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Reaktor + Sounds

(12 Votes)
2020 (Updated 4 years ago)
September 04, 2020
Reaktor 6
Instrument Sampler


Let's recycle the loop and sample libraries of the Native instruments Sounds platform.
includes loops, samples, 39 presets.
random mode to create new bases.
a hug, a lot of music and peace


3 years ago
very good machine is very inspiring!!!l
4 years ago
excellent tool the start out with
ian ainslie
4 years ago
What a wonderful gift. Thank you!
4 years ago
Wow! I'm so happy to see you still here!!! Your stuff is really creative and inspiring. Wish you all the best!
Ekuacion Castro
4 years ago
@Chris Flores.
Chris Flores
4 years ago
@Ekuacion Okay my apologies. I did not realize that the sampler was only active during playback. After trying numerous times to use midi I had no sound. But finally after simply hitting play, it worked! So far so good, and thanks!!!
Ekuacion Castro
4 years ago
Chris Flores. Try installing the preset map that I uploaded to the page. The instrument works well. Sometimes it is true that replacing the original loops with new ones can cause problems. But it is usually solved by saving the ensemble and opening it again. But it's a Reaktor 6 bug, because the instrument was made with Reaktor 5. For some unknown reason, Reaktor 6 has this bug since its first version. Try to remove the loops, and put your own. But doing this, save, and then close and reopen. Hope you can solve the problem. Luck.
Chris Flores
4 years ago
Can't seem to get it to work.. Checked my audio properties and key mapping but no audio. Hmmm...
Ekuacion Castro
4 years ago
Bodo Kuznik. Thanks for comment. A hug.
Bodo Kuznik
4 years ago
Thanks Jordi, Its a crazy machine with a lot of Surprise.
Ekuacion Castro
4 years ago
Paul Compton. Thanks for comment. Much appreciated. In a few days I'll upload a Preset Map. A hug.
Ekuacion Castro
4 years ago
Petty Vendetta. Thanks for comment. It is appreciated. Remember that you can change those sounds for others that you like more. A big hug
Petty Vendetta
4 years ago
Been shaking the house with this thing for the last hour. My toes are tingling.
Paul Compton
4 years ago
Good samples, good fun, thanks!