Phase Distortion Oscillator Block
Poddig's PD OSC in block form
A so-called ‘Phase Distortion’ Oscillator. Based 100% on a great first entry in the U/L by Benjamin Poddig, more than 10 years ago.
This block version began with a recent Forum thread about oscillators with ‘built-in’ filter effects:
I haven’t done any of the heavy lifting here. (As is usual with me.)
Some GUI credit goes to Toybox Audio’s David Alexander (aka Bolabo, David X) for his pic-based selection widgets.
The reason I made Poddig’s version(s) into a block is the modulation ease that comes with blocks.
You can try his version side by side with this block; they sound very similar to my ears.
I added the second Drive knob which can add some razzle and dazzle. Like adding an octave below in some cases.
Drive2 has its own On/Off button, and when Off it emulates the original — i.e. Drive1 is used for both source sine oscillators.
Just for kicks I swapped out Poddig’s Sin modules for factory Sin 7th Order Approximation modules, and could see no difference in CPU usage — sound change was also negligible.
It’s a Legacy Block because, to borrow a line from ’The Treasure of the Sierra Madre’ …
“We don’t need no stinkin’ spaghetti wire.”