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Kumo Granular Sampler

The classic Grain Cloud in Blocks form

(8 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 4 years ago)
April 10, 2020
Reaktor 6


Kumo Granular is a Blocks version of NI's classic and iconic Grain Cloud sampler.
This is more or less a straightforward port, using the Grain Cloud Core module.
Sample handling is done via the Sample Map module which is embedded in the block.

Basic instructions:
- Drop the block in your ensemble
- Connect the outs
- Press F6 or select View -> Show Sample Map Editor
- Use the editor to load and configure samples
- Enjoy


- Initial release

NI for Grain Cloud
Knobs by Efflam Le Bivic
Background template by Stephen Lemp


Pablo Bastian
4 years ago
I'll give it a try, thanks again Kostas.
Kostas Karamitas
4 years ago
@Pablo: Go inside the block structure like this: "Process"->"prep pitch"->"prep". You'll see that there's a module there that maps the knob 0-1 range to -12/+12 for pitch. You can change this to whatever you like. However, the UI will still show -12/+12! To change the knob label go to: "Panel"->"TUNE"->"Label & Value"->"Value"->"Value Split"->"Scale". There, you must do the necessary scaling as well for the visual element
Demetriades Panos
4 years ago
Pablo Bastian
4 years ago
Read or = of, sorry for the typo.
Pablo Bastian
4 years ago
Quick question Kostas, how can we make the Tune (pitch) more extreme, like -24 & +24 instead or 12? (sorry, far away from a Reaktor expert here :( Thank you!
Pablo Bastian
4 years ago
Good suggestion Kostas!
Kostas Karamitas
4 years ago
@Joey: haven't looked into it really, but I might. I have other things in the pipeline first though. @Dan: I don't think you can do that with the Sample Map editor (someone correct me if I'm wrong). What you can do is load multiple samples and assign zones and root keys to each. So, for example you can have each sample extend to a different octave range and "choose" samples by playing notes within the corresponding range. @Pablo: You can do this yourself by slightly modulating the Pitch with filtered noise or some other kind of random signal. That's the great thing about Blocks, you can add your own modulators easily!
Pablo Bastian
4 years ago
A jitter like the other parameters for the Tune (pitch) would be fantastic! :)
4 years ago
How do I select which sample from the loaded sample map to use? It appears that every note plays a different sample from the map. I would expect to select the sample to be played, then play it with a different pitch for each note in key press, then select another sample, play that with a different pitch for each key press, etc. Thanks.
Pablo Bastian
4 years ago
Great cloud maker! Love the smoothness. Solid potential for drones and frozen organic textures. Thanks a lot for sharing, much appreciated.
Joey Valizan
4 years ago
Very cool! I really enjoy this implementation. Have you looked into trying to making it manipulate a real-time buffer?
Kostas Karamitas
4 years ago
Hey Colin, yeah the position parameter is smoothed inside the block, that's why this happens. You can change this very easily or remove it if you prefer a faster, glitchy sound: go inside the block and you'll see that the "pos" parameter (index C0 in inputs), goes through a lowpass, before the grain cloud. You can increase the frequency of the filter or remove it altogether
Colin Brown
4 years ago
Cool. One thing I'm finding with long sample (many seconds long), is that when I change position, it takes a while to catch up to the position, so results are interesting, but somewhat unpredictable.