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Blocks - The Infinite Phi Collection

All my blocks in one place.

(105 Votes)
1.91 (Updated 7 years ago)
October 29, 2015
Reaktor 6


Inspired by Michael Hetrick's wonderful Euro Reakt set, I thought I'd collect my Blocks-related work in one place, and just maintain this in the future. More to come later. In-deeeed.

I happily offer my work for free, but if you want to buy me a cup of tea or something, I won't stop you--


Trashy Room: D'oh! fixed a dumb bug that would cause extreme feedback with some settings.

Steiner-Parker Filter: An odd little 12dB/oct multimode filter with separate inputs to the low-, high-, and bandpass topologies with a common output. Based on this paper:
Filter Bank: Prompted by a recent conversation with a friend about the rarity of fixed filter banks in software (vis a vis graphic EQs), I made a "real" filter bank based on the Doepfer A-128.
Trashy Room: A room simulator loosely based on an algorithm used in the Ursa Major Space Station (although by no means an emulation): A modified semi-excerpt from a much larger forthcoming project.

Scatter: Did some slight GUI work and tweaked the type 2 algorithm a little (although it still is super crappy in a hopefully interesting way!)
Fixed a bunch of minor stuff, e.g., automation labels, typos, etc.
Housecleaning stuff--removed a few blocks I either didn't like very much or were heavily based on others' work which I don't feel I put enough into to merit inclusion under my own banner.
Probably other stuff I can't remember!

M/S Tone: A simple mid/side converter with low- and highpass filters for each channel.
Junatik Filter: I've always liked the basic character of the filter from Junatik, although it's aged about as well as most of the R4 library; so this is a semi-port of that with which I also took a crack at emulating the Juno-106's passive HPF (for which I used Colin Brown's excellent detented knob for the UI).
Physical Modeling blocks: No prizes for sussing these are based on Chet Singer's Ampere library. Several are more or less direct ports, while others took a little more effort to get fully functional, and I've taken pains to optimize some of those big parallel structures as much as possible. Included are the Bow, Fan, Hammer, and Scraper exciters and Single Mode, Harmonic, Bar, and Wooden Body resonators.

Tons of what is mostly minutia. I'm afraid I don't recall specifics--the last year has been a long and busy one, so music and Reaktor building hasn't been a priority. I know I updated some displays when antialiased lines were added to display elements.

Crossover: 3-way, 12dB/oct crossover with polarity inversion on each band.
Slew Limiter: Slew limiter with a control for up time, down time, or both. Loosely based on a design by Chet Singer.
Frequency shifter: Simple frequency shifter with adjustable range and separate outputs for up- and downshifted signals.

FM Oscillator: Replaced chromatic tuning controls with ratio controls, which was a very silly oversight.

Vitaverb: An updated, block-ified version of the old reverb of the same name originally by Vitaly Zolotarev.

FM Oscillator & Multi Sine Fuzz: Added automation labels and cleaned up some minor graphics stuff. Whoops.

FM Oscillator: Basic DX-style sine wave oscillator for honest-to-goodness phase modulation.
Multi Sine Fuzz: sin(xn)/n waveshaper, wherein the number of instrument voices changes the character of the distortion effect.

Orrery: A modulation processor inspired by Arturia's 'galaxy' modulator which maps a pair of inputs to coordinates of a plane, which can be rotated.

Envelope Follower: Pretty much what you'd expect. Just a simple, 1-knob envelope follower.
Scatter: A stereo delay with a pitch shifter of questionable quality in the feedback path ('cause I like the aesthetic of crappy pitch effects, and they're fairly light on CPU). All in all, pretty useful for fluttery, abstract textures.

- Microwave Oscillator: Fixed a bug where bipolar FM signals would kind of make things go off the rails. This was a rather dumb failure of due diligence on my part, mea culpa.
- Supersaw Oscillator: Fixed a bug with the detune control failing to update.
Thanks to Raphael Doe and Mark Williamson for letting me know about these.

- Stereo Chorus: Another Ampere semi-port using an arbitrary number of modulated delay lines controlled by the number of instrument voices, 'cause I've been really missing a dedicated lush chorus effect amongst the Blocks library.

- Pendulum: Optimized CPU consumption considerably, and made it produce discrete trigger events in a much less asinine way.
- Phaser: Added an off switch by request.
- Microwave Oscillator: A number of extremely minor under-the-hood fixes.

- Variophon Oscillator: This is a semi-port from Ampere based on the tone generation of a German synthesizer from the '70s ( which varies pulse width based on pitch to impose a static formant structure in order to mimic a variety of brass and reed instruments. The hardware also makes use of parallel low-, band-, and highpass filters which I have not replicated, and probably won't unless I can find some good information on how they're voiced. Still subject to change: the triangular pulse works okay, but is kind of messy in its current state; also, I am considering approaches to morph between rectangular and sinusoidal pulses per the hardware.
I haven't really intended to update this set in the piecemeal way I've been doing, but I haven't had as much time lately to devote to tinkering. Sorry 'bout that.

- Phaser: Monaural phaser based on the MXR Phase-90. I'm actually very surprised at how close this sounds to my hardware unit with the controls in their neutral positions. I've included controls for center frequency, range, and feedback which the pedal lacks, given it 2-, 6-, 8-, and 12-stage modes in addition to the hardware's 4, and popped in an inlet for modulation via an external signal. Really proud of this one.

- Pendulum: Fixed some misaligned graphics. Whoops.

- C3379 Filter: A 24dB/oct filter based on my ESQ-1's (not 100% perfect; pretty darn close). It has an interesting sound in that it does not self-oscillate; and resonance has a cool nasal character and does not attenuate the pass band.
- Comb Filter: A straightforward port of the Ampere Modular comb filter using ZDF components.
- Noise: Pretty much what you'd expect. Borrows Michael Hetrick's grey noise and Colin Brown's pink noise implementations.
- Blank panels: For keeping your modules lined up and pretty.

- Most stuff has undergone minor graphic/textual updates and/or small bugfixes.
- The Ring Mod has been streamlined somewhat under the hood.
- OSC 5: Edited version of one of the factory Blocks that reduces aliasing in the highest octaves.


Sandy Small
3 months ago
Haven't been around these parts in a while... David X, if you're still out there, yes, I'd be happy to contribute my work to such a project as long as I'm credited. :)
David X
5 years ago
Hi Sandy, I'm thinking about putting together a free 'Community Pack' of blocks for Reaktor 6.3 Patch & Play, would you be interested in adding some of your blocks to the pack? See this thread here:
F. Fruklushnube
5 years ago
I did not success creating a brute factor (feedback) effect with the Steiner Parker filter but this is a very good filter anyway
Fernando Ontiveros
5 years ago
I need a handler or partner, I'm the best musician in the world :), I like beer and smoke from dawn to dusk,
Petr Machacek
5 years ago
thank you very much.
mohbub hossain
6 years ago
Gustavo Elizondo
7 years ago
Hola Sandy, I love your microwave block and it is my favorite oscillator. But it always bothered me that the wavetable selection is with a knob, so I decided to make a modification where you select the wavetables from a list. If you'd like I could upload this modified version.
Jonathan Tremblay
7 years ago
More to play with :)
Brett Lavallee
7 years ago
Wow, lots of great new stuff. Thanks.
Matthew Friedrichs
8 years ago
I love the look of the new blocks. It's always great to see an update from you!
Sandy Small
8 years ago
Thanks, Michael! Um, Dr. Hetrick.
Michael Hetrick
8 years ago
Awesome! Welcome back!
Jon Grönvall
8 years ago
Excellent and useful effects, thank you!
Warren Christiansen
8 years ago
Great work!
John Wise
8 years ago
Somebody needs to start the Small, Hetrick, Lavallee, Friedrichs, and Colugo fan club as the five of you have really pushed the level of fun and inspiration that I'm getting on a daily basis from Reaktor. Thanks to all of you.
Sandy Small
8 years ago
Thanks very much for the kind words, although, to be clear, Vitaverb is a (very) slightly tweaked version on the reverb of the same name by Vitaly Zolotarev. He really deserves all the credit for that one.
Nick Dwyer
8 years ago
Hey Sandy, thanks for this ace collection of inspiring blocks. I think your Vitaverb is as good as any reverb gets, rich, warm and deep. Your Stutter box is fascinating and has set me off on an ambient and evolving sound collection.. Used both recently on Darkscape (on here) and linked to your page here on my website. Once again: Thanks!
Ricky Evans
9 years ago
I'm only really using your FM block at the moment as it seems to be the one one that actually phase modulates! Do you know of anyway to convert the sine output to something like a triangle or sawtooth? I can get closeish through waveshaping, but not the real deal.
Ricky Evans
9 years ago
Ah ok...any chance of different waveforms in the future? ;)
Sandy Small
9 years ago
Ricky Evans - Thanks for the kind words. Yeah, it's just sine waves.
Ricky Evans
9 years ago
I love the FM block. Awesome with the ratios. It there any way of changing the waveform it produces or is it purely sine waves?
Matthew Friedrichs
9 years ago
Thanks for the fast response. I look forward to using Audio Term to generate some new wavetables. :) Also, that FM block is amazing! I am looking forward to your next oscillator.
Omar Misa
9 years ago
Beautiful set of blocks, Sandy. I too love the Microwave Oscillator and Vitaverb. i love the third dimension Orrery offers too!
Sandy Small
9 years ago
I exported raw data from Nave, which are mostly raw PCM data. There was some header information to clean up, and I had to experiment a bit with byte order and so forth for each, and ultimately stitched the whole shebang together in Audacity. I believe (working from memory, and it's been a while) the full table is comprised of 65 tables consisting of 64 x 128-sample waves.
Matthew Friedrichs
9 years ago
Thanks for the continued work on your spectacular collection of blocks! :) The Microwave Oscillator is a favorite of mine. What program did you use to generate the large wavetable that is the core of the oscillator? I know that I can import a .wav to replace it with my own sample, but knowing the sample length of each single cycle, the number of single cycles per wavetable, and the total number of wavetables would be very helpful for generating a replacement .wav. It would be cool to update the instrument info tab with this information.
Brett Lavallee
9 years ago
The FM oscillator and Vitaverb sound very good, thank you for all your work.
Bokeh Dreamer
9 years ago
Thank you so much for all your work Sandy! :D i'm fairly new to "building things" in Reaktor but i have always LOVED the unique sound capabilities of this most AWESOME tool. I only wish i better understood the process of putting together my own arrangements of blocks :P
Thala Estra
9 years ago
Thanks Sandy! everything sounds just beautiful. this is a collection with it`s own charme.
Miles Davies
9 years ago
Thanks for your generosity. Specially like you microwave oscillator.
Marcus Friedrich
9 years ago
Many thanks Sandy :-) english is very bad thats why i wrote in german :-D ..i'm lucky with your answer....thats exact what i want to hear :-) (hope you understand my horrible english :-/ ) btw. all thumbs up for your work....i dont like reaktor 6 (design isnt my favourite) but your creations are very nice
Sandy Small
9 years ago
Marcus - I'm afraid you'll have to make do with Google Translate or something as I don't speak German. Anyway, I don't have a set approach--a few are based on academic papers; a few are based heavily on factory content (OSC 5--essentially a bugfix--Cascade filter, Envelope Follower) or on other builders' fine work (Variophon osc, Comb Filter, Tone Stack, Ring Mod, Noise); some (i.e. uWave osc, phaser, CEM filter) are based on hardware I own, for which I'll pore over schematics and service manuals, and take plenty of measurements (e.g., in the case of the phaser, I built the basic structure based on the in-depth circuit analysis at; then looked over a bunch of test recordings of my pedal on a spectrogram, did a polynomial regression in Excel to mimic the sweep of the frequency control, and massaged the LFO's output till it gave me the appropriate range of one decade peak-to-peak; then I patched a guitar through Reaktor into my amp and A/B'ed it with the hardware and tweaked values here and there until I found them acceptably difficult to distinguish); others are just oddities I built more or less intuitively, which mostly just involves a lot of trial & error. I should also mention I've cribbed a bunch of low-level stuff I use frequently--modulo, phase accumulators, etc.--from salamanderanagram as well. I hope that answers your question adequately--if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.
Colugo _
9 years ago
love these blocks :)
Marcus Friedrich
9 years ago
etwas vertippt....:-( Anhang: Ich habe bewusst noch NICHTS veröffentlicht da ich meine Kreationen zu meinem Eigengebrauch verwende....Diese unterscheiden sich gänzlich von ALLEM was es so gibt und da ich Macros nicht "locken" kann (weiss nicht wie), wie z.b. Tube,Monark und andere Macros/Ens.,werde ich auch kein Ens,Macro hochladen :-(
Marcus Friedrich
9 years ago
Hallo Sandy Small! Mich würde mal interessieren,wie Sie Ihre Algorithmen programmieren! Ich selber entwickelte über die Jahre mehr als 50 Effekte und unzählige Synth's,Musikprogramme und diverse Masteringtools! Da Sie aber in Ihrer Sache sehr fortgeschritten sind,würde ich mich freuen diesbezüglich eine Antwort zu erhalten! (Wenn dies,falls Sandy der deutschen Sprache nicht mächtig ist,es in Englisch übersetzen könnte wäre ich mehr als dankbar :-) )
Raphael Doe
9 years ago
Thanks Sandy. For example it happens when connecting a basic LFO to FM input and modulating LFO's Shape after a little time (at least here, don't know if other people experienced same behaviour).
Sandy Small
9 years ago
Raphael & Mark -- I wasn't aware of either of these issues. Thanks for bringing them to my attention, I'll look into ASAP, although I will be pretty busy the next few days.
Raphael Doe
9 years ago
Great work! Did you fix the silence bug with Microwave OSC when it receives abrupt signal changes through FM input?
Mark Williamson
9 years ago
arg no edit - I meant detune not mix in the last comment
Mark Williamson
9 years ago
this is great. Really like this way of packaging - makes it so much easier to drop in a new version. I found a wee bug - in the supersaw oscillator it if you change the mix but trigger the same note again it doesn't respond. If you press a different note the mix will change (presume this playing the same pitch but just triggering via midi just this second)
Brett Lavallee
9 years ago
Glad to see this collection growing. I finally got the chance to try out Pendulum, it is a very cool block. I can't wait to see what else you make. Thanks a lot for your work.
Timo Hohnholz
9 years ago
Wow! Great sutff!!! Just created a sequenced synth with 3 Microwave OSCs, Monark Filter, and modulated the hell out of it with the help of Step Sequencer, OSCs and Envelopes. ;-)
Frank Berend
9 years ago
Nice work with the phaser!! Keep the guitar pedals coming! But is there anyway to put a bypass button on the blocks?
yerry feldstein
9 years ago
I like their accuracy! Thanks!
9 years ago
thank you
John Smith
9 years ago
david brymer
9 years ago
The collections concept is really rad, in that you can go in and play with someone else's modular without disrupting their own work. Dig it.
Tommi Theatralo
9 years ago
i am in love with your microwave oscillator.. thanx a lot
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Woo! Instant download.