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Simple Audio Splitter

Duplicates One Audio Input Into Six Outputs

(3 Votes)
v1.3 (Updated 3 months ago)
December 10, 2024
Reaktor 6


v1.3 adjusts the splitters to "typical" block height
v1.2 corrects graphical issues in compact view
v1.1 corrected an issue where the ports for output 3 and 4 were swapped.

Let me know otherwise.

I wanted a simple utility block for better cable management and didn't see an audio splitter. I had several occasions where a utility like this would make a less cluttered screen. I have seen several "many to many" routing blocks there but they take up more real estate in the canvas when putting together a rack.

Offering two types of splitters here. A simple 1:6 splitter and a more controllable version that has the ability to enable/disable each audio output port individually as well as to attenuate the signal for each port independently. A signal strength lamp in this version indicates signal strength available at each port. Colors are available for each type of splitter.

See the filename of the .ism file and it will be obvious which color to select as well as the simple/controllable version.

Y = yellow
G = green
B = blue
W = white
D = dark gray

bas = basic splitter
ctl = splitter offering more control on outgoing signals