16 Channel Retro Drum Machine Emulator
Happy 2025 to everyone!!
The samples for these kits are not embedded, so be sure not to move the Retrix.ens file from the original location in the Retrix folder. This way you won't have to browse for samples. You shouldn't have to relocate anything when initially downloading this becasue the table framework is pretty good about finding them on different machines, but if you do please let me know.
i would like to get the year started with some fresh new tool to use. I wanted to make a variation of my drum machines that is specific to retro sounding kits, which was the inspiration for this. Retrix is a great tool for quickly laying down some old drum machine emulations on the fly without having to go too crazy building one and loosing momentum on a track.
Looking forward to some good stuff from everyone this year! Cheers