Sub-poly Sequencer
2x8 stepes sequencer with four built-in clock dividers
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Sub-poly Sequencer
2x8 stepes sequencer with four built-in clock dividers.
Just connect factory UTIL CLOCK block and use all its outputs into corresponding intputs of the sequencer (gate, play, reset) and hit play.
Now, nothing should happen, until you engage one of the dividers- each clock divider (DIV1-4) divide incoming clock by 1 to 16 ratio and can push sequencer one (white) or two (black) one step forward after each input clock gate (divided by factor on corresponding DIV knob).
You can combine multiple dividers into one or two sequencers, creating polyrhythmic paterns.
Reset button will jump to step one on both sequencers immediately.
There are also two additional white (for seq1) and black (for seq2) knobs, that let you set steps count (STEP1-2) and step offset (OFF1-2) for each sequencer.
OUT1-2 uni sends unipolar value (0-1) based on the knob position of given step. OUT1-2 bi sends bipolar value (-0.5-0.5) based on the knob position. Gate1-2 sends infinite gate on each new step on given sequencer.
Due to GATE out behaviour, just connect it to any ADSR envelope generator, and set SUSTAIN to zero- this way, on each step whole attack and decay phase will occur. Also, you can use sustain knob on your envelope generator, to use it in "drone mode" at variable velocity. This is also usefull, for sequencer programming- open the sustain to hear drone on current step, adjust and then use OFF1-2 knob to offset sequencer to another step.
There are also two "normal" gates, that just sends 5ms gate at each step, for example to reset things that just need short gate signal.