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4 Voices Quantic Synthesizer

(18 Votes)
Audio Player
2.0 (Updated 1 year ago)
May 30, 2023
Reaktor 6


Please click leTruc's Panel to open the Tutorial, or open "first steps.pdf".

Loading a snapshot won't affect the sound. Snapshots are only equations that leTruc solves to generate solutions. A snapshot can be deterministic or can have billions of solutions, so leTruc will generate different sounds each time you "solve" it.

Sound examples are not processed, no eq, no mix, nothing.

As leTruc concept is not so obvious, I posted a video tutorial :

Credits to salamanderanagram for his multi-pressure multi-band compressor I used for leTruc.

His excellent ensemble can be downloaded in Reaktor Library

Have fun !


didier soufnenguel
1 year ago
Magnifique! Merci!
1 year ago
Fantastic sounds. Love the original, but this is something special like a magician's hat, mysteriously conjuring gifts from the unknown. Thank you,bubu!
Maximilian Schäfer
1 year ago
This is great. Thanks!
Stf Dugs
1 year ago
Tres original,super!
martin stragg
1 year ago
Thank you bubu for everything that you have created and shared ,Im still using your superb ensembles! Love and peace from london.
Dieter Zobel
1 year ago
cool, thanks
1 year ago
I like it! Quite unique! Thanks!
1 year ago
nice to see ypu back..Ça a l’air marrant
bubu from bubuland
1 year ago
Forgot to mention that each time you solve, a new "Moment" is created. Click on Past to return back in time. You can write the "moment" content to the current Bank, and "create" a moment from a Bank, So all de 128 keys settings are saved and can be paste
bubu from bubuland
1 year ago
bubu from bubuland
1 year ago
I just posted a video of the Tutorial. I hope this will help...
bubu from bubuland
1 year ago
The short answer : Save as the ensemble, and everything will be recalled. The long answer : Reaktor do not save event-table when you save a snapshot. And saving leTruc's state means saving 128 patches in a row (one by key). Snapshots save the "rules" of the "recipes" to generate sounds. Each time you "solve", leTruc populates the 128 Midi keys so each key has its own patch and play a different sound (or not, it depends on the rules that have been set). These 128 patches are stored in a "Bank" (drag the mouse on the Bank number to change of bank). Let's say you "solve"(= generated) a snapshot (= equation) using bank 12. Saving the snapshot will store the rules. If later you load this snapshot, click "Recall" so it will recall the bank number that was active when you saved this snapshot. Note that it only recalls the bank number, not its values. so you have to change the bank number AFTER saving the snapshot, so you will not "crush" these bank values by "Solving". (I know this is a little bit tricky, that's why I made a tutorial. But leTruc can do things any other synth cannot, so...)
1 year ago
Hey, great demo, kinda Young Fathers-ish to my ear. So, is this a "mystery button" type synth, record or sol?
1 year ago
Now I understand your work: it's a momentary synth and you can't save the created sound. Is that right?
bubu from bubuland
1 year ago
For help, there's a flashing "Click to Begin..." Click it. :-)
bubu from bubuland
1 year ago
Hi Paule, so long !... Did you "Solve" the snapshot ? (you must click on "Solve" )
1 year ago
Hm. On every snapshot is the same init sound. Isn't it finished your synth?
1 year ago
Welcome back again bubu.