I-182 Octal LFO Modulator
Octal LFO Modulator
Octal LFO and a range of derived outputs.
A plethora of non-synchronized modulation sources for adding 'aleatoric' movement and interest!
It is based on the Instruo/DivKid Ochd and it's recently announced expander... I own both (buy them, they are amazing!)... but I wanted something similar in Reaktor Blocks.
I added the expansion outputs recently and thought it was interesting enough to upload.
COLOURED SOCKETS: Modulation Outputs (unsynchronized).
BLACK SOCKETS: Modulation Inputs.
RATE: controls the rate of all 8 LFO's.
RANDOM: crossfades between Sin/Tri shaped LFO's into random smoothed modulation.
Notes: LFO 1 is the fastest (up to 160Hz), down to LFO 8 being the slowest (down to 25 minutes cycle)
The outputs and how they are derived are commented on the instruments.
TIP: Attenuate and feed the DAC (Violet) outputs into a Quantizer for random melodies!
The I-182 is the first in a range of blocks I have developed for my own use... with front panel sockets colour coded (as per Buchla, Serge etc) to aid quick patching.
- Black Socket = 'CV' in.
- Grey Socket = Pitch 'CV' in.
- Coloured Socket = 'CV' out.
- Red Socket = Gate/Trig Out.
- Hex Socket = Audio In/Out.
The design may go against the Blocks design protocols and best practice... but it works and it makes patching a lot quicker and fun (for me anyway).
There will be more in this range to come :)