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Dream Phase Machine

4OP FM synth with matrix and 4 env per OP for FM control.

(13 Votes)
Audio Player
1.0 (Updated 3 years ago)
January 26, 2021
Reaktor 6


This is a DX style (phase, not frequency) FM synth with only 4 OP but a matrix and 4 envelopes per OP to control FM amounts (accessible via stacked macros).
To take advantage of the different timing in spectral evolution that all those different envelopes allow I made the times longer in each step of the envelope (about 30s), and made their amplitude scalable via velocity and their times via key, to add movement and change.
It also has modulable delays with feedback on the modulator out path of each OP, so you don't hear the delay directly, only the effect it has on the carrier it modulates, it creates a weird sense of space, and when you modulate the time you hear the comb filtering effect moving.
There also is a simple low pass filter, and some modulation in the B panel (envelopes and LFOs for pitch and frequency of the filter).
All envelopes, modulations and FM amounts are scalable via modulation wheel to add live control.

At the time you'll only find 20 snapshots (plus the useful INIT !) I intended to do more but lack time and wanted to share it as is.


Richard Figone
3 months ago
That track is so sick! Thanks so much for uploading this.
Andy Isacsson
3 years ago
Excellent tune :)
Tana Barbier
3 years ago
Thank you for your enthusiasm ! I really like it for those long evolving sounds too, specialy when you make weird feedback path (1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 1) with envelopes that rise and fall with different times, and slow LFOs in each OP... And I like using the modulation wheel to bring tuning changes in some of the OP.
3 years ago
hey this commentary box handily enhances my dopey swagger
3 years ago
I was really digging resonance lately, through a variety of UL materials, so this showing up is just awesome timing for me. I was easily able to create wonderful resonant drones w/ shimmering internal complexities. The dx reminiscent sound is solid ground, but it where the matrix/envelopes take that is key. I also pulled Sitar-ish and gamelan sounds out of this, which makes this a good pair for Petty Vendetta's recent excellent Super Ganesh Tabla, and Paule's equally awesome Tablatorium (I use both at once). It is also capable of some real textural grit, vox-y sounds, slightly formant-ish tones, which are just excellent for soundscape drones, which lends well to layering w/ samples/foley material.
3 years ago
Well, then I am looking forward to anything you might create. It can be hard to judge new UL en, especially if you don't recognize the creator/dev/builder. But reading what your intent was, how you got there and the personal satisfaction revealed through urge to share had me hitting DL. It was a good guess.
Tana Barbier
3 years ago
Hey thank you very much! I am really glad you enjoy it! I am having a lot of fun with it too, but I still think half of it is the excitement of making my first synth.
3 years ago
Wow, this is capable of some real beauty! I have been trying it out utilizing a variety of different SEQ's and have been rewarded w/ some stunning results. Stayed up far too late, bashing my face on the screen - fortunately, they are quite soft these days. Thanks for the share!
Tana Barbier
3 years ago
Thank you guys, I hope you’ll like the synth and find it usefull !
Paul Compton
3 years ago
Nice tune :)
Ryan Dean
3 years ago
Exciting stuff.. love these classic style synths