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Instrument Browser 1.6.0

Added support for blocks created with Reaktor 6.1.1

(70 Votes)
Colugo _
1.6.0 (Updated 7 years ago)
November 02, 2015
Reaktor 6


* Please report bugs on GitHub *

This is a Reaktor instrument browser, designed for working with Reaktor 6 blocks. It can be used to browse regular instruments too as long as they meet the requirements (see info below). Only works with instruments generated with Reaktor 6 and up.


Paste your block library directories into the field on the options screen. On Windows the factory library is typically installed to ':\Users\Public\Documents\Reaktor Blocks\Library' and your user library is typically at ':\Users\YourName\Documents\Native Instruments\Reaktor 6\Library\Blocks'.

Start typing letters to filter the block list! The filter text will be matched against instrument names, and also the names of the subdirectories up to 3 levels above each instrument. For example, type "Euro Reakt" to list all of the Euro Reakt blocks, or "bento" for all the Bento blocks.

Click on a block to add it to the current ensemble.

Information for block developers

If your block shows up without an icon it's because you didn't add a panel icon to the main instrument module.

Blocks must have a background image otherwise they won't show up at all. This is because of the way the *.ism files are parsed - we search the file byte by byte for recognisable patterns of data and the background image serves as a handy anchor from which the rest of the information is derived. For implementation details see ismsnoop (

If your block has a background image and still doesn't show up, it's probably a problem with the *.ism parser. Please submit an issue!

Usually when NI releases a new version of Reaktor any new blocks created with that version will fail to parse, because the format of the *.ism files changes slightly. In this case an update to the *.ism parser is required. Please bug me until I do it (or do it yourself and submit a pull request ;) )


Stephan Bobinger
5 years ago
Any plans to update it to work with newer Blocks from 6.3.1? I get a lot of error messages for newer Blocks
Plamen Valchev
5 years ago
Great Browser. Thanks!
Adam Guth
6 years ago
I'm sorry. OS X 10.13.6
Adam Guth
6 years ago
Hm. I'm only getting a few blocks to show up from my User Blocks folder. Reaktor 6.2.2. Any ideas? Thanks!
Elias Chokeir
7 years ago
holy crap this thing is amazing
F. Fruklushnube
7 years ago
Sorting with directories would be cool
Peter Bullard
7 years ago
Fantastic - shame NI has not implemented it.
fred noel
7 years ago
Finally got it to work… sooo precious !! thx a lot :)
Rowan Eldritch
7 years ago
Very useful, thanks!
Donald Martin
7 years ago
is V1.6 only for mac OS X 10.11?
Vaughn Stegeman
7 years ago
So, it appears that this does not work when using Reaktor within a DAW. I'm using Reaper. When I tried to use this Instrument Browser, it opened the standalone version of Reaktor rather than putting my selections into my opened version within my DAW. Is this a known issue, and is there a way around that? Aside from that foible, this is pretty awesome.
david goodman
7 years ago
for anyone having problems with adding correct path on osx, get info on the folder via finder and then in general, where: copy and paste this info. hope this is clear
Malte Klima
7 years ago
Great tool! Thank you for your excellent work!
Simon Rutter
7 years ago
Thanks so much Colugo! You're a star :-)
Brett Lavallee
7 years ago
Thank you
Colugo _
7 years ago
Updated to support blocks created with Reaktor 6.1.1
Colugo _
7 years ago
Will release an update soon with support for blocks created with Reaktor v6.1.1
Stephan Bobinger
7 years ago
Update needed Cant read the some updated Blocks from Snite Collection
Itamar Rosenblum
7 years ago
Very helpful, thank you very much!!! Is there any way to choose multiple block in the browser to send to Reaktor insread of doing it one by one? If there isn't it would be great to have the ability to do that. Thank you very much.
Simon Rutter
7 years ago
@Raphael Doe Same here. Just getting "Failed to Load ismsnoop.dll" which is a shame. Any chance for a cheeky fix, @Colugo _?
Raphael Doe
7 years ago
Not working with blocks saved under 6.1.1
michael möschler
8 years ago
Rui Lopes
8 years ago
i really need to wait for x64 or there is a way to work with this on a windows 7 x64 ?
Eanna Butler
8 years ago
Great job! Thank you very much! :-)
rui da silva
8 years ago
this is fantastic..thank you... is there anything similar for ensembles?
Malte Klima
8 years ago
Problem solved! Just right click on a file.ism and chose open with and then mark the Reaktor and activate always open with. That's it!
Malte Klima
8 years ago
Great tool, but if I click on a block to load, the Instrument Browser always open Reaktor 5. Any suggestion how I can solve this problem? I work on a Mac. Thank you for some help!
Michael Fitzsimmons
8 years ago
One of the handiest things I've gotten hold of in quite a while - thank you very much!
Jon Grönvall
8 years ago
Oh wow, this is brilliant, helps immensely in using the current Blocks collections
Aaron Hemeon
8 years ago
So helpful. Thanks
Colugo _
8 years ago
v1.5.0 should support any new blocks created with Reaktor v6.0.3. If you find a block that doesn't show up please report it here:
Colugo _
8 years ago
FYI i think this won't work with new blocks created with reaktor 6.0.3 because the file format has changed. Hopefully I'll get a chance to fix this soon
christian ds
8 years ago
Thank you very much for this and all your other ensembles. Top Quality!
James Donahue
8 years ago
This is nice, but it would be so much more useful with the ability to drag and drop the blocks into a DAW. I rarely if ever use the stand alone version. Anyway, many thanks!
John Wise
8 years ago
Something that would be incredibly helpful to me regarding the Instrument Browser is for the main "Info" field of Blocks to popup up when I hover over them. Sometimes and especially while I'm still learning this stuff....if I could see what a "Pickle" "Alien Intellect" "Rotraut" or "Knuertznankel" does without having to open it first I would be much faster on assembling Ensembles.
Todd Krupa
8 years ago
Thank you for this and all your other work. I mention you to students all the time. Would love to see a drag and drop for work in Live etc. As is a great solution, I hope NI recognizes it and gives you props.
Adam Parker
8 years ago
Hmm. I've just downloaded this for OS X and it's not detecting any instruments in the blocks directories that I've set. Any ideas on how to get this working? Looks super useful!
GG.G SakabeaT
8 years ago
love it,man... thx.
Diego Ghiddini
8 years ago
Thanks for this ,i use the OSX version , i' like i.e. it a tool much :9 i'bve a request : is possible have a number thea show how many block there are in the library ?
Colin Webber
8 years ago
I had some old .ism instruments in one of the directories (OSX) and they came up as unreadable. I removed that directory from the list, but the Instrument Browser crashes during startup. Can I clear the list and start again somehow?
Colugo _
8 years ago
thank you daniel and bruno for their assistance in getting an OSX version out ;)
Daniel Hatadi
8 years ago
I've built an OSX version of this and added the pull request. You can find it here:
Kai Handberg
8 years ago
Fantastic. Thank you!
John Wise
8 years ago
I didn't know there was a search function until I visited your Github page and saw the invisible box....oh the sad truth in RTFM - had I only read the third paragraph on my left :) Feature request: It would be great if the browser remembered its last state so if I prefer multi-column display it stays that way.
John Wise
8 years ago
Please tag this a Block - it's amazingly helpful and I only found it because I was scanning everything you work on. Btw, there are a bunch of blocks that are not being rendered. Sure would be nice if we could let others know what they are doing wrong in that their Blocks are not rendered.
Efflam Le Bivic
8 years ago
too bad it is not tagged a block. A lot of people may never find it.
MPad Electronix
9 years ago
c0_0L thx!! der knaller :) 1+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !
Omar Misa
9 years ago
WOW! Super helpful! Thanks Colugo!
Lee Hume
9 years ago
Would love this on OSX
Martin Géč
9 years ago
It would indeed be nice to have it on OSX. :-)
Colugo _
9 years ago
This is probably done now unless anyone reports any bugs. I would still like to release an OSX version but unfortunately don't have access to a mac, so it's in someone else's hands :)
Colugo _
9 years ago
v1.3.1 - Fixed that bug you might have noticed where block icons get stuck or misaligned, Added a right-click menu to the icons, and minor cosmetic changes.
Colugo _
9 years ago
you're welcome ;)
Martin Wood-Mitrovski
9 years ago
YES! This is beautiful with 2 monitors. 1 for the block browser and the other for reaktor. Now I just need all the block creators to add custom icons :) Thanks again for the tool.
Colugo _
9 years ago
v1.3 - Added a multi-row view mode
Martin Wood-Mitrovski
9 years ago
Brilliant idea and works perfectly here. A grid view would be cool. I'd consider trying to add it myself but my C++ skills are so rusty i'd probably lose a finger or two. :)
Starik Gen
9 years ago
I should be built in reaktor from the start with automatic updating of the blocks new versions, kind of github .
Colugo _
9 years ago
lol what
dj mani
9 years ago
So you're trying to turn Reaktor into windows 8/10 NO, stupid idea
Colugo _
9 years ago
v1.2 adds a search function. works well with block packs such as Euro Reakt and Inifinite Phi
Thomas Helzle
9 years ago
Brilliant! This shows that NI should think about a visual browser for blocks (and maybe ensembles too). Names are not always that helpful...
Colugo _
9 years ago
v1.1 - I've added some better error reporting so if you're having trouble getting blocks to show up it should be more obvious what the issue is.
Christian Linder
9 years ago
realy realy nice! works like a charm and that your app opens the specific Reaktor instrument, is the icing on the cake.
Colugo _
9 years ago
maybe i should start a thread for this. wasn't sure if there would be much interest when I uploaded it
Colugo _
9 years ago
@rick scott hmmmm does it work with your user library instead? Next version I'll add some error reporting to the instrument loader so that we have a some clue of what's going wrong. At the moment this is really just a prototype.
Rick Scott
9 years ago
Sounds cool, but I can't get it to work. My factory library is installed to the default location, but any variant of C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reaktor Blocks\Library that I enter in the Options page displays no blocks in the main page. Help?
Jonathan Canupp
9 years ago
I'm always excited to see external tools/extensions for Reaktor and this certainly seems promising. I forked the repository and am going to try to build it for OSX. Thank you for creating such a useful tool!
m9 cao
9 years ago
cool, please add multiple folder view o(^▽^)o
Christian Huygen
9 years ago
It's a cool way of just gloating over one's growing Block collection, too. (I didn't know what to do or how to install it and then I double clicked on the InstrumentBrowser and bam, it did its thing.) (Navigate to your Blocks director, and right click in the address window, and you can select Copy Address, and then paste that into the settings window of InstrumentBrowser.)
John Smith
9 years ago
Seems pretty cool. I'm an OS X developer but never heard of JUCE... but hearing about it, it seems very interesting and useful for an entirely unrelated project I'm working on :-)
Colugo _
9 years ago
Very cool B) I've tested it with around ~100 blocks. How many do you have? Also reaktor 5 instruments and lower are unlikely to work.
Joey Valizan
9 years ago
Very cool, Colugo. I added my user library, worked for a second and it crashed. Maybe too many instruments?