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Juno 60

Synthesizer built after the Roland Juno-60

(6 Votes)
Audio Player
5.0 (Updated 6 months ago)
August 21, 2024
Reaktor 6


Reskin of Guido Weber's 2018 Juno 60 build.
All credit to Guido Weber. You can download the original here:

Roland JUNO-60, containing all 112 factory patches.
Use your keyboards modulation wheel to modulate the VCF cutoff frequency.
Use keyboard aftertouch to trigger the LFO.
View B contains the rear side knobs and switches. The "Add On" section provides functions not available in the physical JUNO-60 keyboard.

Demo track is two channels Juno 60 + drums.


6 months ago
From my experience, Blender can be as; if not more time consuming than building/ editing UL ens. One could do one or the other; but both can be difficult. The are non-market level user tools, all improving at non-market pace. Some should trying collab b4 tears; and maybe flex those skills / exp beyond critical posture. Bolle busy here lately.
andrew aronson
6 months ago
its a nice skin but seems to be repackaging an emulation who''s components are pretty out of date these days? ofc emulating the sound down to the last detail would probably be overkill, but even just swapping out oscillator and filter modules with the newer core factory versions would be a easy and effective way to get a sound more in line with the looks. changing out the event rate LFO for one using audio signals is another one that makes a large difference. a nice skin anyway tends to hack peoples perception of quality so spending those few minutes to make the reality match the persecution would feel more honest
6 months ago
¡oh sthnap!
ilias boufidis
6 months ago
+1 for the demo!
6 months ago
this demo destroyed my youth