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Skrewell hack 2.1 inlc. TG-8

Slow Downer

(39 Votes)
Audio Player
2.1 (Updated 2 years ago)
February 09, 2020
Reaktor 6


This is the result based on a question by Greg Killmaster in the Reaktor forum:
Need help modifying Skrewell if possible

HACK 2.1:
The first was less than a half one, here is a full one. Enjoy the hack please.

bug fix snapshot recall
mute is a fade now

The instruments snapshots are all original Skrewell saved. No Slow Down buttons is touched. Take your own choice for ensemble snapshots.

The audio demo is Skrewell Hack and TG-8.


1 year ago
@Andres, IMHO no. Lazyfish aka Alexander Pothekin build a self controlling sound generator.
Andres Villarroya
2 years ago
Is there a Screwell mod that can be used with midi? with a keyboard I mean
Vitalii Shestopalov
2 years ago
but I really want the function parameters to be all simultaneously available on one page what would be the parameters of the modulation frequency oscillator. it's easier with the mouse to change all the parameters on the fly, because constantly switching submenus confuses the streaming state of mind!
Herman Verbaeten
2 years ago
Hi Paule, i was so happy finding your "Skrewell manual r003" because there you offered the controle of the 80 channels for every 8 controlers. Now i was wondering if it is possible to change the sliding accordingly when choosing another snapshot. Thanks for your advise. Kind regards. herman
Andres Villarroya
2 years ago
Buena combinación Bro!
2 years ago
Are anyone use the Grainstaites FX to follow Skrewell?
3 years ago
Many thanx for sharing!
4 years ago
Greg, it's an event filter in the controlling heart of Skrewell. In TG8-H the result isn't so good. There are 4 docking points only. With 8 points it works in Skrewell very well.
Greg Killmaster
4 years ago
o yeh, this is really nice! is it slowing down the audio processing at all, or just the pitch changes. What exactly is it doing inside for the Slow Down?
Thomas Mosner
4 years ago
well done, thank you!
4 years ago
Myself likes crackles. To avoid crackles on a knob use a smoother.
Nick Petty
4 years ago
One thing I am noticing is the mix knob crackles a bit when I tweak it, I am using it with another ENS file, it is quiet once I don't move it though. Any suggestions?
Nick Petty
4 years ago
This is absolutely amazing, I have used it so much in a short period of time, and I am incorporating it into my variations of the TG stuff, thanks so much! PAULE, you are the MAN!
Greg Killmaster
4 years ago
Thanks Paule, I'll give it a shot!
4 years ago
Greg, there is an internal connection from SloMotion macro to polycontrol calc XY in Skrewell. In TG-H it's the same. In TG-8z001 you'll use the mouse area on the screen, there is no slomo mod.
Greg Killmaster
4 years ago
Been playing around a lot with the Skrewell and TG-8H family of ensemble variations and the one thing I would love to see is the ability to record mouse movements in Rick Scott's ensemble TG-8H Live. That would pretty much be the perfect incarnation of the Skrewell/TG-8H species. Would be nice to be able to record scrolling of the 8 voice table as well as a desert.
Greg Killmaster
4 years ago
Thanks Paule, this is potentially very cool but I'm having trouble getting a handle on exactly what slomo is doing. Seems like the slomo doesn't affect all the parameters in the same way. Is it affecting all of them or just the parameter I select. The gate thing is definitely a welcomed addition! If you could clarify what is going on internally, that would be super helpful!
Ilias Papanikolos
4 years ago