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Complex Envelope Generator

8 stages EG with individual gate triggers on each stage

(6 Votes)
Audio Player
1.0.1 (Updated 5 years ago)
February 29, 2020
Reaktor 6


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Complex Envelope Generator

*There is a example ensemble inside package, that ive used to record audio demo shown, its multistage triggered drone, with different modulation on each stage, shaped by individual EG that adds vibrato on first attack and hold stage, then adds second oscillator at second attack and sustain then, modulate filter cutoff and resonance with constant voltage at release stage*

Its based on the AHDSR envelope generator from primary factory library, but with additional features and in the form of Block with A/B mods

Its 8 stages, delay, attack, hold, decay, sustain, release with optional second attack and release after first sustain. Time from 0.1ms to 60sec on each step, variable slopes

Additionally, there are separate gate triggers for each step, that are daisy chained from 1 to 8, and can be merged in many ways. For example, if you hit first toggle button on merge row, first two stages will be merged, resulting attack gate ouput become delay+attack gate output. If you activate first 2 merge slots, then output 3 will gate all 3 stages. You can merge from any point, any number of stepes forward, orange indicators will tell you which output is active at time.

If you hit Skip button, second attack and sustain stages will be skipped. Also, their corresponding gate output will become inactive, and skipped in merging process.

All gate outputs are velocity sensitive, regardles of VELO settings of the envelope generator itself. Release gate output will allways output last played velocity on its stage (if you merge something into release gate, it will send that velocity from that point into infinity)

EG can also be looped, from first/second sustain back into delay stage. There is allways gate retrigger for gate ouputs at first stage in loop mode.

You can manualy turn down the scope, as it takes some CPU power that you might need elsewhere.


Michał Gąsiorowski
4 years ago
@Dirk: thanks, im going to investigate that for sure :)
Dirk Wallinger
4 years ago
@ Michal: There is a solution to "switch" in core! Look at the prog/core by Tim Exile - The Finger. The more FX are triggered, the more raise up the Cpu. If theres no trigger on FX, the Cpu is always fine! Hope that helps you for further projects.
Michał Gąsiorowski
4 years ago
Vincent: thats not hard to achieve, i'll look into that when i'll finish other things that cant wait ;)
Vincent Fliniaux
4 years ago
Ultimate Envelope! Gorgeous! The only feature lacking is a ADR mode. Any chance it will be add in the future?
4 years ago
@gentleclockdivider - take a look in NI's Rounds Reverb Block. There are primary latches in it.
gentleclockdivider .
5 years ago
Your uploads do NOT adhere the block standard since you're using primary audio modules All processing modules should be done in core , that's why blocks are great You can upload it , but please don't advertise these as blocks , because they are not
Michał Gąsiorowski
5 years ago
@Antonio: Hey, i cant remove comments here ;) can you elaborate, why should i feel shame for that?
Antonio Machado
5 years ago
it is a shame you ask for donation,and you may remove my comment...
Michał Gąsiorowski
5 years ago
@Catman Dude: yeah, some things sound different in core, im always trying to compare if i need to go core or not ;) and even if i do, im usually creating small core cell for that thing only
Catman Dude
5 years ago
OK, that is a good explanation. I saw that you had done a good deal of Core programming in the instrument, so I asked. I usually use Core because A) I didn't learn Primary until late on, and B) I think the sound quality is better with Core audio signal. (Maybe not a factor here.)
Michał Gąsiorowski
5 years ago
@Catman: just checked- maybe its not MUCH less than bento, but its not more, and if you delete half of modulations on mine (so both with Bento, will have 4 parameters smoothing) its more than half CPU usage over Bento. Also, its easier to compare CPU usage over diverent modules (in core you can only measure whole core cell) and you can deactivate some parts of program, that you are not going to use with "switch", which is only aviable in primary (AFAIK its only way to deactivate whole part of "logic chain" AND its CPU usage)
Michał Gąsiorowski
5 years ago
@Catman: generaly speaking, im always go primary, unless i HAVE to go core. The reason for that, is CPU usage. Ive got like 15 more working block prototypes, that generates 50-80% less CPU usage over core counterparts with the same or more functionalities. Maybe sometimes thats irrelevant, but i dont want to check every single part of the program as long as primary version works fine (and i like the way i can prototype things in primary aswell). In some cases, im using core compare and logic aswell (in this block, there is gate logic created in core, as core logic is simultaneous and it was needed there, similar to my quantizer note comparing). If you turn off the scope, you will notice that this envelope generator uses much less CPU than Bento counterpart, even with twice as many modulation destinations (and its main CPU hog here), more stages and other functionalities.
Catman Dude
5 years ago
Thanks Michal, this looks VERY interesting. I'm looking forward to playing with it. My only question at this point is, why do you do all your compare logic in Primary rather than Core?
Flo Gudat
5 years ago
very cool, you made some nice blocks :) Thank you
Michał Gąsiorowski
5 years ago
whops, quick fix, first two people that download that- A/B mods now working, ive uploaded wrong version at first ;)