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Block Drum Pack

Set of 5 Drum Blocks : Kick, Hat, Snare,Clap and Rim

(15 Votes)
1.2 (Updated 9 years ago)
December 28, 2015
Reaktor 6


5 Drum Blocks : Kick, Hat, Snare, Clap and Rim

Based on the classic Roland designs as described in the Sound on Sound : Synth Secrets articles.


Added modulation inputs for all controls on the Kick, also the Kick knobs have been replaced with some new one courtesy of Efflam Le Bivic's knob pack.

The snare has been reworked so it is somewhat improved. (Still not quite where I want it to be yet).


Added a Rim based on the Rim Shot Block by Rod Mod available here :

Some minor changes to output levels / control responses.
Increased emphasis on the 'roll' section of the Clap.


1 year ago
Thanks, this is cool! I set it up with select note gate so the notes trigger different drum sounds and then program a midi clip in Ableton. The only thing I couldn't figure out was how to get it to respond to MIDI velocity. I've been searching online and the manual, but I can't seem to figure it out.
5 years ago
VERY VERY VERY useful and sounds solid as…  Nice work sir.
jlk jlk
9 years ago
Forgot to say I was referring to the Kick block
jlk jlk
9 years ago
Thanks! Really great sounding block. I just have one question/issue : there seems to be an lfo auto moding the attack or the filtering i don't know. Is there is a way to make it keep the same sound (if there is no A/B mod) is possible? Thanks again!
Willie Lewis
9 years ago
Thanks Martin!! Looking forward to exploring the update - keep up the good work! :)
Martin Wood-Mitrovski
9 years ago
Ah, I'll look at adding the A/B mods asap. Thanks for the appreciation and info :)
Willie Lewis
9 years ago
The kick block is AMAZING on this- thanks! My mods A&B aren't available though, will that be an update?