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Grain cloud sampler/delay block

(14 Votes)
Audio Player
1.3 (Updated 4 years ago)
June 20, 2020
Reaktor 6


Nube is yet another grain cloud sampler/delay provided in block format.
It has a number of characteristics which I usually don't find on a single granulator, so I built my own. All in all I consider it to be a very versatile instrument. Its main features are:
- 12 grain voices with individual pitch and pan
- 4 different ways to generate grains, including external Gate signals
- Backwards, forward, alternating and random grain direction

You're welcome to report bugs and flaws (or request additional features) here on the comment section :)

Sound examples are a low-effort to showcase the variety of sounds the block is capable of. They are 100% Nube (+ Rounds reverb and some modulations wired)

- Grain voices increased to 12, delay up to 4 seconds
- Buffer freeze
- Added a feedback knob for delay mode
- Keyboard tracking (+/- 2 octaves centered around middle C)
- Stereo manipulation is now more intense, tune it down if it's too much
- Pitch envelope more consistent thanks to some ultra-complex math (not really lol)
- Click and drag on the display to control playback position and grain density
- B view is now a stripped-down, waveform-only version of the block
- Fancy graphics
- Load more than one sample and fast swap using the table ref list
- Minor bug fixes

- Delay mode is here!
- Visual feedback - now you can see which part of the waveform is being played
- Added gaussian envelope. Now the "env" knob has a different behavior on each windowing function for increased flexibility
- Now the audio engine uses an anti-alias algorithm (I had completely forgot about that...). This should be noticeable when changing the pitch

- added grain direction, as suggested by Vagelis on the comment section
- minor tweaks to the grain envelope section (rect sine and half sine now respond better to envelope shaping)


Alex Budniok
4 years ago
okay I just realized I needed to connect the routing of the module/ems to the output. But how do you guys use that? Can you play the sample the with the keyboard and midi notes somehow or do you use it with reaktor blocks as an effect there? would appreciate any help or tutorial that can be found online. thanks!
Alex Budniok
4 years ago
Hey guys, this sounds so nice, but I can't manage to get it played as I am a reaktor newbie. I managed to get it loaded into an ensemble and then load a sample, but I can't play anything with my midi keyboard. Is it meant to be a part of a blocks rack or how do I get to play it? Thanks.
Joey Valizan
4 years ago
E.M., I'm enjoying your block! Very interesting sound. The reason the white interface issue is happening is because the front panel interfaces need to be on panel B. It is currently on A and the B side is completely blank. If the block gets loaded in a rack it wont integrate correctly.
Pablo Bastian
4 years ago
E.M, thanks for your help, it loaded correctly without the strange white interface. Awesome! What do you think about my feature request below, the individual grain filtering? Any possibilities? Anyhow, thanks again.
4 years ago
Another little hot-fix: a sample was being deleted from the list on each initialization event. Should be ok now
Vagelis M
4 years ago
Great update :) Thanks once again E.M!
4 years ago
Also, make sure to drag the file into an ensemble (or adding it via the browser) instead of double-clicking the .ism; otherwise Reaktor will create a new ens with the instrument structure NOT ENCAPSULATED, breaking the blocks functionality
4 years ago
View A seems ok, the blank interface is view B, the "stripped down" version displaying only the waveform. It's a bit misleading, i'm re-uploading the file so that it opens in view A... sorry guys!
Pablo Bastian
4 years ago
Guillaume Ok thank you, not the only one then. Interesting, maybe E.M will know why and fix it in the next update.
Guillaume Richard
4 years ago
Pablo: same empty/white interface here in v 1.3 ! Reak 6.3.2 and OSX. Maybe E.M could help.. thanks
Pablo Bastian
4 years ago
By the way, am I the only one having visual issues with the latest relase (1.3)? When I open Nube and drag it into my Reaktor, the interface is all white. A & B, both is simply a white rectangle... ?
Pablo Bastian
4 years ago
Fantastic granular toy! Very well done, quite easy to get some alien textures out of pretty much everything. Since you open to suggestions (thanks for that!), how about adding filtering per grain with random-jitter? Not just a filter at the end of the process but true grain filtering. With that randomness, each grains can have a different filtered tone. Think about random pitch but on the filtering :) Anyhow, great tool I really like it.
4 years ago
@E.M : cool !
4 years ago
Good catch Philippe, I will fix it in the next release (buffer freeze incoming, and i think I will add the Feedback too)
4 years ago
very good, thanks. Maybe just this : at default state, with no sample loaded, a NAN signal is sent thru outputs, which mute the engine of course. Don't know how you can handle this, may be mute the outputs until a sample is loaded ? Or else ?
Vagelis M
4 years ago
Ah forgot to mention that a feedback control of the delay that goes back into the buffer would be great too:)
Vagelis M
4 years ago
Great update E.M.! The only thing i miss now from the delay mode, is to be able and freeze the buffer. It's very useful because then i could add a modulator (e.g lfo to the sample position) and apply pseudostretch to the sample. Thanks in advance!
Guillaume Richard
4 years ago
ace update!:) bigups and thanks!!!!
4 years ago
Guillaume Richard
4 years ago
E.M! great update! pls also add examples for your fantastic OVERLA++ when you update 'em. I can use it but I really want to see what you have in mind about these:) Thanks!!!
Vagelis M
4 years ago
Really appreciated! I dig the new dir mode as well,(reverse and forward?) amazing!
4 years ago
@Richard: you're welcome! I'll patch some sound example in the next release. @Vagelis: added reverse grain direction and some extra frills :)
Guillaume Richard
4 years ago
lovely and diffrent. thank you!:) looking fwd for its next incarnations and maybe some examples... (ens)
Vagelis M
4 years ago
Finally a cool granular synthesis tool after a long time. I love the different granular modes. Thanks! Btw, are you also planning to add an option to reverse the grains in the future?