Grain cloud sampler/delay block
Nube is yet another grain cloud sampler/delay provided in block format.
It has a number of characteristics which I usually don't find on a single granulator, so I built my own. All in all I consider it to be a very versatile instrument. Its main features are:
- 12 grain voices with individual pitch and pan
- 4 different ways to generate grains, including external Gate signals
- Backwards, forward, alternating and random grain direction
You're welcome to report bugs and flaws (or request additional features) here on the comment section :)
Sound examples are a low-effort to showcase the variety of sounds the block is capable of. They are 100% Nube (+ Rounds reverb and some modulations wired)
- Grain voices increased to 12, delay up to 4 seconds
- Buffer freeze
- Added a feedback knob for delay mode
- Keyboard tracking (+/- 2 octaves centered around middle C)
- Stereo manipulation is now more intense, tune it down if it's too much
- Pitch envelope more consistent thanks to some ultra-complex math (not really lol)
- Click and drag on the display to control playback position and grain density
- B view is now a stripped-down, waveform-only version of the block
- Fancy graphics
- Load more than one sample and fast swap using the table ref list
- Minor bug fixes
- Delay mode is here!
- Visual feedback - now you can see which part of the waveform is being played
- Added gaussian envelope. Now the "env" knob has a different behavior on each windowing function for increased flexibility
- Now the audio engine uses an anti-alias algorithm (I had completely forgot about that...). This should be noticeable when changing the pitch
- added grain direction, as suggested by Vagelis on the comment section
- minor tweaks to the grain envelope section (rect sine and half sine now respond better to envelope shaping)