Chord Scale Quantizer
Quantizes up to 4 pitches into a major or minor scale
So, Blocks isn't polyphonic. But you can make it sound like it is.
This block helps you cheat the system by playing multiple notes. You can play any 4 note chord in any major or minor scale with 1 finger.
Hook up a pitch input and hook pitch outputs to up to 4 oscillator blocks.
The root note selection will change the keys on your keyboard so that the root note will be in 'C' position. White notes will be a full scale starting with your chosen root note.
The degree knobs choose which harmonies the notes are playing relative to the chosen key. The notes all snap to the scale. If you play on the black keys, some of the notes will snap a little different giving slightly different chords (still in key).
Edit: Changed the smoothing on the mods so that the notes will arpeggiate properly when modulated. If you like the gliding, use the old version.