Euclidean Polyplexor
8 Euclidean "Snaps-to-Keys" sequencers to drive Polyplex
v1.5 - GUI update (better integration with Polyplex)
New improved GUI by Emm@ Em
randoMation geiGer settings now stored with master snapshots
Tip: Use Panelset 3 for adding Polyplex and arranging the instruments, then store panalsets as required. Polyplex A looks best with Automatic Panel Layout on, Polyplex B looks better with it off.
Made all sequencers a little narrower, removed kb button (didn't do anything), remapped snapshots so I could control everything from 1 controller
C2 to B2 (white keys) - Polyplex kit variations
C3 to C4 (white keys) - Polyplex pads
D#4 to E5 (all keys) - Euclidean Polyplexor snap to keys snapshots
Reset automation IDs in all instruments
Added Rick Scott's randoMation geiGer instrument to randomize the Shift parameter in all sequencers. I got the idea from David Elson's PolyBiff ensemble. Each sequencer has its own randomator. Rick provides lots of Info Tips.
Added Mike Clarke's Midi Humanizer to randomize midi timing and velocity. Check Mike's info hints for instructions.
Duration and Velocity on all sequencers are now *not* stored in snapshots, Pitch already worked this way. Midi Humanizer settings are *not* stored in snapshots either. The intention is to have these work like global settings, so changing sequencer snapshots won't affect them.
New setup instructions - Open Euclidean Polyplexor, go to instrument view, import the Polyplex ensemble into it. Select Polyplex, go to properties, Connect tab. Midi in Internal has a select drop down, click it and select the Humanizer instrument. Connect the top 2 Polyplex outputs to the 2 output terminals. **Save as** and give it a new name. It will take a while to save, it now has the 500mb Polyplex ensemble in it.
v1.2 - fixed regression bug, midi channels not assigned
v1.1 - cosmetic update
Rearranged sequencer controls
Made sequencers a little narrower and arranged in 1 row so Polyplex could slip in below
Coloured the sequencers to roughly match Polyplex colours
I bought Polyplex yesterday and was looking for ways to trigger it. Happened to see Nadine's upload and watched the video, and came up with this idea. I'm not a Reaktor builder, this ensemble is made up of 8 un-modded versions of her ensemble (the fixed one). Each sequencer sends a midi note to trigger a pad in Polyplex, and receives midi on its own channel (1 to 8) so you can change snapshots for each sequencer/pad via midi keyboard. This ensemble doesn't make any sounds on its own, it just outputs midi. It has been configured to work with the default notes in Polyplex, but could be used with other sound sources. The snapshots provided work best around 60bpm.
Credit to Nadine @ NI, and Benjamin Kilchhofer, and anyone else who contributed to the development of the Euclidean sequencer, and of course, Euclid.