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sample based drumpartner with more than 100 drumpattern

(1.8K Votes)
1.1 (Updated 19 years ago)
September 03, 2003
Reaktor 5 or lower
Instrument Sequencer


drumbox in rolandstyle

sample based (some *analog*hihats)
with quick´n easy 16 step sequenzer
step remixer
gate controlled reverb and delay
comb filter for extra percussion

and your funky drummer,who built the 106 snaps
please use Bank 04!

based on Baz´s Pre Skool
feat. by Uwe G. Hoenigs Seq Remix part
and Lazyfish´s env follower.
Instrument Picture from Boss GS-10.

have fun

please write and vote



Niklas Nisbeth
4 years ago
This file does not work with Reaktor 4.1 for me. It says the file was made with a newer version and I should get a software update. I'm still running that on an old computer and I remember this working but I can't find it among my old backups. I don't suppose anyone has an old version archived?
Kisho Glunch
6 years ago
is it me or some grooves are "MUTED"?
ksav homeworks
6 years ago
kilmer salguero
6 years ago
hello I downloaded the LIMElite in which folder do I need to save the file LIMElite.ens to be able to use it in reaktor ?
Marcin Byzdra
6 years ago
Great job great sounds
Jim Valero
6 years ago
Sounds great--will it work on iMac?
Paweł Kukla
6 years ago
What Should I do for use this instrument. I Can Reaktor 6, not 5... ;-(
Vladimir Zeynalov
6 years ago
Попробуем, спасибо NI
Curtis Joseph
6 years ago
Thank you NI
walter mameli
6 years ago
Michael Cirasuolo
6 years ago
I am such a advocate of Native Instruments A Gift that just keeps on giving Thank you NI !
Luca Piermattei
8 years ago
8 years ago
I absolutely love this drum machine - a true Reaktor classic!
ksound kvision
8 years ago
this kickzzzzzzz azzzzzzz 110% LOVEIT
Solar Shaman
8 years ago
This is genius. Thank you for the inspiration!
Thomas Baumann
11 years ago
Tom Baumann, haste ein richtig geiles Teil programmiert,absolute Klasse. Vielen Dank u.Grüsse(2013-17-12)
Simon Clements-Hawes
11 years ago
Some very instant gratification and a decent UI :-)
Huen Alfee
12 years ago
I thought its a useful tool on earth!Thank you!
Samuel Segoua
12 years ago
real nice work
Karel Skakal
13 years ago
Excellent 10+
13 years ago
Real nice work ...I`ve used it many times with great results
ana raquel
13 years ago
congratulations! iam having alot of fun with this one
Bob Kershaw
13 years ago
A drummer! Just what I needed! Thanks.
Riel McGuire
13 years ago
Love it buddy. Damn good job.
Johan Verschueren
13 years ago
very, very nice! @remmer; i noticed your answer to tatu that banks 1-3 are not representative and silent... but sometimes when i switch between bank 4 and 1-2-3 the snapshots are generating sound (mostly not) again, very nice!
Jason Lanthier
14 years ago
Very Useful. Very Good Looking. Great character. This drum machine gets a 10!
Paul Hurtubise
14 years ago
i love it. awesome. love the sounds. inspiring.
manuel tondo
14 years ago
very cool..:D
Jean-Francois Pedneault
14 years ago
good on PC's crash on Mac ... too bad
year zero
14 years ago
oooh la la. grazi!!
Damian Press
14 years ago
Hysterical animated drum man makes it! Geil;) A bigger sequencer matrix would be totally awesome though, those airvents at the top appear to take up a lot of GUI room. However my machine seems to run a lot cooler now. Ha! Great work, Cheers!
14 years ago
Love it...oh to know how to build instruments as good as this.
cristian sava
14 years ago
how to put wav files in Reaktor?
Jonathan Sterne
15 years ago
Outstanding and fun.
Grant Miller
15 years ago
Fun and easy to use. Great sounds. Thanks for sharing your hard work.
15 years ago
thanks a lot
John-Paul O'Keeffe
15 years ago
Nice sounds good control. Top marks.
Bob King
15 years ago
Is the Reaktor 4 version still available to download? Thanks
15 years ago
Very Inspairing Tool. Thanks....
Nial Mosharrafa
15 years ago
amazing man thnx so much for sharing you must have worked very hard on this! Is there a way of having more than one pattern? ie programming pattern changes via midi or something so i can variate the pattern throughout a song? This may sound dumb, I hope it is possible! x
Christopher Manik
15 years ago
This is very good stuff- use it a lot!
Julian Harris
15 years ago
Really stands out as a drum machine and given how many years these things have been out, super impressive! Do you know how to control the volume and other parameters via MIDI? Stop and start works in Tracktion but not even mute is working.
Igor Fabris
16 years ago
excellent ..thank you
ariald pestmal
16 years ago
Nice job, usefull, thank you
Jakub Galiński
16 years ago
Great GUI and sounds. Thank you!
Frank Mess
16 years ago
groovy baby!
Doug Hyde jr
16 years ago
Gonna be good. Great animation, ha ha.
16 years ago
Great machine...the best, thank you
Chelliah Pandian
16 years ago
Great piece of work. Thanks a lot!
Robin Barklis
16 years ago
I'll definitely be using this a lot, thank you!
Christopher Wallace
16 years ago
I am new to reaktor but this ensemble has made me particularly happy that I purchased the program. Really fun and funny interface(the rip-off of that boss amp modeller is hilarious) the sounds are super hip and the beats are very funky. Thank you!
Tom Cunliffe
17 years ago
I love this ensemble - I used it all the time to generate material for my drumloop library. I'm amazed at he range of sounds and styles I can get out of it... a true classic!
Simon Stockhausen
17 years ago
Great ensemble, maybe I can fiddle a more flexible Step Sequencer in there, 16 steps doesn't do it. Thank's for sharing!
Dragan Jovanovic
17 years ago
Hi Jörgi ! Fast drei Jahre später und immer noch : DANKE für dieses Ensemble. Was ´ne DICKE Arbeit, das. Und ich bin einfach anur Nutzniesser. UND fühl´ mich auch noch gut dabei. KORREKT. DANKE! Punkt und schluss-bis in drei Jahren wiEDEr.
17 years ago
Hoo great machine...good stuff and quite easy to twick...just a problem to trigger a knob via the midi "learn" way but...very useful to get some quick and "concrete" rythm !!! bravo man!!
Christopher Soulos
17 years ago
Actually, a fantastic piece of gear. Better than 99% of freeware etc. I like the preset grooves, they help me choose sound groups. Then, swich off [play] and trigger via midi. What could be better? And I'll also be definitely using this one.
Jay Clay
17 years ago
My ears really perked up when I listened to the snaps...really interesting and creative. Question: the kick and snare don't seem to be affected by the "accent" function nor are they velocity sensitive. Is this functionality missing or am I missing something? I'll be using this one a lot!!
Dawid Dabrowski
17 years ago
funkyyy!! thanks for this beauty...:)
Luca Tudisco
17 years ago
Will B
17 years ago
Great. Thanks very much. Could do with a scene changer.
Ryan Sullivan
17 years ago
Without a doubt, my number one ensemble! Awesome work, thank you so much for this amazing gift!
huston singletary
17 years ago
Great feel, great sounds and totally awesome lid. Nice work Jorg. Very nice! Best, Huston Singletary
Levy-Provençal David
18 years ago
kicks serious ass
Russell Stolp
18 years ago
I like this, but I want an init button
18 years ago
Great instrument. Very easy to use, with very good sounds. It helps me to finish my new record. Thanks a lot. Jérôme
Matt Mitchell
18 years ago
OK, this is the nicest sounding drum machine I've ever heard. I'm not kidding. Thanks so much!
Russell Lewis
18 years ago
Nice and dirty beats I like it very much
john bea
18 years ago
i like it
blue red
18 years ago
i like this.. fun and simple to use. animated drummer is cool too!
gergely suto
18 years ago
I think this will be the drum machine for the 2006 autumn live gigs:).. so musical! and, eh well, I'll use it at low resolution.
stephen short
18 years ago
superb!!!! a big well done.
Richard Figone
18 years ago
does anyone have a problem getting random spikes here with this. i love absolutely love the quality of this instrument.... yet, i'll be playing a loop, doing nothing to it, at 40% cpu for several minutes and all of a sudden i'll be at 95%, changed nothing (and i mean nothing) that would create this spike of 95%, but then the ensemble shuts off. the spike seems to happen regardless of effects being activated or not.
Adam Ritchie
18 years ago
Great sound and grooves with this ens. Great work!
Neil Pollard
18 years ago
This is brilliant. How long did you spend making this :-)!! It feels more intuitive than the E I vol 2 instrument of the same name...
Jamie Maloney
18 years ago
This is so useable, so workhorse, love it! 10 starz!
Volker Hinkel
18 years ago
Cool design ! great sound ! cheers
Larry Martin
19 years ago
too f@#%g cool and loads of fun THANKS
Elmar Vibrans
19 years ago
tolle Rhytmusmaschine
james goodrich
19 years ago
yes, i love this thing. its a great machine. thank you.
jim nollman
19 years ago
My most used drum sequencer as a protools plugin. You have saved me many times when I need something unique for songs.
19 years ago
Sounds Great...will be very useful. Has a gfun look too!
Donald Avera
19 years ago
This is now the backbone of my drum sound- It's great to be able to see & move on the fly the kicks & snares while the machine is running. The interface puts most other drum modules to shame.
Stephen O Connor
19 years ago
One of my favourite Beat Boxs.I use it on almost every track i do.great for subtle refrains and in your face explosions! Top marks.
Jesse Allen
19 years ago
Wow, Unbelievable drum machine!
Kenny Batch
19 years ago
TRANSFORMing the BOSS GS10 Guitar Multi EFX hardware unit into a PHAT software Drumbox!? This thing just sounds great! Also the visual drummer gives it that final touch!
greg simpson
19 years ago
This is a great drum machine for getting some awsome patterns and sounds. It slams the hell out of my speakers cause i crank it up. Thanks!
Jim Elliott
19 years ago
Might be good, but in R5 it slams the cpu - so much I can't use it. Not yet enough up to speed to 'port' it.
19 years ago
The Work of genius. Thanks Jörg!
Steve Watson
19 years ago
Very nice & agree with Mr Hipkins 100% many thx
Reuven Amiel
19 years ago
Edward Hipkins
19 years ago
all these comments sum it up really.its an amazing soundung machine, cuts through the mix of any tune. great for electro, breaks fuc*ing anything awsome 10/10. you star you are
Sandor Antal
19 years ago
pro front face with great sounds I love it !
marc leclair
19 years ago
I'm speechless....this is by far the most creative and versatile drum sequencer I've ever posessed.You can tweak the hell out of it and get something totally freaky and dirty in no time. Funk,jazz,tech,house, abstract,anything goes.A must in your library.Danke herr Müller.
Gene Stalnaker
19 years ago
excellent drum machine exteremely versatile almost as good as my elektron machine drum,
Ted Brewer
20 years ago
Endless possibilities,excellent sound,and a great interface!
Dragan Jovanovic
20 years ago
Dragan lovez YU...and YOU, too !!! THNX for that ! Threeshot
gianni masoch
20 years ago
excellent drummachine. thank you
jim nollman
20 years ago
I use only two drum machines in my recordings, dsq-64 and limelite. since i use them both almost everyday, i thank you for such a great tool. one constructive criticism. the CPU drain is significant, a better plugin would use about 2/3 the memory.
george merrill
20 years ago
geomerrill Jorg-what a fine virtual instrument, and your sound palette allows for my own tweaks...thank you! The KAOSS section is a nice touch, too.
Liam Donaldson
20 years ago
Superlative instrument! Excellent patterns too. Well done.
Dale Gold
20 years ago
I love it. Great grooves, lots to explore.
Brock Rasmussen
20 years ago
new user, can't get it to make a sound but everyone else is happy, contact me if you can help
Doss Shropshire
20 years ago
How cool is this! Pretty impressed with the set up and sounds - nice work man. I'll be keeping this one for sure.
Dirk Radtke
20 years ago
i love it! thanx!!
Sylvia Paterson
20 years ago
I'm a bassplayer in a band called MacFunk in Scotland - I use LimeLite for inspiration for basslines all the time. Superb work!
David Burns
20 years ago
What can I say? Like everyone else, I love this excellent ensemble.
Bart Suèr
20 years ago
Would you like to become the drummer of my band?
laurent gelmetti
20 years ago
one of the best thing I ever heard in a Native Inst.I'll use it for composing,thanks a lot from the producing team!!!
Shamil Gainetdinov
20 years ago
The best drummachine i've ever heard. thank you
Kay Wächter
20 years ago
Great instrument. Lots of snapshots. You put lots of work into designing sound and layout. You get a 10 for this. Because this instrument is realy good man.
jim nollman
20 years ago
jim nollman, a versatile drum machine but it is the snapshots that make it the best of any beatbox I've tried in this library. I'd love a low memory version of this that ONLY shows the snapshots and nothing else.
Frank Kusserow
20 years ago
I just received reaktor electronic instruments and limelite is fucking awesome. I´ll use it a lot. Congratulations on this superb drummachine.
George Morrill
20 years ago
Great Job Thank You
cozzolino giuseppe
20 years ago
Eckart Gadow
20 years ago
Neil Fraser
20 years ago
Like having your own private funky drummer. Superb!
Oliver Heck
20 years ago
Superb! Good work!
joe pascarell
20 years ago are my hero! this is beautiful...thank you , thank you , thank you!!!!
Soren Riis-Vestergaard
20 years ago
A fantastic groovebox. Great sounds, great presets, lots of fun. My wife loves it too :o).
Evan Schiller
20 years ago
aMAZing. thank you EVER so MUCH! WOW!
Bernie Fabricant
20 years ago
This is a fantastic beatbox. I've had it for a couple of days, and produced some great tracks. The Bass Drum in particular really resonates. Two Questions: 1) Is there a way to import your own samples that I'm missing? 2) Is there any way you can release the bank rhythms on Banks 1-3 separately? Bank 4 is awesome, and I'm sure the first 3 must be just as great. Thanks for sharing.
Declan Purcell
20 years ago
This one was destined for the top , Thanks for sharing your hard work with us
Antonio Blanca
20 years ago
great¡¡¡¡¡¡goods bassdrum and crujjjjjjj snares/noise ¡¡¡¡¡Congratulations jorg 8-)
Sven Ranlund
20 years ago
Impressive instrument! Great sounds, intuitive, Most thankful, already using it in songs.
Heath Rezabek
20 years ago
just a note with my vote; i love the sound, but only wish i could keep the samplerate up at 44100 w/o overload. i am praying for some miraculous optimization in the future, or else for the PowerBook fairy to descend with a new PB for me! :) -aqaraza
gregory corsaro
20 years ago
funky for me :)
Udo Meyer
20 years ago
Great Sound. I want more... smile
Muralidheran Shanmugan
20 years ago
GOOD GOD man!! Already using it in a track. A CPU killer, but the sounds are well worth it.
Joel Plimmer
20 years ago
great sounds! best i've found. i am not able to automate any moves of muting or envelope sweeps in digital performer as i can in other reaktor instruments. is that possible with this one?
Shane Higgins
20 years ago
really nice drum machine, well done.
Robert Nelson
20 years ago
Fantastic instrument. I just got Reaktor today and ensembles like this make it worth every penny!
Rudi Sebastian
20 years ago
This is terrific. Best drum piece in the library. Concratulations! and thanks alot for let us share this masterpiece.
Norman Wilson
20 years ago
Bit heavy on the CPU.
彰 諏訪部
20 years ago
Oz Music
20 years ago
please, update it for Reaktor 4.1!!!!! its my favorite reaktor instrument!! thank you for your job!
Niklas Nisbeth
20 years ago
Fantastic. A tip - switch the sampling rate to 22 or even 11 khz for extra crunch.
Mark Mahoney
20 years ago
This is one of the best Reaktor ensembles. Great job.
Daniel Perkins
20 years ago
now this is what i call programming. excellent work. the beats are very good. thanxxxx.
Ray Scroggin
21 years ago
The best Drummachine ever! My xbase 09 is on ebay
Shane Sanders
21 years ago
Fine idea you have here. Thank you for releasing it. Are the samples copyright free? -Shane
Chris Hansen
21 years ago
Beautiful, beautiful instrument! I think this will become my drum machine of choice. Thanks so much for the great work!
Gerald Patient
21 years ago
Excellent I have used it on a remix that should be released in april let me have your details and I will send you a copy. Thanks for a good program. CLING
21 years ago
Absolutely amazing! Great things can be made with this machine. With a few extra features (loading of new sounds and pattern sequences) it could easily be a standalone product. Just goes to show how much one get for his money with Reaktor...
craig baxter
21 years ago
Wow!! thanks for sharing this one and creating a very cool ens..
Jörg Müller
21 years ago
Hi Jacob! my email is
Jacob Hellner
21 years ago
Jörg. Jacob here again. Do you have an email adress... I have a question or two for you. Jacob
ant stewart
21 years ago
very sexy .ens
Jörg Müller
21 years ago
Hi Martin.Bin noch nie in Dortmund gewesen:(.Hier einige TIPS:LIMElite hat als Voreinstellung Midi Ch 10;In Cubase den Reaktor Instrument Spur Kanal auf 10 stellen;in LIMElite Instrument properties "recall by midi" anstellen.Da gehen dann schon mal die Prg.changes.Mit der Midi Learn Funktion kannst Du z.B. dem MasterKnob einen kontroller (rechts click beim PC)zuweisen.Den funky drummer ausschalten geht bei mir mit rechtclick aufs bild und dann in den multipic properties mute anclicken.(bringt bei mir ,auch wenn Ich den drummer ganz lösche nur -1% cpu)Ich hab jetzt allerdings kein Reaktor Session vor mir,so weis Ich nicht ob Du muten kannst!.Speicher neue snapshots lieber in einer neuen Bank ab,in den Bänken1-3 gibts irgendwie Fehler und LIMElite stürzt ab oder lässt sich nicht mehr laden.Den Fehler find Ich auch noch : )Ich hoffe ,das bringt Dich weiter! Jörg
Martin Suhr
21 years ago
Hi Jörg. Was soll ich noch sagen? das Ding ist suuuuper! Seit LimeLite benutze ich kaum noch eine andere Drummachine. Leider hat es doch ein paar dicke Bugs. Seit heute kann ich es nicht mehr in Reaktor Session öffnen, habe wohl zu viel dran rum gefummelt (als plugin unter Cubase), lade es mir gerade nochmal runter. Wie kriegt man den animierten Drummer weg? Der ist wirkich klasse, mein 3,5 jähriger Sohn will das kleine Männchen dauernd sehen, aber die Animation belastet doch arg die Performance unter Cubase. Und leider funktioniert weder Programmchange noch (Midi-) Lautstärkeregelung unter Cubase. Wird es da vielleicht einen Fix bei einem Update geben? Ansonsten, Respekt, Respekt. Sag' mal, hast du mal an der FH Dortmund Design studiert? Sonst kenne ich einen Namensvetter von dir Martin Suhr
Dag Henning Kalvøy
21 years ago
Well jörg, you're probably tired of all the good words now, but you deserve them. It's the best sounding and koolest looking ensemble i've seen.
Marco Raaphorst
21 years ago
fantastic sounds and fantastic rhythms! my favorite drum-box of all times! you don't seem to have a website. maybe I can add a page for you. email me @ if you are interested ;)
patrick keller
21 years ago
this is the new standard in good-lookin' step-seq ensembles. well done!
oguz Buyukberber
21 years ago
Jörg Müller
21 years ago
Hi Jacob!I try to describe:Automatic PERC gets the signal from K,SN,FM,HH (without effect)to modulate a osc waveform (sin ..noise,),APerc has an internal FX (comb filter) to do evil things.The mix selector in APerc puts the drums directly to comb filter.The REMIX is an control remixer to modulate the step position and to skip steps(to see in UWE G.HOENIGS WaveWeaver(Reaktor Library)).Routing:K,Sn,FM drum,HH,APerc>Mixer>Effects>EQ>Filter(D_CUT +dirt)+MasterKnob>NORM .(not the perfect routing but it works:)).To change programs by midi,you have to enable the recall by midi option in the instrument properties.I hope it helps a bit for now?
Jacob Hellner
21 years ago
Jörg. This is a very cool drummachine indeed. Your beats are also impressive. Even though I kind of understand what goes on there are some quite uniqe features, (step remixer, comb filter and general routing) that, at least in my view, could use some more indepth description. Please enlighten me! JAcob
Sven Hume
21 years ago
eXcELLeNt dRuM MaChInE, If U r dOinG a V2 cOuLD U MaKe iT a LiTtLe lEsS CpU hUnGrY? My G4 867 tOpPles oVER a LoT wiTh tHis oNe. ThAnX! :)
Jörg Müller
21 years ago
Hi Michael! This sounds good to me. I wish I could hear and see your NI demo.Its nice to be a little link in this great NI environment.ha! I use my LIME.lite to play along with my acoustic drums(yes I´m a drummer!)and band to rock the house: )a wonderful jam partner.have a nice time.
michael huckaby
21 years ago
i plan on using this ensemble a lot !! im actually doing a NI demo in detroit on october 9th, 2003, and will be using this to demonstrate the power of reaktor for house and techno music. for more info check the events calendar on the NI site, or check and click on record time events. this unit is 10 / 10 !!
Justin Mokomo
21 years ago
Fantastic. thanks. I can't believe this is your first Instrument! Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Justin Mokomo
21 years ago
Lutz Böhringer
21 years ago
Hi, Jörg Da sind leider ein paar schwere Fehler drin :( Etwas besser läuft es wenn man das Bild entfernt. Bank und Programm wechsel laufen in CubaseSX auch nicht. Schade ist richtig tight das Ding.
Jörg Müller
21 years ago
Hi tatu !Yes ,Banks 1-3 are not representative ,because they refer to my older versions (may 15 or so !!) .But when I try to delete or overwrite the old snapshots ,my system hangs or the ens. doesn´t save. (very crazy !)So use Bank 4 for pleasure and save your owns snaps from bank 5 or higher.I will fix this in an update with some other little surprises.happy drummin!
Tatu Metsätähti
21 years ago
excellent stuff! but when i browse though the snapshots in may jump to bank1 suddenly (and banks 1-3 are silent??). cheers!
Michael Storgaard
21 years ago
This rocks, man....10 for this one!
Walter Osorio Jr
21 years ago
Very Nice :-) Thanks Very Much
Maxim Bogdanov
21 years ago
this is THE bomb!!!!thank you....
Olivio Sarikas
21 years ago
One of the best tools for reaktor 4. more please!
Jean-Francois ROUVEUR
21 years ago
Everybody has already congratulated you.... it's excellent and probably one of the best Reaktor ensemble Mushroom - Paris
Hugues sanchez
21 years ago
it is to heavy for my powerbook G4 800 :-(
Jens Focke
21 years ago
wow, i thing it`s in the next Reaktor Library. thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
michael huckaby
21 years ago
this is the best ensemble i have seen so far. this is craZy for house and techno ! 10 /10 ! mike huckaby - detroit
Dave O Mahony
21 years ago
Thanks a MILLION for sharing Jörg - this looks beautiful and sounds better - thanks again
Karl White
21 years ago
I just love the multipic drummer, very creative. :)
Jörg Müller
21 years ago
Hi Artur!thank you for your hint.I´m on my way to LIME.lite 1.1 (to smooth the clicks in reverb ,hihat switches and Mixer mutes!.The switches are noisy,so I try to use Buttons with crossfades).And nearby I create thousands of patterns ha ha !never ending party.upload next weekend.
Adam Luckhaupt
21 years ago
A wonderful instrument. Thanks.
Ned Bouhalassa
21 years ago
Absofuckenlutely amazing. You (and those who you name) are magic. Thanks so much.
Artur Nowak
21 years ago
The only thing I have noticed so far, which could be improved is the post gate switch - it clicks. There must be a way to tyrn off post effects without clicking. Other than this - perfect :-)
Jörg Müller
21 years ago
Thank you for your numerous comments,and votes!!I´m happy that my little drummer has work. Feed him.Hmm ,who made pre scool.Sorry Martin,but there is somewhere a spirit of Brinkmann in it ;).TIP of the day:use the sequenzed gates PRE POST reverb(in the *duran2* snap49),you´ll get -not..not..notorious-.
Bernhard Steindl
21 years ago
This is a very interestic instrument. Look superb, sound first class, snapshots very good. Overall 11 of 10 points. He, he....... Good for playing hours, and hours, and..... Thanx for sharing.
martin brinkmann
21 years ago
very cool drummachine! but "pre scool" is NOT made by me.
Shakeeb Alireza
21 years ago
It's beautiful! Thank you.
Artur Nowak
21 years ago
and the drummer plays along the pattern... amazing! Thanks!
Kathie Talbot
21 years ago
What a gorgeous piece of machinery, thank you!
Kathie Talbot
21 years ago
Bodo Kuznik
21 years ago
Great and funky drum machine, thanks a lot for this!! 10 Points from Resomusic.
Thomas Watson
21 years ago
Hey Jorg! Even if you don't manage to add more steps to the patterns, this Instrument is excellent the way it is! I will definitely use it a lot! You might want to think about copyrighting your loops man, they are fabulous! :)
Christian Gabler
21 years ago
holly molly !!
Klaus Weis
21 years ago
absolutly great stuff - my favourite drum plug in in great style! gratulations jörg!
Jörg Müller
21 years ago
Hi Tom!more than 16 steps length? aehm ..good question.I think my little drummer needs a break between his drumhits!ha !!(ambient leaks)I don´t know how to programm it!But I´ll try out ;)this is my first Instrument and I have much to learn about it.
Al Watson
21 years ago
shame i cant spell properly!
Al Watson
21 years ago
killer drum machine! probably the best lookinf reaktor synth i've seen so fay. thanx.
Thomas Watson
21 years ago
p.s. forgot to mention that this is ****ing wicked !!! 10/10
Thomas Watson
21 years ago
Great Instrument! Cool design! Nice Sound! One Question : How do you program more than 16 steps? I increased the "length" control, but couldn't find a way to write more steps into the pattern(hope i'm not missing a blatantly obvious feature :). It's a shame this beast is so hungry for processor power, guess i'll have to get a G5! Thanks :)