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Morphing Oscillator

Oscillator with huge ammount of internal morphing!

(11 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 4 years ago)
April 20, 2020
Reaktor 6


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Morphing Oscillator

Credits: some tranformation math was taken from Serum wavetable Block by Austin Larsen.


-PITCH information for oscillators when pitch tracking is on

-GATE resets carrier wave cycle and also, if used, will output exacly one cycle from ENV output with each gate trigger

-A/B mods

-External FM, AM and RING modulation sources, see bellow


-OUT for mixed Carrier + optional modulator and noise audio

-ENV when GATE input is used, can serve as A/R envelope generator

-MOD and NOISE are raw modulator and noise audio signals


-Carrier oscillator can be controlled with pitch input, or disconnected (keyboard button in the corner) and work as LFO with 0.13hz to 8.37kHz

-PHASE is common phase controller for both waveforms, before anything else

-SHAPE1 morphs first wave from Sine, through Triangle, Square to Saw

-MIX controlls level between first and second waveform

-SHAPE2 is same as SHAPE1, but for second waveform

Then, both waveforms goes into morphing stage:

-SYNC is the effect of syncing carrier into virtual sync oscillator, and tune it upward. There are two orange SYNC knobs, one before SYM and BEND and one after, sync effect is different when those tranformations are applied

-SYM controlls proportion between first and second part of single oscillator cycle. Its linear, but with HYPER button you can try some hyper shaper tranformation, you can use it for PW modulations for example.

-BEND toward positive or negative values on Y axis

-PHASE1 and PHASE2 are independent phase controllers
for waveform 1 and 2, applied after previous tranformations, with some modulations they migh generate different sound

-A.BEND is bend of "attack" phase of the waveform

-R.BEND is bend of "release" phase of the waveform

At this point, waveform goes into the mixer. You can also add non-random triangle spikes with KINKS section:

-AMT for ammount of kinks

-WIDTH to make them wider od narrower


-Similar controlls to carrier oscillator, with individual SHAPE controller, but without all the transformations

-M/N knob is mix between modulator and noise generator, that goes into modulation destinations

-M>A sends modulators (after M/N knob) into A modulation bus. Then, you can use A modulation ammount sliders to apply that modulation to every parameter. Similar for M>B knob.

-FM is frequency modulation of the carrier. If INTERNAL MODULATOR button is lit, internal modulator is applied, if unlit, external from FM input

-RING is ring modulation, controlled similar to FM, but as the ring modulation ammount is static, RING knob controlls mix between carrier and ring modulated carrier

-AM is amplitude modulation, controlled similar to FM

Then, there is a mixer section:

-N.LEV is white noise level, that can be added to carrier signal. There is also PINK button, that turns on pink noise instead of white. Noise color applies both to mixer section and modulation section

-M.LEV is modulator level that can be added to carrier signal

OSCILLOSCOPE is kind of fixed into single carrier waveform cycle and might not act as typical oscilloscope. Also, some non-transformed FM might not be visible due to that frequency lock.

Known issues:
-I dont know how to add A/B mod into A.BEND and R.BEND knobs, when smoother is added, it just breaks all the functionality- only first or second part of the waveform will work. If you know what is wrong, give me a hint ;)


Charles Carrington
1 year ago
Opens improperly as a small block, knobs squeezed together on top of each other.
4 years ago
nice, thank you