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Sample Morpher

(14 Votes)
Audio Player
Nick Dwyer
1.2 (Updated 2 years ago)
January 14, 2023
Reaktor 6
Instrument Sampler



Is a sample-morpher.

A pair of grain re-synth sample players (that between them access 127 wavs) are routed through a cloud delay.

The sound is then routed through a tempo-synced LFO, a filter, envelope and a set of master FX.

The master FX are : sub-bass (single-note at C60), vinyl crackle, tape-hiss, reverb, chorus, frequency shift and a limiter.

36 embeded presets demo the possibilities.


The two main controls are BANK1 and BANK 2. Use these to set different combinations of samples numbered 0 - 64 (BANK 1) and 65 - 126 (BANK 2).

Each sample player has access to the sample startpoint, speed of playback and grain size. Volume and on/off add to their flexibility.

The cloud delay accesses grain pitch, pitch slide, distance (between grains), distance jitter, delay, grain length and attack and decay of the grains.

The LFO targets filter cut-off and can be used to create rhythmic effects and beats. There are actually no drumloops in this instrument.

WAVCLOUD is a way of creating unusual soundscapes.

To audition the 36 presets by double-clicking “Embedded” in the side-pane. No sidepane? Double-click
the magnifying glass icon near the Reaktor logo top left.
There is a set of beats (produced via the tempo-synch on the LFO), a set of dark soundscapes and a set of glitchy pads.


To do this open the sample map editor with the icon at the top of Reaktor (or FN F6) and swap the samples with your own.
There are three sets of sample maps, SUB, Sample 1 and Sample 2; SUB is a single sample for the sub-bass FX. The other two are identical sample maps with the same 127 sounds in each. They’ve been split half and half numerically across the two BANK selector knobs to avoid duplication.

To replace these you need to use the Sample map editor. Need advice? Go to the Reaktor 6 Diving Deeper manual and open Chapter 8, page 69 (The Sample Map Editor) for a detailed guide. Ensure all samples are set to midi note 60 and the keyboard range is from midi note 0-64 for Bank 1 and 65-127 for Bank 2 inclusive for the selector dials to operate correctly.


VERSION 1.2 upgrade notes: WAVCLOUD is now visible to your DAW and keyboard for remote control of parameters. CC List inc. in zip

If a BANK is turned off the selector dial doesn’t work. If the display freezes hit a midi note to re-animate it. This is especially true of the window on BANK 2.

If the cloud delay is turned off the window may go blank. Once it’s turned on the display resumes.

The pale green panel that sits over half the window section of the instrument is purely visual.

View B has a darker GUI

A very nice review by bee Abney on VI Control here...


Aaron Redman
1 month ago
Awesome piece of kit! Thank you for this!
troy Phillip
9 months ago
Patrick van Raalten
1 year ago
Wow, what a seriously cool instrument that outshines a lot of paid tools! Thanks a lot for this gem!
Nick Dwyer
1 year ago
6 out of five stars and a bow, and a truly wonderful thing! Thanks folks.
Mark Meador
2 years ago
A truly wonderful thing, Nick! Out of the blue, I opened Wavcloud this morning. Just now hopped onto R. Community and saw you'd updated the instrument! Can't wait to see.
Der Einmeier
2 years ago
Thanks for sharing this very interesting instrument that can be used to create really exciting sound clouds and rhythmic sounds. The GUI is self-explanatory and the included sound library shows impressively the possibilities. 6 out of 5 stars and a bow. It's a shame that no one has given praise to WAVCLOUD yet ;)