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Euclidean Polyplexor

8 Euclidean "Snaps-to-Keys" sequencers to drive Polyplex

(27 Votes)
1.5 (Updated 9 years ago)
November 27, 2015
Reaktor 6
Instrument Sequencer


v1.5 - GUI update (better integration with Polyplex)
New improved GUI by Emm@ Em
randoMation geiGer settings now stored with master snapshots
Tip: Use Panelset 3 for adding Polyplex and arranging the instruments, then store panalsets as required. Polyplex A looks best with Automatic Panel Layout on, Polyplex B looks better with it off.
Made all sequencers a little narrower, removed kb button (didn't do anything), remapped snapshots so I could control everything from 1 controller
C2 to B2 (white keys) - Polyplex kit variations
C3 to C4 (white keys) - Polyplex pads
D#4 to E5 (all keys) - Euclidean Polyplexor snap to keys snapshots
Reset automation IDs in all instruments
Added Rick Scott's randoMation geiGer instrument to randomize the Shift parameter in all sequencers. I got the idea from David Elson's PolyBiff ensemble. Each sequencer has its own randomator. Rick provides lots of Info Tips.
Added Mike Clarke's Midi Humanizer to randomize midi timing and velocity. Check Mike's info hints for instructions.
Duration and Velocity on all sequencers are now *not* stored in snapshots, Pitch already worked this way. Midi Humanizer settings are *not* stored in snapshots either. The intention is to have these work like global settings, so changing sequencer snapshots won't affect them.
New setup instructions - Open Euclidean Polyplexor, go to instrument view, import the Polyplex ensemble into it. Select Polyplex, go to properties, Connect tab. Midi in Internal has a select drop down, click it and select the Humanizer instrument. Connect the top 2 Polyplex outputs to the 2 output terminals. **Save as** and give it a new name. It will take a while to save, it now has the 500mb Polyplex ensemble in it.
v1.2 - fixed regression bug, midi channels not assigned
v1.1 - cosmetic update
Rearranged sequencer controls
Made sequencers a little narrower and arranged in 1 row so Polyplex could slip in below
Coloured the sequencers to roughly match Polyplex colours

I bought Polyplex yesterday and was looking for ways to trigger it. Happened to see Nadine's upload and watched the video, and came up with this idea. I'm not a Reaktor builder, this ensemble is made up of 8 un-modded versions of her ensemble (the fixed one). Each sequencer sends a midi note to trigger a pad in Polyplex, and receives midi on its own channel (1 to 8) so you can change snapshots for each sequencer/pad via midi keyboard. This ensemble doesn't make any sounds on its own, it just outputs midi. It has been configured to work with the default notes in Polyplex, but could be used with other sound sources. The snapshots provided work best around 60bpm.

Credit to Nadine @ NI, and Benjamin Kilchhofer, and anyone else who contributed to the development of the Euclidean sequencer, and of course, Euclid.


michael lancaster
1 year ago
All the midi outs are being sent to the outputs, you need to switch off the pads 1-8 from transmitting midi externally, so the humaniser is the only one transmitting to the external midi out,ie the pads feed the humaniser and that feeds the midi output
1 year ago
Has anyone managed to figure out how to prevent the humaniser doubling the midi notes??
shane robinson
5 years ago
loving this plugin but having issues. same as simon below. i am getting double midi messages which hurts my brain :(
Simon Parry
6 years ago
Really enjoying this plugin! However finding an issue when internally routing it with Ableton, it seems that the Humanizer doubles up the MIDI Messages, so samples are played twice - on the grid and on the swing? Any way to change this? Once again, really enjoying the plugin!
6 years ago
Fab. Thought of creating something similar, but you got here before me saving me lots of time and effort! Thanks.
XO / XOliver
7 years ago
Hi ! I don't understand how to use it in Maschine ... I've load 2 sessions of Reaktor, one with Polyplex (S1) and one with Euclidean Polyplexor (S2) in the same Group, I've put the midi destination of Euclidean Polyplexor on S1 (Polyplex) ... And nothing happen ... Could you help me please ? Thanks a lot ! :)
gökhan ciftci
7 years ago
could anyone can share the euclıdıan with polyplex i dont know how to patch it lol :D
Phil Price
7 years ago
Man.. ha ha.. this is awesome !! Cheers dude for putting this together. So, the other two modules Poly Geiger and Humaniser.. How do they both figure intothe equation?
Joshua Boden
7 years ago
This is amazing! Thank you so much everyone who put time into this! Question: I'm finding that after following instructions and getting polyplex and the seq to communicate that Seqs 3,5,6,and 8 are all triggering pad one on the poly. I have been attempting to figure out what the issue is. Could someone be so kind as to walk me through the fix?
Bart Leblans
7 years ago
Very nice!
7 years ago
how do you add Polyplex to this ensemble as Polyplex is already an ensemble ?
Senn Ulrich
8 years ago
Hi, I've bought Reaktor 6 and I'd like to run Euclidean Polyplexor with Polyplex. I've read the comments and descriptions but I didn't find any helpful how to hint. So would anyone of you be so kind to give me a step by step instruction on how I can use Polyplexor with midi out to drive other instruments and with Euclidean Polyplex? Thanks a lot.
8 years ago
I don't have REAKTOR and have never used it. Do I need purchase POLOPLEX to use this? Or is everything I need in this download?
Michael Bourne
8 years ago
This is amazing!! Steven Jurick read his description :) Thanks so much Jim Buttonshaw
Steven Jurick
8 years ago
How in the heck do you get sounds out of this thing?
Forrest Old
9 years ago
Standalone Polyplex pad mapping for some external controllers are an issue. This is a very nice "internal" solution for Polyplex instant gratification. Well done.
Jonathan Tremblay
9 years ago
Oh man this looks awesome, wish I had Reaktor 6 so I could play with it.
yannick Le Déan
9 years ago
Nice one! thanks a lot
Paul Weber
9 years ago
Hey Jim! Just wanted to tell you that this version is the real shiznit, man! (& apologies for the belated well deserved compliment)
Nadine @ NI
9 years ago
Thanks for removing the kb button Jim. Didn't have time last week to do that myself. Great additions regarding the shift randomizer and the keyboard mappings!
Emm@ Em
9 years ago
Sent. Added a few more tweaks.
9 years ago
Emm, nice job on the UI. Zip up your ensemble (without Polyplex) and email it to me at
Emm@ Em
9 years ago
Jim, I have done some UI edits. They are just look and feel so doesn't seem right to upload a completely new "fork". I can't see you on the forum so if you wanted to (completely up to you), I could get this file to you but don't know how. :-/ If you like the look of this let me know, very happy to contribute in whatever way I can. A snap of the GUI can be found here -
Emm@ Em
9 years ago
Yes yes yes yes yes. OK. I did not understand part of the geiGer section. It is in THERE that the randomisation of shift can be disabled/enabled. I understood the velocity and timing randomisation (lovely addition by the way, makes things so more musical), but the number of options for each parameter in geiGer is off-putting slightly at first and I missed the little white dot that tells which parameter is selected to "send to ...". Now I get it. Paul Weber, not sure if this helps, but while you cannot "sequence" each box in each rotator panel by turning them off / on by hand (which would defeat the purpose of the Euclidean *generator*), the ability to have stable, metronomic and predictable timing on elements (e.g. 4 on the floor kick if one wanted) just needs the geiGer randomiser deselected for the panel number in question. Not sure if that helps, but it did help me. Hope it helps someone else. :-) Sorry for the spam, I can't edit my previous post. Love this a lot. Nadine, Jim, Ben etc - you rock my world. Thanks.
Emm@ Em
9 years ago
Lovely. I really like this. Thank you Jim (and all other contributors) for your creative work on this and putting all the elements together. One thing I would LOVE to have, but am not yet skilled enough to do myself, is to have a toggle to enable/disable the randomiser on the shift function on each rotator. I can't see a way to have them stay at a constant shift factor, they are always randomising. Being able to have the ability to dial in a specific (and constant) shift for some sounds, and randomising shift for other sounds would be incredible. I would happily contribute this if I knew how.
Nadine @ NI
9 years ago
Great addition regarding the Humanzier Jim!
9 years ago
Paul, you're reading my mind. I'm in the process of adding Midi Humanizer which randomizes note length, start time and velocity. This should help alleviate that pesky stiffness.
Paul Weber
9 years ago
Heh...was about to ask you to implement some kind of groove/shuffle control to be able to take the edge off that euclidean stiffness... ;-) Thank anyway- it's fun-a-plenty!
9 years ago
Hi Paul, glad you got it working. The newer version now has the output terminals. You are correct, you can't edit hits on the clock, that is how the original works, and I don't have the programming skills to improve it. You can use the shift dial to alter the starting location of the notes, this provides some flexibility, but real precision isn't possible.
Paul Weber
9 years ago
Jim: than you for the pointers. Went with route #1 as I'm running it within Numerology. Just FYI I needed to add the output terminals as no sound was output (which is somewhat logical since this end does not make any noise by itself). Another quirk is that I can't seem to be able to edit the single hits within the "clocks". Lets say I have a FILL value of 2: I can't place those 2 hits where I'd need them most but they seem to be assigned automatically. Maybe this is done on purpose? Cheers, Paul
Greg Killmaster
9 years ago
I got it to work in Live and Bitwig. In Bitwig, the MIDI gets passed through from the Euclidean Polyplexor to Polyplex just by putting it on the same track as the first device.
9 years ago
Another way to set this up in a DAW is to open 2 instances of Reaktor, load Euclidean Polyplexor into 1 and Polyplex into the other. Then route the midi accordingly. This approach may give move flexibility for routing midi ins to whichever ensemble you desire.
9 years ago
Hi Paul, I did it the other way around and it worked fine. Open Euclidean Polyplexor, go to instrument view, import the Polyplex ensemble into it. Select Polyplex, go to properties, connect tab. Midi in Internal has a select drop down, open it and select the 8 Pad instruments there. You have to click the drop down 8 times to select all 8. **Save as** and give it a new name. It will take a while to save, it now has the 500mb Polyplex ensemble in it.
Paul Weber
9 years ago
Hi Jim - I'm stumped and polyperplexed.... I do have Polyplex and I have imported your euclidean funkymagjick within the ensemble but - nothing's happening. BTW and FWIW Polyplex doesn't seem to allow me to select an internal midi inputs so there appears to be no manner to hook it up internally...¿hm?
9 years ago
Nadine, I guess I fulfilled your closing remarks from the video very nicely. This ensemble solved a problem for me, and may be useful for others. I've downloaded hundreds of ensembles from the user library, it's great to be able to give something back. Thank you.
Nadine @ NI
9 years ago
Jim, this might be interesting for you ;)
Ricardo Martins
9 years ago
Also works great in Ableton if you send the midi to a drum rack!!! Simple but effective !!!
Nadine @ NI
9 years ago
Great idea Jim. Looking forward to trying this out, thanks for this.