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Blocks - Euro Reakt 4.3

140+ Blocks for Modular Sound Design and Composition

(386 Votes)
4.3 (Updated 7 years ago)
October 21, 2015
Reaktor 6


Donations: I have removed all links for personal donations. Please see for ways that you can help the hurricane relief effort instead. I live in Houston and it pains me to see how much destruction has occurred in this wonderful place.

The complete collection of Michael Hetrick's Euro Reakt Blocks, now in one easy-to-download package. All future updates and Blocks will be posted here. Please scroll down for an up-to-date changelog.

Intro Native Sessions video:
Unfiltered Audio:

Euro Reakt is a series of Blocks inspired by many decades of modular synthesizer innovation. These Blocks focus on the aspects of modular synthesis that make it so popular and unique, including generative composition, wild multi-out effects, intense modulations, and deep control. You'll find a Low-Pass Gate, a Wavefolder, a Probability Router, an all-in-one Drum voice, an 8-way Switch, a complex AD Envelope, a Frequency Shifter, a Quadrature LFO, Wavetable Distortion, Boolean Logic calculators, and much, much more.

This collection of Blocks will remain free. A separate edition that supports Reaktor 6.3 will be available through Unfiltered Audio (

Euro Reakt Changelog
4.3 (08/29/2017)
(AKA The "Harvey Relief" Update)
I have removed all links for personal donations. Please see for ways that you can help the hurricane relief effort instead.
- NEW BLOCK: Decaying Sine. This is a simple percussion Block with a triggered sine wave.
- NEW BLOCK: BPing. This is another simple percussion Block built around pinging a resonant BP filter with a noise burst.
- NEW BLOCK: Subharmonic Generator. This is a simple effect that adds various amount of clock divided square waves to an input signal. It can be used to reinforce the bottom end of an oscillator.
- NEW BLOCK: Divine CMOS. This is a super Subharmonic Generator inspired by the Nonlinear Circuits module of the same name. Essentially, two subharmonic generators are tangled together with a boolean logic processor.
- NEW BLOCK: Quantussy. This is a port of Richard Brewster's excellent Audulus emulation of the Ciat Lonbarde "Quantussy" ( The Quantussy is the modulation heart of the Cocoquantus delay. It consists of five triangle oscillators that modulate each other in a feedback network.
- NEW(ish) BLOCK: Rungler Oscillator Mk. 2. This is the Rungler Oscillator, but with added PW parameters and Pulse outputs for both oscillators.
- UPGRADE: Added a manual Gate button and indicator to Karplus. Removed the separate INT/EXT and noise select controls, which are now replaced with one selector. COLOR has a more dramatic effect.
- FIX: Karplus knobs were missing automation names and documentation.

4.2 (04/03/2017)
(AKA The "Gate Schwifty" Update)
The latest set of Unfiltered Audio builds has been turned in (lots of new stuff coming!), so I found some time to tackle some sequencing Blocks that I've been meaning to write. I've also updated the dissertation to reflect the required formatting.
- NEW BLOCK: Accumulator. This Block has gates for Add and Subtract. When a gate is received, the value set by DEPTH is added to or subtracted from the current output. A Reset gate sets the output to 0, while a Drunk gate randomly adds or subtracts. There are both Stepped and Slewed outputs. When combined with a Quantizer, this can create very fun arpeggiated sequences.
- NEW BLOCK: Rotator. This is a Block I've been meaning to add for a long time! This takes up to 8 inputs and rotates them around 8 outputs. It is inspired by the 4ms Rotating Clock Divider, but it is more generic and can rotate any set of inputs.
- NEW BLOCK: ES-5 Converter. This Block takes in 8 gates and encodes them for use with the Expert Sleepers ES-5 gate expander. It is a simplified version of the ES-4/5 encoder by bendedavis (, and is intended only for setups with one expander connected.
- UPGRADE: Added a Toggle gate and button to Binary Gate. This Block should now be functionally equivalent to Max and PD's Toggle object. I have also added an "Inv. Gate" output that is the opposite of the main gate.
- UPGRADE: Added Phase and Active outputs to Gate Delay. The Active output provides a gate that goes high when an input gate is received and goes low when the delay is finished.

4.15 (02/18/2017)
(AKA The "Bug Blast and Bonus Block" Update)
- NEW BLOCK: 8 Bit Cipher. This is a shift register sequencer from Nonlinear Circuits that provides 9 gates and 4 stepped CV outputs.
- FIX: SumSyn Oscillator produced a NaN value when BRIGHT was set to 1.0.
- FIX: Fixed automation mapping names for BOOLs, Hold & Slew, and Exponent.

4.1 (01/30/2017)
(AKA The "Life After School" Update)
This update includes the filed draft of my dissertation (under Documentation).
- NEW BLOCK: Hold & Slew. This is an expanded version of Sandy Small's Slew Limiter crossed with the Standard Library's Sample & Hold, the Serge Stepped/Smooth Generator, and Make Noise Function. The input runs through a hold circuit that switches between T&H and S&H behavior. It then runs through a slew circuit with independent control of rise and fall times. The slew circuit has a comparator at the end that fires a gate when the target voltage and slewed voltage are nearly equal.
- NEW BLOCK: BOOLs. This is a direct emulation of the Nonlinear Circuits BOOLs module. Four inputs are used to determine four logical gate outputs. The gate outputs are summed together to create a stepped sequence. The stepped sequence is then slewed to create an additional smooth output.
- NEW BLOCK: Exponent. Warps any signal to exponential or logarithmic behavior. This is intended for modulation, but it can be used as an audio waveshaper as well.
- UPGRADE: Added a three way noise switch and external input to Hi-Hats 2.0.
- UPGRADE: Added Sine and Cosine oscillator outputs to Frequency Shifter.
- UPGRADE: Added a Dir. Change output to Delta that fires a trigger whenever the input signal changes direction.
- UPGRADE: Added a Crossing output to Comparator that fires a trigger whenever the input signal crosses the threshold in either direction.
- UPGRADE: Added a "XOR RING" mode to Bit Mix 32. It is a crude ring modulator built using XOR logic. This technique is found on modules like the Hertz Donut (the center output between the two oscillators).

- FIX: Increased the gate threshold on Clap, Drum, Hi-Hats, Hi-Hats 2.0, Karplus, Resonating Bar, Resonating Wood, and Snare. This should prevent accidental triggers from happening when using external audio signals as trigger sources.

4.0 (12/03/2016)
(AKA The "Dr. Hetrick" Update)
This massive update coincides with my dissertation defense, happening on December 9th. My dissertation is about the design of modular hardware and software, encompassing three design taxonomies, Unfiltered Audio, and Euro Reakt. There are no new Blocks in this update per se, but most of the generators will feel new. Almost every generator has new outputs tapped from existing DSP. This means more functionality for the same CPU cost. I am going to take a short break from Euro Reakt, but will release a microsound update early next year! Thanks for all of your support and donations so far.
- UPGRADE: Added three additional oscillator outputs to VOSIM (at no additional CPU cost).
- UPGRADE: Added three dedicated noise and envelope outputs to Resonating Bar and Resonating Wood.
- UPGRADE: Added three dedicated outputs and a mix output for the internal oscillators on the SumSyn Oscillator.
- UPGRADE: Added a Phase output to Burst Generator.
- UPGRADE: Added Amplitude and Reverb Envelope outputs to Clap, along with a dedicated output for the reverb tail.
- UPGRADE: Added Noise and Osc Envelope outputs to Snare.
- UPGRADE: Added a dedicated Saw output to Comb Oscillator.
- UPGRADE: Added individual bit outputs to Entropy Filter.
- UPGRADE: Added positive and negative outputs to Waveform Processor. Also added an optional DC filter.
- UPGRADE: Added a 1x2 output to Triple Ring.
- UPGRADE: Added dedicated (unfolded) sine and triangle outputs to the Fold Oscillator.
- UPGRADE: Added filtered noise and noise envelope outputs to the Karplus Oscillator.
- UPGRADE: Added a "Clipped" gate output to Clipper and Clipper (Stereo).
- UPGRADE: Added a Wet output to Comb Filter.
- UPGRADE: Added a Phase output to Wavetable LFO. Also added a phase reset trigger.
- UPGRADE: Added a Mix output to Neuron. Also added an optional DC filter to the main output.
- UPGRADE: Added a Mix output to Difference Rectifier.
- UPGRADE: Added an In Mix output to Squid Axon.
- UPGRADE: Added an optional DC filter to Trigonometric Shaper's main output.

- FIX: Removed an unnecessary SVF from inside of Twin Peaks.
- FIX: Fixed a potential click in the probability function for Pulsar Oscillator.
- FIX: Final Out would only use In L unless Contrast was enabled.
- FIX: The indicators on Waveset were amplitude sensitive and would not light up when they should.
- FIX: Added a smoother to Comb Filter to prevent clicks from occurring when switching between REG and INV behavior.
- FIX: The Comparator output on Neuron is no longer affected by the OUT gain control, as it is already affected by RESPONSE.

3.1 (09/18/2016)
(AKA The "Shrink Ray" Update)
This update provides a massive workflow improvement to chaos lovers. 11 of the chaos Blocks have been replaced by three multi-mode Blocks. It will now be much easier for me to maintain the existing Blocks while adding additional equations.
- NEW BLOCK: 1-Op Chaos. Replaces Crackle (both modes), Ikeda, Logistic, Standard, and Tent Chaos Blocks.
- NEW BLOCK: 2-Op Chaos. Replaces Cusp, Gauss, Henon (both modes), and Mouse Chaos Blocks.
- NEW BLOCK: 3-Op Chaos. Replaces Linear Congruent and Quadratic Chaos Blocks.

- FIX: Fixed Dattorro's last name spelling everywhere on Dattorro Verb. How did I manage that mistake?
- META: Added a "Legacy Blocks" folder.

3.01 (08/22/2016)
(AKA The "Think Before You Math" Update)
- FIX: Bitcrusher (Mono + Stereo), Bit Mix 32, Circle Delay, Dattoro Verb, Freeverb, JCREV, JCREV FF, SATREV, and Tape Delay now work properly at all sampling rates. I apologize for this stupid bug! I made a standard 44.1kHz downsampler for the chaos modules (so that they generate at the same "frequency" on all sample rates), but absent-mindedly used the same one for effects. Sorry about that!

(AKA The "Non-linear" Update)
This update adds 15 new Blocks, most of which are distortions or CV manipulators. In honor of the non-linear Block focus, I'm skipping a few minor version numbers.
Thank you to Andrew at Nonlinear Circuits ( for allowing me to copy some of his excellent DIY modules for Euro Reakt. If you have a Eurorack system, his all-analog chaos designs are absolutely worth checking out (I personally love the Sloth modulator and have two of them, along with a Neuron and Diff-Rect)! If you are in the US, his designs are available at Modular Addict ( If you are in Europe, his designs are available from Thonk ( It's worth noting that since his modules are all-analog and focused on chaos and non-linear behavior, these Blocks are more *approximations* of concepts than direct emulations.
- NEW BLOCK: Squid Axon. A very unusual design from Nonlinear Circuits that combines a three-voice mixer, an Analog Shift Register, and two kinds of feedback (linear and diode-clipped non-linear). Throw in a few LFOs, clock it, turn up a little feedback, and listen to things go nuts.
- NEW BLOCK: Difference Rectifier. A fantastic design from Nonlinear Circuits. This circuit appears on a few of his modules, including the Neuron and the Dual LFO. This takes in a number of signals, finds the voltage difference between two sections, and outputs the rectified differences. Try hooking up all four envelopes from NI's West Coast CFG Block, set them to cycle, and monitor the outputs from this Block. For a better explanation, check out the equations listed here:
- NEW BLOCK: Neuron. Another great design from Nonlinear Circuits, typically built with a Difference Rectifier on the same panel. Three signals are mixed together, manipulated, and run through a comparator. The comparator's output is summed with a variation of the input signal.
- NEW BLOCK: Gate Matrix. This over-the-top gate processor is based on Nonlinear's Numberwang! ( It takes in four gates and spits out 16 variations. The "One" mode emulates the NW by only outputting one gate at a time. The separate "All" mode can trigger up to fifteen simultaneous outputs, based on the inputs.
- NEW BLOCK: Flip Pan. Takes in two inputs and pans them in separate directions. Can be used as a dual crossfader, dual panner, dual VCA, and more. This idea came from the NLC Segue Module (, although this Block does not model the Vactrol behavior.
- NEW BLOCK: Binary Gate. This is a gate with manual On and Off triggers.
- NEW BLOCK: Chebyshev. This is a Chebyshev polynomial waveshaper with support for polynomial orders 1-8.
- NEW BLOCK: Chebyshev Scanner. Same as Chebyshev, but calculates all polynomials simultaneously to allow smooth interpolation between orders. CPU intensive, but sounds great!
- NEW BLOCK: Delta. Outputs a voltage based on the rate of change on the input.
- NEW BLOCK: Trigonometric Shaper. 9 separate trigonometry-based waveshapers, including Sin, Cosine, and Tangent, along with arc- and hyperbolic variations.
- NEW BLOCK: Quad Min/Max. Takes in four inputs and provides outputs for Max, Min, -Max, and -Min. Each channel also has an attenuverter for mixing.
- NEW BLOCK: Quad Rectifier. Four separate half-wave and full-wave rectifiers.
- NEW BLOCK: Quad Ranger. Four separate unipolar-to-bipolar and bipolar-to-unipolar converters.
- NEW BLOCK: Voltage Mirror. Provides a unipolar mirror (1.0 - x) for unipolar signals. Useful for creating envelopes that go in opposite directions.
- NEW BLOCK: XY to Polar. Converts voltages from Cartesian values (X, Y) to Polar values (Radius, Azimuth).

- UPGRADE: Comparator now also has a Less Than gate and trigger.
- UPGRADE: Feedback now has separate sample delay controls for each input.
- UPGRADE: Final Out now has a switch to bypass the Contrast circuit.
- UPGRADE: Analog Shift Register can now be clocked at Sampling Rate (was previously tied to Control Rate).
- FIX: 4-Way Matrix Mixer had broken gain knobs for In 3 and In 4.
- FIX: Removed unnecessary mod inputs from Flip Flop, 1->2 Switch, and 2->1 Switch.
- FIX: Removed unnecessary mod buttons from Lissajous.
- FIX: Internal casting fix for Boolean Logics, Flip Flop, 1->2/2->1 Switch.
- FIX: Added documentation and knob descriptions to Sinc Train, FitzHugh-Nagumo, and Brusselator.

2.7 (06/13/2016)
(AKA The "Neurotic" Update)
Thank you to John Wise for the big pile of bug reports. This is mainly a housekeeping update, fixing a large number of missing images and descriptions. I've thrown in a few Blocks for lovers of microsound. The Sinc Train oscillator is especially fun for grain generation.
- NEW BLOCK: Sinc Train. Something like a Bandlimited Impulse generator, but not quite. Generates a train of grains shaped like Sinc functions.
- NEW BLOCK: FitzHugh-Nagumo Chaos Oscillator. This is a chaotic oscillator based on the model of a neuron firing. This Block is based on the FitzHughNagumo uGen for SuperCollider (part of the SLUGens plug-in collection).
- NEW BLOCK: Brusselator. This is a chaotic grain generator, partially based on the Brusselator SLUGen. It simulates a chemical reaction that typically dies off quickly. Occasionally, it can oscillate.

- UPGRADE: Added a Reset trigger input to Gingerbread Chaos.
- UPGRADE: Added a constant amplitude, unipolar "Trig" out to Dust. Also added a freebie white noise output.
- UPGRADE: Added a phase output to Impulse Train.
- FIX: Impulse Train loads with 0% randomness.
- FIX: Added missing automation labels to Chaotic 2D and 3D Attractors.
- FIX: Descriptions have been created for many Blocks.
- FIX: Descriptions have been fixed for many Blocks.
- FIX: Icons have been added to the remaining Blocks that were missing them.

2.6 (05/23/2016)
(AKA The "Impulse Control" Update)
- NEW BLOCK: Bit Mix 32. This is a higher-resolution version of Bit Mix. This uses 32-bit resolution instead of 8. The various encoding/decoding modes have been removed, and two modes were swapped with more appropriate modes.
- NEW BLOCK: Bitshifter. Converts your signal to a 32-bit integer and then bitshifts it left or right by up to 31 bits. Sounds especially cool when combined with Bit Mix 32.
- NEW BLOCK: Contrast. This effect is often referred to as "Audio MSG". It uses phase modulation to make your mix brighter and clearer. Mono and Stereo Blocks are included.
- NEW BLOCK: Mono Widener. Uses a micro-delay to take a mono input and make it sound wider.
- NEW BLOCK: Trigger Fixer. Converts impulses/triggers to triggers of 5 ms length. This makes Euro Reakt's triggers compatible with digital Eurorack modules.
- NEW BLOCK: Triggered Noise. Manually triggered noise source. Extremely CPU efficient, due to only calculating new values on trigger reception.
- NEW EXAMPLE: ImpulseWaterdrops. An example of how to create water sounds using an impulse generator and a band-pass filter.
- NEW EXAMPLE: HarmonicArp. An example of how to create beautiful arpeggiations using only a Harmonic Oscillator and a Switch.
- NEW EXAMPLE: AutomatedComposition1. An example of how to layer sequencing Blocks together to create a composition.

- UPGRADE: Impulse Train now has a "RAND" knob that disturbs the impulse generation frequency using a Gaussian distribution. This was inspired by the "GaussTrig" SuperCollider uGen, a part of BhobUGens.
- UPGRADE: Impulse Train now has a "Rand CV" output. This outputs a voltage based on the internal Gaussian distribution generator. This is useful for automatically generating a random voltage sequence in time with the Impulse Train.
- UPGRADE: Impulse Train now includes a Filtered output, featuring a one-pole LP filtered version of the impulses.
- UPGRADE: Final Output now has a Contrast knob.
- FIX: Impulse Train's label was interfering with the A Mod button.
- FIX: Final Output's clipping lamp was disconnected.
- FIX: 8-Way Switch's random generator was not seeding properly.
- FIX: Stereo Sample Looper was missing an automation label on the FM knob.
- FIX: Added an icon to Bit Mix.
- FIX: Gate Combiner's lamps will now fire correctly even with single-sample triggers.

2.5 (04/27/2016)
(AKA The "Don't Call It a Comeback" Update)
Sorry for the long delay! My company, Unfiltered Audio, is hard at work on a large number of new plug-ins.
- NEW BLOCK: Ring Modulator. Digital and simulated analog modes, along with an internal thru-zero FM oscillator. The analog modelled mode was done with help from the source code to Mutable Instruments' Warps module.
- NEW BLOCK: Waveset. Based on Trevor Wishart's unusual distortion technique. This takes in a signal and uses probability to route it to one of two outputs. The outputs only change at zero-crossings, preventing clicks and discontinuities. Useful for drop-out distortions or turning an LFO on and off at zero-crossings. Can also create triggers that are synced to audio/modulations.
- NEW BLOCK: Spectral Noise. This is a remix of the Low Frequency Noise Block. It's of fairly limited utility... Noise is used to populate spectral bins. Computer noises result.

- FIX: Gingerbread Chaos feedback FM control was not working. Fixed.
- FIX: 4 to 4 Mix Matrix was missing two inputs. Whoops!
- FIX: Hi-Hats 2.0 Closed output is now properly labelled "CH" instead of "HH".
- FIX: Probability was changing states when the knob was moved, leading to pops and unexpected behaviors. It now waits until a new gate is received.
- FIX: Probability Gates received the same fix.
- FIX: Added missing icon to Probability.

2.4 (02/19/2016)
(AKA The "Ho Ho Ho. Now I have an FFT" Update)
Thanks to forum member Ken88 for reminding me of the existence of Native Instruments' "EzFFT" Reaktor 5 bundle. Now I can get to work on spectral effects! Please note that these are direct ports of the Native Instruments ensembles. My only additions are input gain and latency-compensated dry/wet knobs.
- NEW BLOCK: Spectral Compressor. Very unusual effect that performs compression on the individual FFT bins. A Tilt parameter controls spectral emphasis, while a Mask parameter controls how much bins affect their neighbors.
- NEW BLOCK: Vocoder. Straightforward vocoder with Modulator and Carrier inputs.

2.3 (02/16/2016)
(AKA The "Soupy" Update)
This is a small update that contains two delay-focused Blocks.
- NEW BLOCK: Dattoro Verb. This is a reverb based on Jon Dattoro's famous reverb paper. This is the same reverb found in the Clouds and Elements modules by Mutable Instruments. This implementation is based on a Max/MSP interpretation by Tom Erbe.
- NEW BLOCK: Circle Delay. This is a fun stereo delay toy. Two independent delays feedback on themselves and each other.

2.2 (01/02/2016)
(AKA The "Holiday Chaos" Update)
This update goes out to Cal Scott, who has been making excellent music box ensembles with these Blocks. This update features a large number of chaos generators, some of which are new designs. With Henon and Quadratic Chaos, Euro Reakt now contains every chaos uGen from SuperCollider 3.7. My current favorite patch to experiment with is to combine the Pulsar Oscillator with the Timbre Block. Run the main oscillator into the top input, and the window oscillator into the mod input. I've also had great luck combining Triple Ring and Timbre.
- NEW BLOCK: Pulsar Oscillator. This Block implements Pulsar Synthesis, a method described by my academic advisor, Curtis Roads. This is a form of microsound/granular synthesis. In this simple implementation, an oscillator is windowed by a probabilistic, variable-width Gaussian train. A future Euro Reakt update will feature many more parameters.
- NEW BLOCK: Timbre. This is the DWG's Timbre circuit, but generalized for any oscillator. It's not a perfect 1:1 copy, as the original Timbre circuit is dependent on the DWG's frequency, along with triangle and square outputs. This extracts a square wave via a comparator, and slews that for a triangle. Still, it sounds awesome!
- NEW BLOCK: Henon Chaos. Another Supercollider Chaos uGen, this time HenonN and HenonL. This equation is based on stellar orbits. This Block features a bonus chaos mode that I stumbled upon when making a coding mistake.
- NEW BLOCK: Quadratic Chaos. Another Supercollider Chaos uGen, this time QuadN and QuadL. This is a chaos generator based on a quadratic map with three variables.
- NEW BLOCK: Gauss Chaos Osc. This is a chaotic generator of my own design. It implements the Gaussian window equation from SuperCollider's LFGauss uGen, but uses feedback instead of a phasor. (The original LFGauss implementation is part of the Pulsar Oscillator Block. I will break that out into its own Block in a future update.)
- NEW BLOCK: Mouse Chaos. A chaotic map, this time not from SuperCollider! You can read more about the map at
- NEW BLOCK: Tent Chaos. A chaotic map, also not from SuperCollider.
- NEW BLOCK: Ikeda Chaos. A chaotic map, also not from SuperCollider. An implementation of the chaotic map found at

- UPGRADE: Standard Map Chaos. Doubled the range of the chaos knob. Added a speed selection switch.
- UPGRADE: 2D Chaotic Attractors. The Tinkerbell Map has been added (
- UPGRADE: Logistic Chaos. Now has a gain control, along with a speed switch and DC Block switch.
- UPGRADE: Linear Congruent Chaos. Now has a speed switch and a DC Block switch.
- UPGRADE: Cusp Chaos. Now has a speed switch and a gain control.

- META: "External Control" folder has been renamed to "Utilities".

2.1 (12/28/2015)
(AKA The "Echoes of the Past" Update)
Thanks to Sandy Small for his upgrades to the Stereo Sample Looper and Scanner!
Also, a shout-out to Rick Scott: I've completed the 100+ Block challenge by January 1st!
This update features a number of primitive reverb algorithms. These are all "Schroeder" reverberators, meaning that they use a combination of all-pass filters in serial (for diffusion) and comb filters in parallel (for echoes). Don't expect a replacement for Valhalla Room or anything like that! These are dirty, metallic, oddball echo generators. I've thrown variable sampling rate knobs onto all of them, so they can be used as experimental lo-fi delays as well.
- NEW BLOCK: Freeverb. This Block is an implementation of the popular, open-source Freeverb algorithm. It is a Schroeder-type reverb, but it features low-pass filtering in the feedback path of each of the eight comb filters. This implementation is based on Graham Wakefield's gen~ implementation for Max/MSP (Thanks Graham!).
- NEW BLOCK: JCREV. This Block is an implementation of John Chowning's Schroeder reverberator, used in the popular STK (Synthesis Toolkit) library. It takes in a mono signal and outputs 1-4 channels. This can be used as a great spatializer!
- NEW BLOCK: JCREV FF. This is the same as JCREV, but uses a Feedforward Comb Filter design. Furthermore, it replaces the quad mix matrix with four mini-delay lines. This creates especially wild sounds when manipulating the sampling rate.
- NEW BLOCK: SATREV. This Block is an implementation of another John Chowning reverberator. This sounds different from JCREV, as the comb filters occur before the all-pass filters. It takes in a mono signal, and outputs a mono or stereo signal.
- NEW BLOCK: 4 to 4 Mix Matrix. This Block breaks out the Mix Matrix from the JCREV implementation (Not to be confused with a Matrix Mixer). This takes in 4 inputs and provides 4 different output mixes. It was originally intended to be used for quadriphonic spatialization, but can be used for providing new waveforms from oscillators or for mashing up CV signals.
- NEW BLOCK: 2 to 4 Mix Matrix. This is the same as the 4 to 4 mixer, but consolidates the inputs. It can be used to quickly provide 4 variations of 2 CV inputs.

- UPGRADE: Stereo Sample Scanner and Stereo Sample Looper. Thanks to Sandy Small, these two Blocks now display a loop brace, along with the current sample playback position. The interfaces have been cleaned up as well.

2.0 (11/15/2015)
(AKA The "Chaos and Stability" Update)
- NEW BLOCK: Complex Oscillator. It's finally here! Two Bento Box Oscillators connected via FM, AM, and variable Sync, along with two wavefolders and independent external modulation inputs.
- NEW BLOCK: Harmonic Oscillator. This oscillator contains a bank of 8 sine waves, set by default to be spaced as integer harmonics. You can scan through these waves and modify their spacing. Each oscillator has a separate output, if needed. This can be thought of as an Additive Sine Bank with a simplified control set. This Block was inspired by the HARM mode on Mutable Instruments' Braids Oscillator, but contains a number of changes.
- NEW BLOCK: FM Oscillator. Inspired by the FM, FBFM, and WTFM modes on Mutable Instruments' Braids Oscillator. A Modulator oscillator frequency modulates a Carrier oscillator with multiple feedback paths.

- UPGRADE: Tape Delay's maximum delay time has been raised to 5 seconds (even at 192 kHz sampling rate), and the minimum delay time has been decreased to 1 ms (instead of 10). The Time knob has been made more exponential, for exploring lower delay times. Maximum feedback now produces a bloom effect.
- UPGRADE: Icons have been added to Clipper, Clipper (Stereo), Cusp Chaos, Dust, Final Output, Gate Delay, Gingerbread Chaos, Linear Congruent Chaos, Logistic Chaos, Low Frequency Noise, Low-Pass Gate, Manual Gates, Meta Control, Quad Delay, Rungler, Saw Multiplier, Stereo Sample Scanner, Tape Delay, Tuned Noise, Turing Machine, Vector Mix, Waveform Processor, Waveshaper, Wavetable Distortion.
- FIX: The following Blocks now sound the same for all sampling rates 44.1 kHz and above: Bitcrusher, Bitcrusher (Stereo), Chaotic 2D Attractors, Chaotic 3D Attractors, Crackle, Cusp Chaos, Dust, Feedback Sine Chaos, Gingerbread Chaos, Linear Congruent Chaos, Logistic Chaos, Probability Noise, Standard Map Chaos.
- FIX: Added some clippers to the Rossler Attractor (in the Chaotic 3D Attractors Block). This should prevent any of the values from going NaN.
- FIX: Fixed clipping light logic on Final Output, Clipper, and Clipper (Stereo).
- FIX: A few internal logic bugs with Crackle. This shouldn't affect the sound at all, but the patching was very strange.
- FIX: Automation labels have been added to the 8-Way Scanner.
- FIX: Fixed an improper automation label on 8-Way Switch.
- FIX: Fixed the right channel not responding to amplification on the Stereo Sample Scanner.

1.9 (11/14/2015)
(AKA The "Fallout 4 is fairly time consuming" Update)
- NEW BLOCK: Stereo Sample Scanner. Use an external modulation signal to scan through a loaded sample.
- NEW BLOCK: Clipper (Stereo) is a stereo version of the Clipper Block. Unlike the mono Clipper Block, it does not have simultaneous outputs for every clip mode.
- NEW BLOCK: Final Output. This Block is intended to be the last Block in your Ensemble's signal flow. It combines a volume knob with a stereo width control, a DC blocking filter, and a hard or soft limiter.

- NEW EXAMPLE: SampleScannerExample. Shows how to use the new Sample Scanner Block.
- UPGRADE/FIX: Clipper now has a lamp to show when the input is being clipped. Replaced the silly bipolar knob with a proper unipolar knob. Fixed some internal bus names. Fixed automation/knob labels.
- UPGRADE/FIX: Both Boolean Logic Blocks now have NOT outputs for each input. You no longer need to use a separate logic inverter for that. Internal cleanups for a minor efficiency increase. Fixed an automation label on the 3-input version.

1.81 (11/04/2015)
(AKA The "Emergency" Update)
- NEW BLOCK: Burst Generator. Immensely useful for complicated drum programming. Generates a number of triggers after receiving an initial trigger. Useful for rolls, flams, triggered sequences, etc.

- UPGRADE: Logic Mix now has a "DIVFOLD" mode which divides In 1 by In 2 and runs it through a Wavefolder. A Block icon has been added.
- FIX: Mod A was automatically routed to the FINE control on both Frequency Shifters, the Comb Filter, and the following oscillators: Comb Osc, Fold Osc, Impulse Train, SumSyn Osc, Sync Osc, Toy Osc, Triple Bento, Triple Ring, Tuned Noise, Twin Peaks, VOSIM Osc.

1.8 (11/03/2015)
(AKA The "Pan and Scan" Update)
Special Thanks to Stephen McCaul at Noise Engineering. He makes some of the most creative and aggressive Eurorack modules around, and has given me permission to release a Block that implements a mode found in the new "Loquelic Iteratis" oscillator module.
- NEW BLOCK: Voltage Storage. The most-requested Euro Reakt Block. This is kind of like a 3-row sequencer, minus the sequencer. Each row stores 8 voltages, and the stage is manually selected via a gate or index knob. HUGE THANK YOU to Marius H. for his fantastic Sequential Controller Block. I used his very smart multiplexing solution for transporting voltages between interface and processor. (Speaking of which, if you want a sequenced version of this Block, just use his Block. I won't be making one like it.)
- NEW BLOCK: 8-Way Scanner. 1 to 8, 8 to 1, or 8 to 8 scanner/multiplexer. Smoothly crossfade 8 inputs to 1 output, 1 input to 8 outputs, or 8 inputs to 8 outputs. Also able to output the amplitude of each channel, making it an 8-way modulation generator. Have fun with this one!
- NEW BLOCK/UPGRADE: 8-Way Switch. 1-to-8 and 8-to-1 Switch Blocks have been replaced and upgraded by this one solid block. It does 1-to-8, 8-to-1, and 8-to-8 switching. I've added a "Random" gate that will activate a random gate within the min/max boundary (So, this can replace most of the Random Gate Block as well, but I'll leave it due to its various gating modes). The smooth knobs have been replaced by stepped knobs.
- NEW BLOCK: Resonating Wood. This is a port of another Chet Singer macro from the classic Ampere Modular set. This has been rewritten for Core optimization. It doesn't sound very "wooden" to me, but it's an excellent resonator that excels at treating noisy inputs.
- NEW BLOCK: SumSyn Osc. This is a summation synthesis Block, based on an algorithm found in Noise Engineering's "Loquelic Iteratis". It differs from his implementation in that it doesn't have internal Phase Modulation or a more sophisticated waveshaper (Plus, he has that really cool multi-SR algorithm...). However, it has multi-mode FM and a switchable Fold/Hard-clip output. Check out the original at
- NEW BLOCK: Probability Noise. This is a low-to-high frequency noise generator that will produce only binary results (0/1 or +/- 1).
- NEW BLOCK: Feedback Sine Chaos. A sine wave phase modulates itself. Direct control is given over index and phase behavior. This produces stable sine waves or glitched chaos waves. It can be used as an LFO or a regular oscillator. A keyboard-friendly version will be written in a future update as a separate Block. This is ported from the Supercollider uGens FBSinN and FBSinL.

- NEW EXAMPLE: ScannerExample. Shows how to use the scanner to fade between the 8 outputs of two Triple Ring Oscs.
- UPGRADE/FIX: Bitcrusher now has a separate Stereo Block. Internal clean-ups. Icon added.
- UPGRADE: Impulse Train now has an optional bipolar mode, in which the polarity of the impulses alternate.
- FIX: Triple Ring's default Out Level is now .66.
- FIX: Panner only panned center to right. That's... pretty bad. That's what I get for testing that Block with laptop speakers.

1.7 (11/02/2015)
(AKA The "Combover" Update)
- NEW BLOCK: Trapezoid Envelope and VCA. One of the most popular requests for Euro Reakt. This Block is based on the unusual envelope found in the classic Synthi.
- NEW BLOCK: Fold Osc. This is an oscillator based on one of Braids' modes. A blend of a sine and/or a triangle oscillator runs through a wavefolder.
- NEW BLOCK: Comb Filter. I know that one comes with the default library, but this one uses the same frequency knob and pitch behavior as Bento Box Osc and the Euro Reakt oscillators. This makes it very easy to tune the comb for useful intervals. This also has ten times the internal delay memory and can be used as a pretty solid experimental delay.
- NEW BLOCK: Impulse Train. This generates a series of impulses that last for only a single sample each. This is more of an analysis tool, but it can be used to ping filters, trigger envelopes, etc.
- NEW BLOCK: Crossfader (Stereo). This is a Stereo version of the Crossfader Block.

- UPGRADE/FIX: Massive improvements to AD Envelope's CPU usage and cycling logic. It should now use about 50-60% less CPU per instance. Added velocity sensitivity. Per-knob documentation has been added.
- UPGRADE/FIX: Bitcrusher now has a TOY mode, adapted from the Braids Toy Osc. It has a new interface, including a modulatable MODE knob (like Logic Mix). An Offset Control has been added for the input. FLOAT mode now properly goes down to 1 bit.

1.6 (10/31/2015)
(AKA The "Return to Tonality" Update)
Special Thanks to the wonderful Olivier Gillet at Mutable Instruments. He makes excellent open-source hardware instruments, and has given me permission to release emulations of the Braids oscillator's many modes.
- NEW BLOCK: Triple Ring. This is an oscillator based on one of Braids' modes. It generates three sine waves that are ring modulated together. It is very effective at generating glass and bell tones.
- NEW BLOCK: Triple Bento. This is a mash-up of a few of Braids' stacked oscillator modes and the standard library's Bento Box Osc. Three stacked oscillators share a common waveform.
- NEW BLOCK: Comb Osc. This is an oscillator based on one of Braids' modes. A sawtooth wave runs through a comb filter, with controls over feedback and harmonic ratio.
- NEW BLOCK: Toy Osc. This is an oscillator based on one of Braids' modes. A variable waveform runs through multiple shaping operations. This is meant to sound like a circuit-bent toy oscillator.
- NEW BLOCK: Sync Osc. This is an oscillator based on one of Braids' modes. This is a fairly deep hard-sync patch ready to go in a single Block.
- NEW BLOCK: Twin Peaks. This is a noise oscillator based on one of Braids' modes. A white noise source runs through two parallel band-pass filters.
- NEW BLOCK: Low Frequency Noise. Switchable noise source (White, Pink, Brownian, etc.), but with a variable frequency control (slow to extremely slow). Has simultaneous smooth and stepped outputs. Can generate at a steady rate or fluctuate.
- NEW BLOCK: Stereo Sample Looper. Load a mono or stereo audio file and play back looped regions or trigger one-shots with your keyboard. This is also available as a separate download on the User Library due to the fact that it is still being frequently updated.

1.5 (10/28/2015)
(AKA The "Drawjong Reborn" Update)
- NEW BLOCK: Probability Gates. Takes in one gate/trigger, and passes it to up to 8 outputs with per-output probability.
- NEW BLOCK: Random Gates. Takes in one gate/trigger, and randomly produces a gate/trigger at one of up to 8 outputs.
- NEW BLOCK: Chaotic 2D Attractors. Contains De Jong, Clifford, and Modified Latoocarfian attractors.
- NEW BLOCK: Chaotic 3D Atractors. Contains Lorenz, Rossler, and Pickover 3D attractors.
- NEW BLOCK: Lissajous. This isn't a pure Core Block, as it simply uses the old Reaktor Primary XY Scope. However, it's very useful to have when monitoring chaos and other wild modulation signals.

- UPGRADE: The following Blocks now have Block icons: Crackle, Standard Map Chaos, Clap, Drum, HiHats, HiHats 2.0, Karplus, Resonating Bar, Rungler Oscillator, Snare, VOSIM, AD Envelope and VCA, Quadrature LFO, Wavetable LFO, Voltage Controlled Gates.
- UPGRADE: The Frequency control has been set to be more exponential on Linear Congruent Chaos, Standard Chaos, Gingerbread Chaos, Cusp Chaos, and Logistic Chaos, and can now go 100x slower for better modulation signals.
- UPGRADE: Standard Map Chaos is now 2D. The original out is on the X-axis. Perfect for the new Lissajous display!
- UPGRADE: Replaced the on/off mode control for Resonating Bar with a smooth control. Now you can morph between the harmonic profiles and find good sounds in between! The COLOR control now also downsamples the external input when in EXT mode, instead of only downsampling the input when it's used as a noise source.
- FIX: Resonating Bar's height was incorrect. Fixed.
- FIX: Voltage Controlled Gates was missing automation labels.

1.4 (10/27/2015)
(AKA The "More Drums. More Chaos. More Efficient." Update)
- NEW BLOCK: Clap. Triggered clap sound synthesizer.
- NEW BLOCK: Resonating Bar. This is a port of the awesome "Bar Resonator" module from Chet Singer's classic Ampere Modular for Reaktor 5. This Block replicates the sound of metallic percussion. It can be used as either a triggered drum source, or as a sound processor.
- NEW BLOCK: Linear Congruent Chaos. Another Supercollider Chaos uGen. This one implements LinCongN and LinCongL.

- META: A "Noise and Chaos" folder has been added to help clean up the Generators folder.
- UPGRADE: Rewrote Crackle Gen. Now that I'm more familiar with timing and memory management in Reaktor Core, I rewrote the code and now have it sounding exactly like the Supercollider version. I still like my broken algorithm, so it's available via a switch. Use "CHAOS" to choose my version, or "CRISP" to choose the proper algorithm. Like all Supercollider chaos and noise Blocks, I've added in a linear interpolation switch and a frequency knob. Rewrote documentation.
- UPGRADE: Added a linear interpolation mode to Logistic Chaos. This was not a feature of the original Supercollider uGen, but it's pretty useful.
- UPGRADE: External Noise Input added to Snare. Frequency of oscillators and noise generator are now controlled simultaneously. FREQ knob made exponential for easier exploration of lower frequencies. Big improvements to CPU usage for the noise generator. Fixed an incorrect parameter automation label.
- UPGRADE: Drum now has a three-way noise selector, instead of two separate two-way selectors. Big improvements to CPU usage for the noise generator.
- UPGRADE: Gingerbread Chaos and Standard Map Chaos had lots of free space on them (and are generally too loud), so I've added gain knobs.
- FIX: Cusp Chaos was missing a modulation indicator for Chaos B.
- FIX: Out control on all drum Blocks was incorrect (the knob looks unipolar, but it was behaving like a bipolar control).
- FIX: A/B Mod Bar colors for FM and Freq were incorrect on Karplus, Drum, and Rungler Oscillator.

1.3 (10/26/2015)
(AKA The "Houston is flooded so let's stay inside all weekend" Update)
- NEW BLOCK: Snare. Triggered snare drum synthesizer.
- NEW BLOCK: Gate Delay. Receives a trigger or gate and outputs a variable-width gate after a given delay time.
- NEW BLOCK: Gate Combiner. Add up to 8 gates together to form one gate. Also outputs triggers for all inputs and an inverse gate for the sum.
- NEW BLOCK: Logic Inverter. Outputs the opposite of any gate, trigger, bit, or logic signal.
- NEW BLOCK: Cusp Chaos. Another Supercollider Chaos uGen. This implements both CuspN and CuspL. Very useful for stepped or smoothed sequences with occasional die-offs.
- NEW BLOCK: Standard Map Chaos. Another Supercollider Chaos uGen. This implements both StandardN and StandardL from SC 3.7a.
- NEW BLOCK: Gingerbreadman Chaos. Another Supercollider Chaos uGen. This implements both GbmanN and GbmanL.
- NEW BLOCK: Hi-Hats 2.0. The noise source in the original Hi-Hats was completely incorrectly implemented, and has been replaced by a full-range LFSR source. However, Hi-Hats 1.0 was tuned very specifically, and people liked the sounds that it produced. I've added this new, more efficient, and wider-ranged version, but left the old one as well.

- UPGRADE: Wavetable Distortion now has a GLITCH switch to enable lookup bleed. Essentially, loud signals may leak into other tables and waves instead of being hard clipped. Also, the interface has been cleaned up.
- UPGRADE/FIX: Huge improvements to Drum's noise section. Much wider range of noise colors for LFSR. The knob has been made exponential so that it's easier to explore low-frequency noise.
- FIX: Fixed knob automation names on Logistic Chaos.
- FIX: Replaced bad DC Blocker logic in Wavefolder, Wavetable Distortion, Bit Mix, Logic Mix, and Entropy Filter.
- FIX: In 2's Encoder on Bit Mix wasn't connected properly. Also added many internal efficiency improvements.

1.2 (10/23/2015)
- NEW BLOCK: Wavetable LFO. This Block mashes up Sandy Small's Microwave Oscillator Block with the standard library's Bento Box LFO.
- NEW BLOCK: VOSIM Oscillator. This oscillator excels at vowel and vocal sounds.
- NEW BLOCK: Tuned Noise. White noise through a 4-Pole Ladder Filter with keyboard input.
- NEW BLOCK: Multi-Noise. White, Pink, Brownian, and Supercollider "Gray Noise" outputs.
- NEW BLOCK: Clipper. Variable hard-clipper or multi-mode saturator.
- NEW BLOCK: Logistic Chaos. Another Supercollider Chaos uGen. This one provides random stepped modulation, or crazy high-frequency modem sounds.

- UPGRADE: Hi-Hats now has an 808 stacked square generator as well. Per-knob documentation has been added to Hi-Hats.
- FIX: Fixed a minor inefficiency with the AD Envelope's Freeze input.
- FIX: Added an AD Envelope to the VectorSynthesis Example. Moved Blocks around to improve visibility.

1.1 (10/22/2015)
- NEW BLOCK: Vector Mix. 1-In/4-Out, 4-In/4-Out, or 0-In/6-Out Block for Quad Panning, Vector Mixing, and complex CV/Waveform generation.
- NEW BLOCK: Rungler. Stepped Chaos source from the legendary Rob Hordijk.
- NEW BLOCK: Rungler Oscillator. Dual chaos oscillator based loosely on Rob Hordijk's "Benjolin" circuit.
- NEW EXAMPLE: Vector Synthesis (4 Oscillators + Vector Mix). This is the type of synthesis used on the legendary Korg Wavestation.

- UPGRADE: All 8-Bit Blocks (A/D, D/A, Entropy Filter, Turing Machine) have received performance improvements. Their internal macros have been re-written for integer-only calculations.
- FIX: Meta Control now has documentation. Cleaned up the naming of the input port, and fixed the erroneous knob labels.
- FIX: Fixed Title and A/B Mod Height for Comparator, Wavefolder, Frequency Shifters, Saw Multiplier, Crackle, Dust, and Probability.
- FIX: The FINE control on the non-fixed Frequency Shifter Block was disconnected. It now works properly. (NOTE: Both Frequency Shifters will be combined into one Block in a future update.)

This is the first complete compilation of all Euro Reakt Blocks to date. Many new Blocks and various improvements have been added as well. I am working on adding per-control documentation to the panels themselves. In the meantime, there are 7 new Blocks!

- NEW BLOCK: Wavetable Distortion. This Block is based off of Sandy Small's excellent Microwave Oscillator Block. Instead of using an internal phasor for looking up a wavetable, you can input any sound that you want.
- NEW BLOCKS: DC Blocker (Mono and Stereo versions). Removes DC offsets from signals and hard limits the output. Useful as a last-stage Block to protect your speakers.
- NEW BLOCK: Feedback. Allows you to plug a Block's outputs back into its inputs. Ever wanted to FM Bento Box with itself? Now you can.
- NEW BLOCK: Stereo Widener + MS Encoder. Widen or flatten a stereo signal. Also produces a Mid-Side output for further modification.
- NEW BLOCK: MS Decoder. Convert a Mid-Side signal pair into a Left-Right signal pair. Produces exciting spatial results when combined with the MS Encoder and a few LFOs.
- NEW BLOCK: Meta Control. Move one knob to modify five outputs. Very useful for creating Macro-type controls.

- UPGRADE: Logic Mix has been completely redone. Instead of using radio buttons, a modulatable control has been added to select the mode. The panel has been greatly reduced in size. Two new modes: Wave Terrain and Difference. Difference is like basic Sum mode (In 1 + In 2), except that In 2 is inverted (In 1 - In 2). Even though it can already be achieved with the current mixing controls, it has been added so that both outputs can be heard simultaneously. Wave Terrain is an advanced synthesis mode. This particular Terrain equation is described in The Computer Music Tutorial by Curtis Roads.
- UPGRADE: Analog Shift Register has a manual gate. A GATE output has been added, which outputs the manual gate and the input gate.
- UPGRADE: Flip-Flop now has manual gates.
- UPGRADE: Drum now has a manual gate and gate indicator. A better init patch has been added.
- UPGRADE: Hi-Hat now has manual gates and gate indicators.
- UPGRADE: Boolean Logic Blocks now have manual gates.
- FIX: Boolean Logic C-Element output has been added to the instrument (the process had the output, but it was not connected!).


Paul Jinkerson
1 year ago
Legendary Block library
Gino Della Penta
2 years ago
Nevermind, I used Fabio's guide to make ports, too. Thanks, everyone!
Gino Della Penta
2 years ago
@Michael Marandino Don't know about anyone else, but I would greatly appreciate it. I'm new to the NI/Reaktor environments and having that functionality would save so much time.
Michael Marandino
2 years ago
Update: 4 days later, with some on and off work going through all of these modules, I'm finally done. It took about a moderate to generous part time week's worth of work. My question still stands: Am I allowed to post a link to a fixed zip archive of this whole collection? I can format it exactly the same way as the originals were in terms of file structure, and all the filenames are the same. I took a few liberties with patch point placement style but mostly kept it all uniform starting one ctrl + down arrow down from the default location and moving them precisely to maximize a balance of spaciousness vs ergonomics, at least to the best of my ability. I aligned and centered text labels to the patch points as much as I could and for those blocks with odd numbers of inputs or outputs, I organized them in a zig-zag style because I think it looks and feels nice. But again, it's mostly all as uniform as possible. I look forward to any response because I'd love to share the result of this work and make using this block pack easier for anyone interested.
Michael Marandino
2 years ago
Thanks so much for that link! Went from thinking this was too much for me to wrap my head around and finding diving into Reaktor editing intimidating, to well on my way to fixing every block in this pack this way. Much appreciated! Would I be allowed to post a link here to my fixed version of the entire thing when I'm done?
Fabio Maurer
2 years ago
@ Stepan Trnka: you're right, what i have written makes littel sense, so i did a little guide to make it work with Port and Wires ;D i hope it helps
Stepan Trnka
2 years ago
Fabio Maurer: I didn't get what you have written. :-D But you're right, compact view works just fine in R 6.4.3.
Fabio Maurer
3 years ago
lol ensamble, sorry my english is not the best :)
Fabio Maurer
3 years ago
works perfectly in Reaktor 6.4.3 great stuff, thanks a lot!! you see it lined up correctly in compact view out of the box port and wire view needs some manual adjustements, no big deal, but if you're new to this, here are some hints: make a failsave, load the Euro Reakt Blocks into a new Ensamble (drag n drop) load a NI Block into the same Ensamble for two reasons: first: the FPP-UI-kitUtility-ports image and second: you can see how its done, you only need to edit the ports that are connected to the process cell in the structure view and insert text modules (name them in the info tab), do all the edits in view A than copy to view B (Copy A->B) and than uncheck all wiring elements in view A, and "Save Instrument As.." you're good to go, have fun!
Jeffery Spears
3 years ago
Currently unusable in Reaktor 6.4.3. All the knobs and readouts are stacked on top of each other and can't be adjusted or read.
Jean-Pierre DEVIN
3 years ago
Hi I bought the paid version sold by Unfiltered Audio and supposed to work with Reaktor 6.3 : Beware, all of the modules have not been updated, so you pay for some legacy stuff. A shame.
Dmitry Minin
3 years ago
gui issue reaktor 6.4
kevin Adams
3 years ago
How do i install this in Reaktor?
Tunç Erden
3 years ago
Hello, I was wondering if any of the algorhythms in the wavefolder block come from the one in the fold osc, thank you.
Robert Savell
3 years ago
Also, these blocks are a brilliant addition to the Blocks collection. Thanks so much, Michael! Will purchase the Rack Ready versions when post pandemic finances are sorted. Take care!
Robert Savell
3 years ago
@Albert Callejo- To get the blocks to also work in Ports and Wires view, open the block in Ensemble Mode, open the instrument view panel. Choose Copy A->B (or for the 2 samplers Copy B->A) and resave.
Kenny Vue
4 years ago
what's the difference between these and the ones on Unfiltered Audio's site?
Marc Beaulieu
4 years ago
@Albert Callejo - yes, I have. Reaktor defaults to the 'Ports and Wires view', so switch it to 'Compact View'. If you want Michael's version with the updated Wires option, check out his site at
Albert Callejo
4 years ago
Hi, in my Reaktor 6.4.0(R2) all the modules appear completely broken, all the controls out of place and most overlayed... Have someone experienced same wired error?. Thank you
Andreas Neufeld
4 years ago
lol @cristiano
cristiano mello
4 years ago
Not really free since I need to buy Reaktor
David Arturo Menendez Guerra
4 years ago
4 years ago
Thank you!
4 years ago
Thank yoU!
Rene Hofer
5 years ago
Danke vielmals
Bernd Durrwachter
5 years ago
Hello Michael Hetrick, I have a question for you but couldn't find a way to DM you...(don't worry, it's not tech support related ;-) I was wondering why you chose Reaktor to invest all your soft synth design talent in, versus say MAX/MSP or PureData, or Csound, SuperCollider, you name it. Now with the experience richer, would you still get started with Reaktor for making custom/modular soft synths?
Richard Figone
5 years ago
Does anybody know WHY I can't load user content into Reaktor "Rack" view? I feel like it should just let me load whatever I want...
Ralf Oberbarnscheidt
5 years ago
Yes...i also can only say: thank you very much
Artem Moroz
5 years ago
Thank YOU! Thank YOU VERY MUCH!!!
Eljas Lehtovuori
5 years ago
on my earlier comment: thank god it does work with 6.3
Eljas Lehtovuori
5 years ago
this is not working on reaktor 6.3 is it?
Prry Mppns
5 years ago
Hi Michael Hetrick, that's great to hear thank you! These modules are amazing. Also, thank you for the Euro Reakt free pack in the new Racks format.
Michael Hetrick
5 years ago
Hi Prry Mppns, This version will remain on the User Library and will remain free. I do not plan on taking it down to pressure people into buying the rack-friendly version.
Prry Mppns
5 years ago
The new rack-friendly version is now on sale (until May 15) here: I sure hope that means this free version won't disappear!
5 years ago
Dr Faustus is high up!
beat spichtig
5 years ago
thank you for the euro reakt
5 years ago
Thanks Michael
5 years ago
Thanks Michael
marc billon
6 years ago
Thank you!
Thorsten Hindermann
6 years ago
One of the best collections here in the REAKTOR forum! Thanx Michael for his effort to the community!!! Nedim Zengovski, in the unpacked path of this pack there is a manual included that describes all components!
Nedim Zengovski
6 years ago
Hello and thank You!, Is there anywhere a Manual for the EuroReakt? Thanks
Nick Maxwell
6 years ago
Not only are the blocks superb, but your dissertation is utterly fascinating. Thank you so much for all of this free education.
gentleclockdivider .
6 years ago
ahh ..lengthen the width of the gate delay fixes this . Seems that the default width is to short for reaktor to update it visually
gentleclockdivider .
6 years ago
Encountered some bugs with the sequencing and logic modules . WHen for example a gate or trigger is delayed by your gate delay block , and then fed into the utilities cv mixer , the cv mixer visuals do not update , don't show the trigger in signals .
Catman Dude
6 years ago
Michael, these are simply amazing! Designed for sound, and improvements on any NI-similar blocks (Complex Oscillator!). Minor issue with Fold Osc's FM Modulation arrow not disappearing??? Thanks so much for this collection!
Claude S.
6 years ago
Never mind.. answered my own question! BTW.. I love the demonstration on that video. It revived my interest in Reaktor, and i upgraded from 5 to 6 because of it! :)
Claude S.
6 years ago
At 5:25 of the video you demonstrate a sample scanning block. Is this in this collection?
Andrew Tanguay
6 years ago
If this were a playground, I estimate it would be a playground covering 3.4 football fields. WOW. Thank you for sharing this.
Jeff Greenlee
6 years ago
Michael, My apologies for neglecting to check this post. I have been spending times trying to get my physical Eurorack filled out a bit. As I find the ones with missing parameters I'll let you know. Here is the one I noticed is missing parameters: "WT LFO". The only available parameter that I can map is "Wave". all the rest are not mappable. (phase, Table, out, 3 toggle switches and Freq). I can dig down into the panel and see properties for the controls, Is there some parameter that needs to be checked to enable a control to be included as a controllable parameter?
Michael Hetrick
7 years ago
Hi Jeff, let me know which Blocks have missing parameters and I'll fix them! Generally, to add the capability to a knob, you click the knob and then select the checkbox icon in the top-left of the Reaktor interface. There's a tab dedicated to all of the OSC and MIDI info. It's very possible that I've forgotten to fill a few of them out :)
Jeff Greenlee
7 years ago
Hey! I have a question! I have been enjoying this collection of tools in conjunction with my Easy Sleeper ES3 and my very early Eurorack module(s). I have been attempting to map my Push2 controls in Ableton 9.5 to the parameters of some of these blocks and I am seeing a problem: in some of these blocks (last night I was playing with the Modified LFO block) The parameters such as Frequency for example are not available as a parameter that can be mapped in Ableton Live. I compared with the standard Blocks LFO and ALL parameters are available. Is there something I need to change the Properties in these blocks that will make those parameters available to be mapped to a MIDI control?
Thorsten Hindermann
7 years ago
Thanx a lot for this absolut fantastic work and your Dissertation give away! I love to build synths and play them with my new KKS 25 MK1.
antoine monzonis-calvet
7 years ago
Thanks a lot, very nice.
7 years ago
Absolute fantastic!
nicolas greget
7 years ago
Nice work, I read the dissertation and tested many modules, it is an inexhaustible source of possibilities. Thank.
Laszlo Mikhazi
7 years ago
Thank you very much!
Steve Lampert
7 years ago
Thank you!
Brett Lavallee
7 years ago
Really enjoying the sub octave generators. Thank you!
7 years ago
Thank you so much for all your efforts in creating all these amazing new blocks.
7 years ago
Incredible value, really thank you.
Collin Schupman
7 years ago
How do you install the library?
7 years ago
This is amazing. Thank you for your hard work.
Vaughn Stegeman
7 years ago
Even tho I have NO IDEA why I would ever use at least half of these modules, you've really included some GREAT stuff that I turn to rather often. Thank you so much for this collection, kind sir. Excellent work!
Vaughn Stegeman
7 years ago
@Par Henriksson Look in the Documentation folder in the "install" files. The documentation, as it is, is part of his doctoral dissertation. It pretty much takes up the last half of the document. It describes all the included modules pretty well. Also, if you mouse-over any of the modules, it pops up with info about the module. (Also in the Info tab in the left side column thingee)
Pär Henriksson
7 years ago
Sorry if this was asked already. But ... - Is there a manual or similar that describes the function or these modules?
7 years ago
Upgraded my Reaktor to 6 this week and got EuroReak today :) "In 2017, I plan on finally releasing an album of modular recordings with the hours of material that I have." Waiting for it :)
Benjamin Fabricius
7 years ago
The "Gate Schwifty" Update... i love it! :)
Victor Sologub
7 years ago
7 years ago
Faustus - forgot an s
7 years ago
Thanks Dr Fautus.
Michael Hermes
8 years ago
Sorry, never mind. Wish I could delete or modify comments. Still love your library.
Michael Hermes
8 years ago
Great library as always, but I'm still getting the error with the SumSyn osc even after installing 4.15.
8 years ago
I've commented before, but I wanted to say again, thank you for all the hard work you've put into these, it's very much appreciated. My question to you is, would it be a tough task to re-create Razor's algorithms in blocks format?
Michael Hetrick
8 years ago
Thanks for the heads up! I'll post a fix ASAP.
gentleclockdivider .
8 years ago
Found bug in symsyn osc . Set brightness to full , clips reaktor , mutes sound . Reaktors engine needs to be restarted
Stephen Seifert
8 years ago
I've been studying synthesis off and on since about 1984. I recently got interested in modular which led me to buying Reaktor about 6 weeks ago. David, thank you for adding such great documentation to your blocks. You've really helped me learn a lot in a very short time. Now we get the January update with your paper and the examples?! What an INCREDIBLE resource. I wanted to learn modular and I somehow ended up in the best place to do so. I'm just blown away. THANK YOU, DUDE!
8 years ago
Michael, on an Eurorack you set the cables in front of the GUI like in herws synth. Is there a way to do this in Reaktor Blocks?
Christian Huygen
8 years ago
Michael, congrats on finishing. And many thanks for your dissertation, which is very enjoyable AND VERY educational and illuminating. The metamodules idea is brilliant. Paypal on the way.
Michael Hetrick
8 years ago
Thanks! Christian: Michael's fine :). I don't plan on taking a professorship at the moment, as I'm primarily focused on Unfiltered Audio for now (I agree with Worwell: everyone should check out Sandman Pro hahah). The dissertation was successfully defended on December 9th, and all of the paperwork is in. I officially graduate in mid-March. Mantis: Thank you, that means a lot! Curtis a great advisor. If you haven't read his latest book (Composing Electronic Music), I highly recommend it.
Worwell _
8 years ago
Great work as always Michael. Everyone be sure to check out Michael's plugins. Sandman Pro is next level stuff.
Woodpecking Mantis
8 years ago
Dr. Hetrick, Congratulations for your valuable work and thanks a lot for sharing. Adding your dissertation MHetrickModularUnderstandingFinal.pdf to the package is awesome and seeing that Curtis Road was on the committee made me wordless. Your package is part of the modular history.
Christian Huygen
8 years ago
Dr. Hetrick, you are too modest to say so in so many words, so please let me ask - may we all now congratulate you on your successful dissertation defense and completion of all requirements for your doctoral degree? Also, do you prefer to be addressed as Dr. Hetrick, Professor Hetrick (or does that wait on job placement), Avatar of All Possible Sounds, or some other title?
m9 cao
8 years ago
Thanks for update 4.1 (01/30/2017)
Eduard Rojas
8 years ago
Thanks Doctor Hetrick!
Felix Petrescu
8 years ago
thanks again Michael. you are very very generous:)
Todd Silva
8 years ago
Hey Michael, finally picked up Reaktor 6 (via Komplete 11 update), and after figuring out how to configure Blocks' Pitch CV, downloaded your collection. Wow!!! Incredible job you have done here, thank you!!!!! Donation on the way for sure!
Lukas Did
8 years ago
Simply put: YOU ARE A GOD. Thanks
Michael Hetrick
8 years ago
Hi Tim, that sounds about right! It's not meant as an audio source... I should clean up the documentation to emphasize that. A better name would be "Triggered Random". The idea is that it generates a new value on receiving a gate. Try plugging the output into a filter's modulation input and use it for random cutoff values per note. Alternatively, you can use it as an audible noise source by plugging a square wave oscillator into the trigger input (changing the frequency of the oscillator will change the rate of noise generation).
8 years ago
Great modules! Something is wrong with Triggered Noise module though. Midi gate triggers it but out comes only a ~1ms spike of sound but no continuous noise.
Michael Hetrick
8 years ago
Thanks, everyone! Das, thank you for the generous donation. I will share the final draft of the dissertation when it's finished and include it in this package. It's about 370 pages and includes descriptions of every Euro Reakt Block, so I think people would find it to be useful. The final due date for the paper is January 6th.
Julien Guillot
8 years ago
Massive thanks for you work Michael ! I'll test all this up when I have some time. All the courage for your defence !
8 years ago
Good luck with your defence!
Owen Englefield
8 years ago
das wesen
8 years ago
this is jaw dropping. thank you so much, and best of luck for your defense! are you going to share the thesis along with these blocks? I would love to read it.
Aaron Zimmermann
8 years ago
Great job Michael! You've succeeded in creating a collection of blocks that are awesome, useful as hell, and also an incredible learning resource. The hard work and care you put into these is inspirational!
8 years ago
Boaah more than 130 …
8 years ago
yeah, looking forward to using these new ones. I keep trying and failing to mod the chaos blocks, i nearly had a 8 way multimode mouse block using the new structure but it wasn't right either... so, till i am bit more Core savvy i sure appreciate your skills and efforts...good luck with your dissertation and book writing!
Michael Hetrick
8 years ago
Glad you saw it, Cal! I made them partially with you in mind. It's going to make your ensembles even more flexible and unpredictable. I'm cataloging my Blocks as part of my dissertation, and I had the realization of how silly it was to have 6 Blocks with identical interfaces and similar purpose. All of the chaos callbacks are now tucked into their own clockable macros, so they're a lot easier to modify and experiment on as well.
8 years ago
Multi-mode chaos!- fantastic. thanks Michael
Sébastien RADE
8 years ago
Thank you so much!
John Wise
8 years ago
For those of you who may not read everything to your left, Michael has some amazing new plugins called Fault, Dent, and Indent that are available from - supporting him by buying his plugins or throwing something his way on Paypal is probably a great way to help guarantee that he continues to support the Reaktor Blocks community. I for one recognize that this guy brings all of us the tools and toys that make our lives better.
arnout killian
8 years ago
Thank you so much!
m9 cao
8 years ago
3.01 (08/22/2016)
Michael Hetrick
8 years ago
Hey everyone! I'm on the other side of some intense plug-in deadlines. Here's an emergency update to fix something that was only reported to me a week or two back. If you used my 44.1k downsampler in any of your own Blocks, or you used my effect Blocks in your ensembles, I would update them to these new versions for compatibility at all rates. Sorry about that! New stuff coming soon =)
Christopher Dietz
8 years ago
this is beyond incredible. what a legend.. THANK YOU!! evolution right here.
Warren Christiansen
8 years ago
Nice. Hard to stop playing long enough to rate . Great stuff!
Evan Williams
8 years ago
Wow, What a great community. Thank you times a 1,000,000 Michael Hetrick! :)
John Wise
8 years ago
One of the best donations I've made this week....the other was to Matthew Friedrichs. You guys have added amazing value to Reaktor and I can't emphasize enough how appreciative I am. I encourage everyone who is benefiting from the great blocks you guys build for the community to look to the left and grab that PayPal link and do some good for them too.
Michael Hetrick
8 years ago
Hi everyone, this is the biggest Euro Reakt update ever! There are 15 new Blocks here, a few of which have been on my to-do since 1.0. I'm going to slow down development of new Blocks and focus on writing my book. This means that updates in the near future will focus on bug fixes, refinement, and example ensembles.
GG.G SakabeaT
8 years ago
thx a million for your generosity ahd hard work michael !!!! that is just awesome !!!
Michael Hetrick
8 years ago
My apologies for uploading these before adding documentation to the new Blocks. The Sinc Train is very similar to the Impulse Train, but it generates sinc-shaped impulses. These are very similar to band-limited impulses and sound great as standalone grains or as generators for both grain envelopes or grain oscillators. FitzHugh-Nagumo is similar to the other chaotic oscillators in Euro Reakt, and the documentation wouldn't shed too much light on its inner workings. It tends to be much more stable than many of the other chaotic oscillators. As such, it works very well as a semi-predictable modulation source. Brusselator is the odd-ball. It has an internal impulse generator that rapidly retriggers its initial conditions. The reason for this is because it frequently "dies off" to zero values. In a way, it's a biologic granular generator. "Freq" is the perceived frequency, "Delta" is the calculation rate, and "Regen" is the speed of the internal impulse generator. "Disturb" adds gaussian randomization to the impulse generator. All four of those controls will affect the perceived frequency. The Gamma and Mu controls work in concert to determine timbre and whether or not the system will self-oscillate. If you set "Regen" to 0, it will turn off the internal impulse generator. The "Reset" output can be used to manually trigger the system. You can combine both the Reset input and the internal generator.
ryan chittick
8 years ago
Just spectacular. Really great work on these. Thanks Michael.
Omar Misa
8 years ago
These are a huge boost to assets and inventory, in Reaktor MMORPG parlance! Thanks Michael!!!
Greg Johnson
8 years ago
All of us Reaktor enthusiasts – novices and ensemble creators alike – owe you a very obvious debt of gratitude. Thanks very much.
Felix Petrescu
8 years ago
possible the most important pack in the lib!:) bigups Michael!!!!
Michael Hetrick
8 years ago
Thanks, everyone! I really appreciate it. This is the biggest update since January, so I hope that you enjoy it.
Hartej Dhiman
8 years ago
One of the best entries to the User Library ever. Thank you, Michael.
8 years ago
My apologies for my earlier question. Everything is fine. Thank you for the quick responses. :)
Eric Reynolds
8 years ago
Man this Dattoro Verb is gorgeous.
Diego Ghiddini
8 years ago
This is wonderful !!!! Many thanks Michael !
Steven Wartofsky
8 years ago
This is really ground-breaking stuff, thank you! I hope over time the connections you describe between hardware modular and Reaktor will become more transparent to a wider base of users. Getting through a typical DAW audio interface that blocks what need to be converted into voltage control signals should at some point be a no-thought thing (right now it's "use Expert Sleepers' ES3," right?).
David Frappaz
8 years ago
Real time spectral morpher please! :p
geoff white
8 years ago
i'm still simply astonished by your work and generosity. Wonderful
Michael Hetrick
8 years ago
Thanks, Richard! Rigby: I'm using a MOTU Ultralite AVB interface. That will provide you with 8 analog 1/4" outputs for signals including DC components (that means you can output modulations from Reaktor), and inputs for audio (meaning you can take sounds from the modular, but not modulations). If you want full input-output of modulation signals, you will need to look into a digital solution. I'm using an Expert Sleepers ES-3/ES-8, which connect to my MOTU via optical cables. This gives me 8 outputs from the computer and 6 inputs to the computer directly from my modular. In the summer, Expert Sleepers is releasing the ES-8. This is a single module that connects to your computer via USB, providing inputs and outputs. It will be a much more elegant solution if you can wait. I've also posted information in this thread: I hope that helps!
Rigby Allen
8 years ago
Hi there - really enjoyed the Synthtopia presentation. I love the idea of Reaktor acting as a central hub to a modular setup - can you tells us a bit more about the ins and outs hardware you had at the presentation - thanks!
Richard Devine
8 years ago
Amazing Michael! :-)
John Wise
8 years ago
Saw Michael's presentation featured on Synthtopia and I'm digging through everything on these pages. I'll be buying Reaktor in the next hour due to his Euro Reakt Blocks - this is awesome.
Michael Hetrick
8 years ago
Much appreciated!!! Thanks.
Liam Donaldson
8 years ago
I'm unlikely to ever exploit these Blocks much but I appreciate you work. Sending a donation shortly.
Michael Hetrick
8 years ago
Hi Quinn, does this happen with every Block? The 1>2 and 2>1 Blocks do not save their states for snapshots, as they use a simple flip-flop for state switching (They're intended more for modulation than route saving). If you want your routing saved between snapshots, I recommend using the 8-way switch. That Block has a Panel control/parameter that is saved with snapshots and is far more versatile.
8 years ago
Downloading latest version now. searching this page for issue didn't come up with anything, so i'll mention it. When i duplicate an instrument (for example 2>1) it no longer records setting changes to snapshots. If it's my fault, please disregard. Great collection, thanks.
Adam Florin
8 years ago
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Hi Will, you can use the regular Reaktor Input ports and connect them directly to the Blocks. The Blocks don't use a different amplitude standard, so they don't need special conditioning. Or, are there certain features that you would want to see on an input Block?
9 years ago
Thank you so much Michael for all the work you've done. Simply amazing designs. Would it be too much to ask for you to develop and audio in module, so we can use Reaktor 6 as an effect?
Drew Anderson
9 years ago
Thanks Michael. I tried it again and now it works for me! OSX 10.10.5 which usually has little issue with these things. All good now. Thanks again for your brilliant work!
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Hi Drew, I haven't heard any other reports about that, and it seems to work fine on my computer. What unzipper are you using, and what platform?
Drew Anderson
9 years ago
Hey Michael, The compressed file seems to only unzip to another .cpgz file. Is there potential for this one to have been corrupted on upload?
Omar Misa
9 years ago
Such a great suite of blocks, Michael! Thanks! Love Karplus' external input soooo much! So many timbres for pluck-y, mallet-y sounds.
Lowe Zwei
9 years ago
Hello Michael! Thank you! Can you make some spectral resynthesis/morphing block?
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Yeah it's humongous hahahah. I think it shrinks so much because the compression algorithm is able to detect so many repeating assets (i.e. there are only a handful of knobs, and every panel uses the same background). I need to check out Matt's improvements to the Looper Block and roll them in for the next update. These two Blocks have been sitting on my hard drive for a while, and I found a free hour last night to finish them up for posting.
joe king
9 years ago
Is there some sort of magic going on here? When I unzip this baby, it expands to 1.41GB !
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Hi Martin, I would love to do a pitch shifting Block, but I need to find a decent, efficient way to do an FFT in Reaktor. Does anyone have recommendations for User Library FFT implementations in Core?
Martin Géč
9 years ago
Mind-blowing work, Michael! Thanks so much for these gems to the Reaktor community. Any chance you would add some nice pitch-shift block in the future?
Dieter Zobel
9 years ago
I do not have words. This all for free. The world is not so bad as i thought. Much thanks.
Paul Weber
9 years ago
I'm calling in the Guinness Book of records to have all these records certified!! Great, amazing job. How you do this is beyond the reach of my feeble mind....!
Drew Anderson
9 years ago
This is so incredible. Thank you for these....
Brett Lavallee
9 years ago
Cal meant to say, "I like the way the scientist *knew* the regularity of the pulses was an alien race, at first."
9 years ago
thanks Michael! an incredible chaos update + pulsar trains... i like the way the scientist thought the regularity of the pulses was an alien race at first.
ross healy
9 years ago
Hi Michael. Thanks for all your brilliant work!. Is there anyway you can create a New folder saving us to have to find the new , updated modules? I have created folders for Osc, Filters etc that collects all makers modules. I can understand if you cant be bothered too! Keep up the great stuff!
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Hi Joshua, here's the original paper: It's great. The simple Block that came with this update isn't Curtis-approved, but it's a lot of fun to play with. I'm making a more rigorous version that has independent frequency and FM controls. I also have a nearly-finished Block that breaks out the Gaussian envelope/LFO/oscillator so that you can build your own Pulsar synth.
Worwell _
9 years ago
"An oscillator is windowed by a probabilistic, variable-width Gaussian train." Now why didn't I think of that... Thanks again Michael. Awesome stuff.
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Already finished some more Blocks for the next update. I extracted the Timbre circuit from the DWG and made a generalized version for any oscillator. It sounds pretty awesome!
rick scott
9 years ago
You met your challenge: 100 Euro Blocks by 1/1/2016! :-)
9 years ago
Thanks Michael, glad all the alien music boxes make your approval. next maybe i have a chaos drum machine with 4 burst gens triggering the patterns via Turing, and its got all your drum blocks + the new satverb on the snare. really odd disjointed + chaotic rythms its making. sounding a bit lofi but i think thats ok aswell with drums. anyway thanks a ton.. so much coolness + chaos to explore, its taking more than 2 months to catch up with all your last EuroReakt efforts!
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Cal, I'm really excited to hear the wild music boxes that you create with them!
9 years ago
Amazing, well done on reaching 100 Blocks, thanks for all the verbs.
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
So far, not that I know of =/ Hopefully soon!
Brett Lavallee
9 years ago
Thanks for your work as always. By the way, did your talk at native sessions ever make it to the web?
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Happy holidays! Sorry for the delay. I was busy writing my dissertation proposal, which was completed last week. I've been listening to a lot of vintage music lately, so this update focuses on old-school reverberation and spatialization techniques. There are also some awesome upgrades applied to the Sample Scanner and Looper, thanks to Sandy Small. Hopefully the next update won't take two months!
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Thank you! I really appreciate every donation that I've received so far. I'm spending the week visiting family for Thanksgiving, but when I get back I'll have some new Blocks to share.
9 years ago
Sent $10 your way. Enjoy a couple beers on me.
9 years ago
This stuff is incredible! Thanks for sharing your work :)
Christian Huygen
9 years ago
Thank you Michael for your generosity. I can't wait to get stuck in with the Complex Osc.
Stephen Reid
9 years ago
I haven't had chance to use this yet (no spare time :( ) but I just wanted to say thank you so much for this amazing resource. I can't wait to get a bit of spare time to get stuck in. THANK YOU!!!
Jay Scott
9 years ago
Hey Sandy I didn't see your modification in the forum thread is it still available?
Jay Scott
9 years ago
Michael I really can't thank you enough for all of your gracious contributions. Your complex oscillator exceeded my expectations (and they were pretty hard to begin with). It really sounds great. And I'm going to buy your wonderful Sandman delay very soon. Speaking of Sandman here's the link for anyone who wants to check it out it's the perfect companion for Blocks.
Sandy Small
9 years ago
Michael, I've posted my modified version in the forum thread.
Bryce Upright
9 years ago
Complex Osc is the sickest! :-O
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Hi Martin, I appreciate it! I have a link posted in the project description:
Martin Géč
9 years ago
This is getting absolutely insane. Do you have some Paypal account where one could donate for your work here? :-)
michael lancaster
9 years ago
Just started to explore the complex oscillator and its sounding great.And a big thank you for all the blocks/hard work that you have done
Mark Williamson
9 years ago
I'm turning into a total fan boy here! The Tape delay is really lovely (used on of the voices here I want it as a Eurorack module now!
Starik Gen
9 years ago
Michael, you are EuroBlock Hero! Looking forward to your book.
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Here's the big one! Icons for almost everything, fixes for high sample rates, and a Complex Oscillator (not to mention, every request for Tape Delay has been thrown in).
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Whoops! Thanks again Sandy. It's fixed for the next release. Is there any way that you could send me the code for the Range and Playback Position indicators? I would love to roll that into the main release for both the Scanner and Looper.
Sandy Small
9 years ago
I am really loving the stereo sample scanner, although I noticed that the right output stage lacks an AmpOut inlet (as long as you're working on a bug fix release...) I also found it useful to pop in a simple display for range and playback position myself. Great work as always, thanks for your continued contributions!
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
1.10 is going to primarily be a bug fix release... The Clipper light logic was a bit stupid on my part. It only checks if the positive part of the value exceeds 1, and not if the absolute value of the signal exceeds the clipping level. D'oh. Also already fixed for the next version: Rossler NaN bug (thanks, Sandy!), Chaos gens and Bitcrusher sound different above 44.1 kHz SR (Thanks, Neb!).
9 years ago
Amazing updates... supersonic!
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Whew! Back from my vacation after the Native Sessions talk. Sandy, thanks for the report! I'll look into a good fix for that.
Sandy Small
9 years ago
Michael, I was playing around with your Chaotic 3D Attractors block a minute ago and ran into some NAN errors with certain settings of the Rossler attractor. I found that clipping the LastX, -Y, and -Z values to +/-20 avoids this, although there may be a more robust solution. Just wanted to give you a heads up. Thanks again for your excellent work.
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Hi Martin, it will livestream from the event page, and will later be uploaded to YouTube.
Martin Géč
9 years ago
I hope the event will be available to watch on Youtube. Is it possible to pre-order your book on synthesis? Just kidding but most definitely I will buy it! :-)
Ricardo Martins
9 years ago
Michael Hetrick thanks man!!!! u Freaking Rock!!!!
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Thanks Christian! Sorry everyone for the sudden patch. There was a really, really bad modulation bug affecting all of the new oscillators and some of the old effects. It's been fixed. I also threw in a Burst Generator, which was going to be the focus of the 1.9 update. There won't be an update for a few days, as I'm heading to Los Angeles tomorrow for the Native Sessions event (come visit!, and then taking a few days of vacation.
Christian Huygen
9 years ago
Michael for as long as you do not tire of creating and improving on your ideas, we pledge not to tire of saying thank you. Thank you.
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Thanks, Sandy! Feel free to reuse that linear interpolator macro. It's used in almost all of my Supercollider Chaos ports and a few others. I'd like to create a similar cubic interpolator when I get a chance and upgrade all of the noise/chaos Blocks to have 3 types of interpolation.
Sandy Small
9 years ago
Nice work, as always. I'm particularly enjoying Probability Noise--I was working on something very similar the other day and got stuck with the interpolation. I admire your elegant solution.
Christian Huygen
9 years ago
Tribute track here
Christian Huygen
9 years ago
Many thanks Michael. Many thanks and good wishes to Olivier Gillet too.
neil rosson
9 years ago
Just trying these new blocks out, definitely my favorite oscillator blocks so far.
Rick Scott
9 years ago
Ya know I HATE Windows 10 auto updating ... but I'd welcome an auto-updater for the Euro Blocks! I have a challenge for you, Michael: 100 Euro Blocks by 1/1/2016. :-)
Bryce Upright
9 years ago
Wow! Is there any chance you'll combine all the Braids modes Blocks into one Block? That would be epic!
neil rosson
9 years ago
Love MI stuff Olivier is a legend. Great work again Michael.
Glyn Darby
9 years ago
Blimey Michaei, do you ever sleep? Thank you so much for all your efforts in creating all these amazing new blocks. Cheers Glyn.
Brett Lavallee
9 years ago
Huge thanks to both you and Olivier Gillet. Congrats on being invited to speak at Native Sessions, I'm sure you'll have some really interesting things to talk about.
Paul Weber
9 years ago
Damn Michael! Since we're collectively in Star Wars mode I can only say that you're The Force behind NI's Reaktor 6 . They ought to pay you your weight in gold! I visited your website ( - your resumé is more than impressive. I wish you a lifetime of success.
Gleb Bondarenko
9 years ago
Great work! Almost all what I need in one pack. Thank you a lot!
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Good news! I've been invited to speak at next week's Native Sessions in Los Angeles. The focus is entirely on Reaktor:
Bryce Upright
9 years ago
Man....I'm block away. Great work Micheal.
Sandy Small
9 years ago
As it happens, I've *also* had Lorenz and Rossler oscs on my to-do list for a while; I'm not familiar with the other chaotic attractors--very much looking forward to playing with all of these! Thank you! Also, I think that it is entirely appropriate to keep display-only blocks like your Lissajous display in Primary.
_ _
9 years ago
Your stuff is astonishing in both quality and quantity, and not many people can say that about themselves! Top-notch work, all of it.
giona francesco arturo vinti
9 years ago
i also love the Quadrature Lfo for controlling different aspects of a patch with slow evolving changes that maintain an overall sense of continuity :) Michael, you are the MAN! thx thx thx
Brett Lavallee
9 years ago
That sounds like a good start, thank you! I'll let you know how it goes...
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
What general style of generative are you looking to do? For complicated rhythms: Probability, VC Gates, the standard Library's Clock Divider, and a few switches will really do the trick. In general, though, the thing that really helped me out with generative pieces was slowing everything down. Slower than slow. Use some of the Chaos Blocks and set them to minimum frequency, linearly interpolated. The Wavetable LFO is especially good for this if you want complicated modulations, but repeated patterns.
Brett Lavallee
9 years ago
My comment was kind of ambiguous and I pondered it more, and I realized I just need to use the regular note-in in conjunction with the voice split for every-note triggers.. I'm sure the gate combiner is still useful though! I admit some of your modules are a bit over my head, but I'm going to start experimenting with them more, and hopefully create a cool generative patch. I think I'm going to read up a bit, and also watch the salamander anagram course about core before I build any new blocks. If you have any advice for me in the meantime I'd be happy to hear it. Specifically I was wondering which of your blocks you would recommend most for generative patches, to put it simply. Thanks for everything.
Bryce Upright
9 years ago
hahaha I agree with David below...this is incredible!
david brymer
9 years ago
Has NI offered you a job yet? Dear God Man! You are uber-productive!
Brett Lavallee
9 years ago
Thanks yet again. The gate combiner should come in handy when using the '4 Voice Split,' this is exactly what I needed. The other new modules will be interesting as well!
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Rick, I love your ensembles and have been using them for years! I've started a thread for Block/feature requests and bug reports here:
Rick Scott
9 years ago
Fantastic service to the community. Thank you! Btw, do you take requests? ;-)
christophe tessa
9 years ago
thx great !!!
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Thanks, everyone! All credit for the VOSIM implementation goes to Rob Hordijk's excellent article here: Also, for this particular implementation (with two formants), I used the setup found in one of my very favorite musical devices, Olivier Gillet's Braids Oscillator: He uses the same trick as Hordijk, but went with two independent formant controls. I found this setup to be very inviting, but I added a waveshaper to add a little more sonic variety. Also, Sandy, I can't thank you enough for putting such good wavetable code into the User Library. For 1.3, I need to add an optional internal limiter to the WT Distortion's lookup routine. I sort of hacked the external lookup into there. I like that the implementation allows bleedover into neighboring tables and waves for glitch purposes, but I imagine that some users don't share my opinion on that hahah.
Christian Meyer
9 years ago
Outstanding work Michael. thank you.
Sandy Small
9 years ago
Nice work on the VOSIM osc. I've been procrastinating making one myself for weeks. And incidentally, I'm flattered by your use of my wavetable handiwork.
Marco Post
9 years ago
VOSIM is excellent!
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Hi Joseph, thanks for your kind words! I have a donation link in the description. My company also has a few plug-ins. I've been looking into doing something PP-style (It's one of my favorite modules, I have two of them). However, I have a few friends at Make Noise, and am trying to avoid stepping on their toes too much. I think what I'll do is something similar to Pressure Points without Brains or pressure sensitivity, which is like the Serge TKB or a number of other voltage storage devices. That way, it could still be manually triggered (sequenced too, if you combine it with my VC Gates Block).
Joseph Guisti
9 years ago
Michael Hetrick is petitioning for sainthood or something :) Thank you so much, kind friend. In terms of upcoming releases, it almost feels downright rude to make requests, but I echo the call below for a Pressure Points style block. Also: is there a way we can donate some funding to your work? I know you've saved me hundreds if not thousands in modules. Your labor deserves a donation or fifty.
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Hi Joe, the Vector Mix GUI should be to the right of the four Bento Box Oscillators. There's a weird blank area between Note In and the first Osc. It generates audio when you load the patch, as I didn't put an envelope + VCA into the example. I'll throw one in on the next update.
joe king
9 years ago
Your VectorSynthesis.ens in examples folder seems odd. No gui on vector mix block. Seems to trigger audio without keyboard input.
Kristoffer Sundberg
9 years ago
Thank you so much for this! I guess you are already swamped with things to do, but I would love a programmer in style of Make Noise Pressure Points. The idea would be that as I play a key on my keyboard, a set of 3 or 4 CV values are sent. I could that so that several oscillators are tuned to various chords, or one row could control pitch, another filter cutoff, and a third row would control the speed of an LFO. A sequencer with several rows could do this I guess, but I want to be able to address the stages by hitting different keys on my keyboard.
andreas haun
9 years ago
thankyou. i have no PP account. any other idea to spend ?
Kouhei Yokono
9 years ago
thank you!!
9 years ago many amazing blocks!
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Another note: The next update will take a lot longer. I have a wishlist of about 20 Blocks that I still want to tackle. However, all of the designs that are left are pretty complex and/or time-consuming to build and test. I'm heading more into generators, so expect some cool random sources and oscillators in the next updates.
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Hi everyone, sorry for the rapid update! (I know that this is a huge file to download and extract...) I wanted to fix the Meta Control documentation. I also have three really exciting Blocks that I've added in. The Rungler Oscillator should keep you company until I release my Complex Oscillator. The Vector Mix Block might be one of my favorites in this entire library (Check out the VectorSynthesis ensemble for a great example). Vector Synthesis was what was used on the Korg M1. It was sort of an ancestor to Wavetable Synthesis, as memory used to be in short supply on older instruments and computers. It's a great way of generating extremely complex waveforms through the use of basic generators.
Stephen Wey
9 years ago
Amazing, thankyou!
Nico Staelens
9 years ago
Many thanks Michael,you opened a brand new world for me, i can't even describe.
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
Also, thanks everyone for the kind words! I have 3 more Blocks finished already. I'm planning on releasing an update this weekend or so.
Michael Hetrick
9 years ago
D'oh! I forgot to add documentation to Meta Control: Essentially, it allows you to take either an input or an internal offset and create 5 outputs with different amplitudes and polarity. It's primary use is like a macro knob in many plug-ins, as you can turn one knob and get 5 different responses. For a quick start, set it to "INT" mode for the internal offset generator. Set the bottom controls all to different levels, and then move the top knob. Check the output indicators to see what the levels are on each of the bottom four outputs. Alternatively, it can be used as a 4-way signal copier with separate attenuation per output. Set it to "EXT" mode, run some signal into the input, and set the top knob to full clockwise (for 100% main signal). Then, you have separate control for the level of each output.
joe king
9 years ago
How do you use the Meta Control.ism block?
Daniel LeGrand
9 years ago
You've brought so much value to R6 with useful, unique and original blocks. I cannot count how many steps you have brought us closer to having a fully functional, truly modular digital system. My deepest and dearest thanks!
david brymer
9 years ago
Thank you good sir!
tim h
9 years ago
beyond delicious. must-have blocks all wrapped up in a neat little package. your work and generosity are greatly appreciated.
Richard Devine
9 years ago
Awesome Michael! thanks for this!
andreas haun
9 years ago
thats it !!!
Fred S
9 years ago
thanks you !
yannick Le Déan
9 years ago
Thanks a lot !
Shane Higgins
9 years ago
Thanks Michael - this is a great collection. didn't know you were unfiltered audio - congrats on the plugin alliance deal
David Maslin
9 years ago
You are greatly appreciated for such fine work, Michael! Thank you so very much!
Olivier Perez
9 years ago
I regularly use G8 and Sandman. I'm sure it will be a pleasure to do some noises with this collection.
Sandy Small
9 years ago
Thank you for sharing these, Michael. This is a wonderful contribution to the library.
Brett Lavallee
9 years ago
Yes! Thank you!