help me use this properly. Thank you.
Lucas Txlr
6 years ago
cecilia brown
6 years ago
Thank you very much, working beautifully.
Tony Williams
6 years ago
Classic RE201 Space Echo Tape Delay, Spring Reverb DOES NOT WORK
Jimi Grant
6 years ago
OMG, this is far too amazing to be free. Been looking for this for a long long time. I set it as a bus track and its perrrrrrfectt, perfect, perfect, perfect.....
Kaitav Sapre
6 years ago
Awesome delay! Thank you so much.
John Czomba
7 years ago
Its now 2017 (almost 2018) and this thing still works!!! Great advice from Ahmer below, and don't forget to use it in Reaktor 5 as an FX (Reaktor5 FX) VST.
Ahmer Yasin
7 years ago
Make sure you are in edit mode, by clicking edit button at the top. You will either see a lock or a bug symbol next to it will say "Panel>New" click new and you should see 3 rectangles, two of them saying "In" and the other one "Out" and a bigger rectangle say Space Echo... Click and hold the small circle where it say "1 In" and drag it to the other left circle "L" on Space Echo. Do the same for "2 In" click hold drag it to the left R on the Space Echo. Then connect the right "L" & "R" to the 1 Out and 2 Out. If you want to delete connection right click on the line and select "delete wire". I hope this is correct.
Esteban Torres
7 years ago
How do you connect the inputs and outputs?
Damon Klettskaro
7 years ago
For those having trouble - put the .ism file in a new ensemble, go into edit mode and connect the inputs and outputs.
pip nicholls
7 years ago
'I can't get the audio to come out of the out put? I can see the signal coming in on reaktor but can't get it to come through the RE201?' Me too, what am i doing wrong?
John Shields
7 years ago
Amazing - thanks!
Michael Jansons
7 years ago
I can't get the audio to come out of the out put? I can see the signal coming in on reaktor but can't get it to come through the RE201?
Reinhard Müller
7 years ago
Thank you
7 years ago
Damion Preston
7 years ago
Gotta Try this out!!!
joao a vaz
7 years ago
Mic Finger
8 years ago
Looking very forward to experimenting with this!
leandro albaytero
8 years ago
Hello how i use this ism files on Ableton 8 ? I need to use with REAKTOR 5 and nothing comes out
Markus Müller-Faßbender
8 years ago
Not bad. Very useful indeed! Nice work. Thank you!
robson sathler
8 years ago
não funciona no ableton live9 :(
nick blackmore
9 years ago
How do you run on Logic?
John Squibb
9 years ago
Fantastic! I've been using the tape echo from guitar rig for a while, but this is much handier! Can't believe I've been missing this.
9 years ago
Great effect, and 6 years old now! Those complaining about no sound should take 30 seconds to read the comments.
Nick Galea
10 years ago
yes please delay syncs to the host tempo! great work
happyhippie jane
10 years ago
Hello and thanks for this wonderfull stuff!!!I just wonder if you have a version where the delay is sync to the host tempo :) I'm sure it would be quite more usefull and great!thanks for your time and hoping for an answer
Andrée Helms
10 years ago
Hello how i use this ism files on Ableton Live 9 Mac or in Native Instruments?
neil mcmeechan
10 years ago
can't get any audio out of this , using mac audio in but nothing out , any help
Don RonX
10 years ago
can anybody help me? I am a beginner.How I can use with on VSTPlugin in windows/Samplitude?what is ism? Many thanks for your help!!
pablo duato
10 years ago
Michael Propst
10 years ago
It's very hard for me to stop from using this on everything.
notolafege pare kosme
11 years ago
Is it possible to work this with Nuendo 4?in which folder must this .ism file to be?Thanks for your time.
Alena Jusic
11 years ago
I can not run this file. Roland RE201.ism ??? What is ism?
Jeremy Eusebio
11 years ago
Thanks so much, this is awesome work
roberto ingram
11 years ago
I am using Maschine with Space echo as effect in reaktor 5. I would like to midi learn controls on your creation using Maschines knobs. Please help me to unstand how? Please Advise, Thank you Much!!
michael chatzimoysis
12 years ago
Amazing stuff Thanks so much best delay plugin in my collection
jamie munro
12 years ago
thanks so much !
Franchetti Cédric
13 years ago
This reverb is a real pleasure, thank you. Bonjour de france!! we love you, we still made ​​beautiful toys like that! :)
Joachim Smith
13 years ago
To Thomas Stensbjerg: If you had read the whole thread, you would have seen the advice quoted below. I followed it (I'd never done any sort of editing in Reaktor before), it's simple and it works: "Jesse Voccia (2008-06-06 04:13:41): Find an ensemble you like (or an empty one) and go to the structure view (the one where you can see the wires connecting the different objects). Right click in an empty area and choose "insert instrument->open instrument" and navigate to where your downloaded the .ism. Then just wire up the ins and outs as you want them. In general... to be able to bring other ".ism"s into your ".ens"s you have to save the objects as ".ism" first, just right click on an object and choose "save instrument as". Then just follow the first procedure. I hope this helps. "
thomas b
13 years ago
Cant open this on Mac, when i ad .ism i can see sounds comming in, but no output. Would love to have this as ens. PLEASE :-)
Liam Donaldson
13 years ago
I can't open this as an instrument effect in Reaktor 5.6.1 with Windows 7 32 bit. It worked fine on my Mac On my Windows it has the property of an ism file already when unzipped (.ism extension) but gives an error when I try to insert it as an instrument. Anyone else had this problem?
Liam Donaldson
13 years ago
Love this. I had the real thing and this is just excellent. Used immediately with Razor for some nice ambient tracks.
pix pix
13 years ago
sorry if i missed something , but i can it be synced to the host tempo ?? LOVE the way it sounds :)
Zoheir Mokeddem
13 years ago
Dimension D and i can die !!
Birthday Monster
14 years ago
And who cares if he stole the GUI 8)
Birthday Monster
14 years ago
Who cares if he uploaded .ins or .ens...
Ramon Mills
15 years ago
Beautiful effect! thank you very much!
Jesse Juup
15 years ago
Thank you for this essential studio tool! The big selector knob feels a bit quirky, but other from that I like it very much! The 201 is my favorite Space Echo model.
Bill Ambrose
15 years ago
brilliant. love it thank you
15 years ago
Beautiful! Thankyoum one of the things I miss most about my out-of-commission UAD-1 now I'm on a laptop.
Jason Wolford
15 years ago
This is a great first upload. I own the original and you are certainly on the right track. It would be nice if this were packaged as an ensemble, not an instrument, you might get more feedback that way. The GUI is beautiful, but you probably should at the very least remove the "Roland" from the front. I look forward to any revisions you make and your future uploads. Nice work!
Pete Heskett
15 years ago
hi jesse, i'm apologise in advance as i am a novice reaktor user. i wanted to use your plugin for some sound design uses in cubase 4. i've downloaded added to my reaktor library but when i try to use the space echo in as an insert in cubase no output signal is emerging. there is definitely input audio going in but nothing comes out and all my tweaks so far have yielded nothing. i'm sorry to ask for what is tech advice but maybe you can help me. all the best, pete
16 years ago
I can't believe it's not the real thing!
Christopher Soulos
16 years ago
Jesse, I like to have the bpm function but I do understand the spirit of this release. It's like my old one, except I don't have to take spare tapes to gigs with yours! FYI all replaced with a Boss RE-20 live now. Sounds the same, really. Plus Boss added Tap Tempo, extended delay time and a shortcut to self modulation. I'd say go for it! If you add bpm then make it look like you drilled a hole in the workshop to mod it. That would be cool. How about the Dimension D? A real one sells for about a grand even today. Can't wait to see the Moogerfoogers...
Jesse Voccia
16 years ago
I would love to see it!
16 years ago
Hi Jesse, This is a great effect. Love the look, feel and sound! I took the liberty of customizing your RE-201 for my personal use (including an analog looking sync box). If you like I can upload it to the library.
Jesse Voccia
16 years ago
What other features do you want? The original version I made had the bpm sync, but I thought it was more in the spirit of the original to leave it freehand. I am working on a prototype 501...with the sound on sound/chorus thing. The mode selector dial still is a mystery to me, the wrap function still escapes my understanding. I am also working on a CE-1. Basically Reaktorizing the entire UA product line! I also have a Moogerfooger Delay and Moogerfooger Murf coming soon. Built around Johnathan Style's Freqbox.
Christopher Soulos
16 years ago
Wow. I've been using this for a month and it's still my fave plugin. I got curious and got an old RE-201 and the new RE-20 to compare it. Yours has it's own sound. But it's still my go to effect when I'm in dub mode! In fact, it's in my standard setup template in Cubase 4. Will there be any further tweaks?
Christopher Soulos
16 years ago
BTW I use it as a plug-in in Cubase 4. Insert or Send effect, it works beautifully. Midi recall of all automation, cool! Thanks again.
Christopher Soulos
16 years ago
I used a real one for 5yrs and just bought the new RE-20 to replace it. This is a marvelously well thought out unit. I'm very pleased how it sits in my mixes and recordings. Well done and more deserved kudos. Now I have my old friend back!
Nick Petty
16 years ago
So So So nice!
16 years ago
This is a great instrument that surely took many unpaid hours to create, and I really appreciate the time and thought that went into this. Michat's original sounded fantastic and you've upped the ante. Thank you!
Laurent Levesque
16 years ago
Could'nt you just make an ens for us ? That would be cool and easier Thanks
Jesse Voccia
16 years ago
Find an ensemble you like (or an empty one) and go to the structure view (the one where you can see the wires connecting the different objects). Right click in an empty area and choose "insert instrument->open instrument" and navigate to where your downloaded the .ism. Then just wire up the ins and outs as you want them. In general... to be able to bring other ".ism"s into your ".ens"s you have to save the objects as ".ism" first, just right click on an object and choose "save instrument as". Then just follow the first procedure. I hope this helps.
Johnathan Strate-Hootman
16 years ago
The download is not an ensemble, it's an instrument file. This may be a dumb question, but how do I use this?
michael huckaby
16 years ago
Michael Wöstefeld
16 years ago
Hi Jesse, can´t wait to try it out! I´m glad you like my ME-201. My free time is very limited at the moment, but I hope I can check it out at the weekend. Greetings, Michat.
Fabio Ricci
16 years ago
Very great! The Design and the Quality !!
Michael Barker
16 years ago
Had a chance to check this out - skin aside (it's asking for trouble), I like your UA inspired effect panning addition to Michats Space Echo, and the bypass/muting is useful too (and the clever assigning of the modwheel to the echo volume, nice!). I like Spring Tank too, and I also tried subbing it for michat's reverb, it sounds good (nice setting you got there) but it's a bit dear on the CPU - I tend to run Michats space echo 101 style, with no reverb! Anyway, check out my michat space echo thread in the forums if you're curious about my own mic-hackery. Oh yes, and I second the request for a RE-501 model... or a 555 for that matter!
Christopher Soulos
16 years ago
Thanks for the hot up. And the skin? Well, only time will tell if you become famous at Roland or UA! Cheers
Ned Bouhalassa
16 years ago
Woah! Wicked!! Thank you very much for this beauty.
Michael Barker
16 years ago
Looking forward to checking this out, I've spent alot of time myself hacking michats space echo ensemble. I'm a little concerned about your pretty skin - it's not Roland who might be upset, it's universal audio!
Kimmo Kivelä
16 years ago
Hmm! Very well made UI. Have to see this. I mean hear.
Benjamin Suthers
16 years ago
thank u.
Phil Durrant
16 years ago
this is great and SOUNDS great. of course it looks wonderful as well, I am a big fan of the Michat range. please do a version of the Roland Chorus echo (RE-501), and you will make an old dub fanatic very happy.
Jonathan Style
16 years ago
Also you might want to change up that skin a bit. As cool as it is Roland might be a bit upset.
Jonathan Style
16 years ago
Run Stephan V's Sick Bastard through this W00H00!