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tempo-sync FM loop sampler w/ FX

(14 Votes)
Audio Player
0.75 (Updated 5 years ago)
January 12, 2020
Reaktor 6


now with example .ens!

you can drag in the included .wav files, or use your own. haven't found a way to embed samples using table framework yet. for now, this will have to do.

0.74 - fixed clicking at end of loop region (x-fades were not executing on wrap)
0.73 - removed snapshots containing local table references (was generating missing sample messages)

based on Michael Hetrick's "Stereo Sample Looper 1.2"

in some areas, his work was simplified; in others, it was expanded upon. I wanted to make a simple click-free loop sampler with the option to quantize loop length to common time divisions, and the "alternate" feature from primary samplers.

then I threw in some effects on the B-view for good measure.

things can get interesting when you start modulating everything.

click & drag on waveform to adjust loop region.

this is my first block, feedback is welcomed


Jeffrey McFarland
3 years ago
Anyone know how I can assign a Util Button to the reset on the samplers (upper left corners)? Sorry if this is a dumb question.
Vagelis M
4 years ago
Love it!
Demetriades Panos
5 years ago
can it makes amen breaks?
Phil Durrant
5 years ago
This is so useful for me! I like to use a number of them and do the sort of William Balinski/Steve Reich style trick demonstrated by Loopop here: using a Digitakt sampler.
Vincent Fliniaux
5 years ago
Finally! Almost the perfect sampler! The FM with the added noise sounds so good. Great job! Almost because there is something wrong with the speed of the playback. It's changing by itself at half of the loop length. Here is video screenshot of the issue, the speed is constant on the original file: I tried Michael Hetrick's "Stereo Sample Looper 1.2" block and the problem is also there. I tried to fix the issue for a whole day without success… It's probably something with the phasor clock but I'm not a core programmer.
Pablo Bastian
5 years ago
Keep up the good work Brian, looking forward to more blocks coming from you. In the same vein as your Playback sampler, would love a similar block but granular :)
5 years ago
@Guillaume Richard you're very welcome! I would like to include an example .ens, but I first need to find a good way to embed samples without complicating the UI or causing other problems. I'm looking into ways to make this more share-able.
5 years ago
@Pablo Bastian you're welcome! glad you like it!
Guillaume Richard
5 years ago
thanks Brian! a simple example ens would be also great.
Pablo Bastian
5 years ago
Thanks Brian! :) (amazing user friendly sampler by the way, very fun to use!)
5 years ago
@ Pablo Bastian thanks, should be fixed now.
Pablo Bastian
5 years ago
Lot of missing sample messages by the way.
Matthew Piecora
5 years ago
Click free is the way to be. Quote me on that! Nice work! -Matt
Matthew Piecora
5 years ago
Click free is the way to be. Quote me on that! Nice work! -Matt