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System Discrete

Blocks Pack

(44 Votes)
Audio Player
3.2 (Updated 1 year ago)
June 24, 2023
Reaktor 6


Here is a rundown of a few of these blocks:

I used these blocks to make an album that you can check out here:
It's also available on music streaming platforms as "Themes From an Undying World"

The blocks are designed to be stereo from beginning to end of the signal chain.
__Pack Breakdown__
1 Amplifier
2 Drum Modules
12 Effects
3 Filters
2 Mixers
5 Modulators
9 Oscillators
2 Signal Processors
4 Sequencers
1 Utility

If you have any concerns, you can email me at:

If you would like to donate to support this project, you can do so here:
(Or buy an album on my bandcamp page, and get some music with your donation!)

/** If you think you can help me build a new Fourier transform algorithm to minimize CPU usage in the frequency domain blocks, get in touch with me **/

If you are from Native Instruments reading this, I would like a job please. Imagine what I could do if I was getting paid to make instruments.

__Update 3.2__
The Racks require you have Blocks Primes installed, so be sure to download those too from NI.

[New Modules]
DLQS: Algorithmic CV sequencer with the ability to have a quantized output.
16 Step: Light, small, and simple 16 step sequencer.

__Update 3.1__
Added a new module
Logistic: Limiter and Distortion module based on the logistic function. Useful for saturation, soft clipping, heavy distortion, and everything in between.

__Update 3.0__
The CPU usage for the modules listed have been greatly improved. I spent a lot of time designing an updated interface that is both intuitive to use, and not CPU heavy. The performance for the updated modules is much better than previously, although there is still work to do.

I built a granular engine from scratch, and implemented it in an oscillator / delay form (Tensor Field / Tensor Field Delay). The engine is not designed to handle single cycle waveforms, or wavetables. The delay currently implements an interpolator from Robin Davies, although this is just a placeholder. I am currently working on a de-click and interpolate method, since there are some unpredicted results with changing the density and playing back too close to the start and end points. Keeping this in mind however, the engine sounds amazing.

[Updated Modules]
Harmonic Osc: Simplified OSC engine for better CPU performance, but I recommend just updating to V2.
TRK Super: Better stereo sense.
TRK West: Updated functionality, added stereo tilt knob.
LPGx2: Updated graphics.
LGC: Switched AND and OR outputs since they were reversed. You will have to update this to match if you are using an older version.
FG: Updated graphics
Zeta Delay: Half the CPU usage, and updated interface.
Spectral Processor V2: Better CPU usage and updated interface.

[New Modules]
Tensor Field: Granular oscillator.
Tensor Field Delay: Granular delay.
Harmonic Osc V2: Complete engine redesign, making for much better CPU usage and a more intuitive interface.

__Update 2.1__
[Updated Modules]
Delay Man: Added de-click option, especially useful for reverse mode.
Rounds Reverb Mod: Updated graphics.
[New Modules]
Double Header: Drum module designed for kicks, snares, toms, etc...
Metal Resonator: Drum module designed for metallic sounds like rides, hats, etc...
Bento Mix Stereo: Stereo version of the bento mix.

The drum modules were designed to make a wide range of sounds, so programming them is not always easy.


Elbo Jones
2 weeks ago
deeper I get, wider it goes.... This is an amazing set, brilliant conceptually and beautifully executed. Hats off, Rick, bravissimo. so...not to Bogart your whole satchel, [thank you again for SD!] but what you spark up when nobody around? Im sure Im not alone with the sentiment, 'it can't get too weird for me...'
Jeff Anding
3 months ago
One of the best block packs out there! thanks!
1 year ago
What a lovely sounding thing..i like it:) Cheers!
Vagelis M
1 year ago
Hi Rick, thanks a lot for considering :) Could we maybe have something simpler before, like a gate input to trigger a single grain? Few granular plugins have it, but I think it would be very useful to trigger the playback with some modulators. Like we could create a complex modulation system with blocks and then trigger the modulators and the plugin with the same clock as an example. Cheers
Rick Howell
1 year ago
@Vagelis M I would like the spread control to ultimately dictate the start / end of the buffer window, because right now it just randomizes the start position. When I have some time I'm going to work on that. I would love to implement all of those things at some point, but the big concern is in having too many controls and being unwieldy. Maybe a 'pro' version would be in order, because I would love to make this engine have the ability to handle percussion sounds with transient detection, sync, and better envelopes, so maybe we'll see a new version at some point in the future
Petty Vendetta
1 year ago
Sounds loverly, Rick. Conservative CPU load as well. A+ offering.
Vagelis M
1 year ago
I think Tensor Field is the best sounding granular instrument in the user library with custom design, very well done! The engine sounds really good, if there's some space for requests, some of mine would be: -start/end controls for looping a segment in the buffer -quantize the grain density to beats -reverse direction of the grains -grain envelope shapes And some more "advanced", -transient detection to quantize the start position to jump on transients, kind like a slicer. But anyway, this is so good and I'm going to have a lot of fun with it! Thanks a lot man, all the best.
1 year ago
still some cpu work to do, but these are so cool and fun! thank you so so much for this
Juan Carlos Crovetto Cossio
1 year ago
Thanks man! very good work saludos desde perú
julien prunet
1 year ago
Thank you for the Bento Mix stereo module ! Visuals are better now. Zeta delay and Harmonic Osc are very CPU Hog. Drum modules is a good addition! Anyway a very nice update. Congrats Dude! :)
Petty Vendetta
1 year ago
A truly inspirational pack, Rick. There's at least a few more albums in there waiting to actualize.
Stephan Bobinger
1 year ago
Very nice work. also some great patches in there. Very visual pleasing
1 year ago
Very excellent work. Listening to your album makes this all the more inspiring. ty 4 sharing!
julien prunet
1 year ago
Good news Rick. Take your time and have some pleasure. Peace!
Rick Howell
1 year ago
@julien prunet, I'm glad to bring some inspiration. I can definitely add a mute feature to the 4Mix, that has been on the agenda since I made the block. I'm not sure how I could send notifications for my updates, but I am planning to release a pretty major update in a few days once I finish debugging one last thing.
julien prunet
1 year ago
Thank you Forsharing, nice work, you added more osc it's very nice from you. I don't hearing very much the tilt function of your 4 filter block. I tried to implement a track mute function to your 4 mix via bento box mixer code but it seems to be coded inother manner. Anyway thank you for sharing again, it inspire me theses times. Any manner to have notification of your updates?
Rick Howell
1 year ago
@Guillaume Richard, I have some free time this week so I'll add a rack or two showcasing it in the next update
Guillaume Richard
1 year ago
fantastic pack but pls pls add a small clean/simple example for waveform partitioner at least. thnx!
Brett Lavallee
1 year ago
Nice blocks.
1 year ago
That's fine of you, Rick.
Rick Howell
1 year ago
@Paule, I'll be putting that in the next update for sure
1 year ago
Rick, I miss the User Block West Coast LPG Duo
1 year ago
Thanks, Rick
Marc de Jong
1 year ago
impressive blocks and love the track: Withered Cathedral
Vagelis M
1 year ago
Fantastic blocks, many thx!
Greg Killmaster
1 year ago
I'm using this a lot. Thank you! It's really quite something!
Plastic Alien
1 year ago
Waveform Partitioner is absolutely mental, thank you very much Rick, i love it already.