Not your typical wavetable osc
Wavetable oscillator built from Qu-Bit's wav library, sent through the DWG waveshaper.
SCAN : position in the table
TABLE : sample select
FOLD : fold that shit
SYM : wave offset for waveshaper
OUT 1, 2 are folded outputs
OUT 3, 4 are dry outputs
The pitch is dependent on the system's sample rate. If you have a low SR, you may not be able to play high notes (Reaktor cannot overclock). If the sample rate is not in the form 48,000 * 2^n, where n is an integer, it will probably have to be tuned, otherwise SR changes should just shift octaves. I always clock R6 at 96kHz, so the center pitch is based on that.
The sample map can be changed, but you will need to update the size of the map yourself in the system info part of the block if you want the table knob to be accurate.
1.2 - fixed tuning issues
If you like this block, go check out my channel on YouTube, or my music on all streaming platforms. And if you use this block, post a link so we can listen!