BIAiDV (rackready)
This is a patchable drumvoice module inspired by Noise Engineerings Basimilus Iteritas Alter...
I read the manual:
and made this :)
But it has just four oscs and a noise with sampleratereducer. and a sync function to sync them in phase.
I'm still finetuning the parameters;)
Hope you have fun
1.46 new waveshaper (Fracfold) and two more recombination algos
1.45 two new recombination algos (RCE) and a smack knob wich routes a short envelope (-/+) through the RCE algos
1.44 waveformshape is now sine/pulselike/sawlike and reworked fold (cleaner)
1.43 reworked modin for noise/attack.
1.42 there are two recombination modes now. rectify and offset.
added noise to crossmodulation and cfg envelops to noise and intmod.
harmonic spread goes also one octave down now. :D
1.41 wrote info for every knob, and the patch will be different with every update
1.4 inspired by FutureSoundSystems new "Recombination Engine", i rebuild a simple circuit. mainosc is crossfading between intmod+ and harmonics-
and i increase the harmonic spread
1.36 there's a new very simple SampleRateReduce/modClip effect it reduces samplerate or clips the output by int.mod. with cv in and an option to rectify the cv input.
1.35 one knob option to blend through FM/RM/PhM by int. Mod. (or ext.)
there is a triggerable decay env that routes int.Mod to output
seperate shape control int.Mod
1.34 added phase distortion (PD) and a knob to set the env-decay shape
1.33 Westcoast CFG envelope is much faster for amp
two new outputmodes X(xor logic-puls)R (ringmod)
Shape is modable via intmod now :)
2nd LPF is a 2 pole now, bash will add res
added two LPFs around the foldsection with full pitchtracking,
the Bashknob will route the env(-/+) to the filter and fold.
proper FM modulation.
added a pitchinput for the Internal Modulator.
changed the spread behavior
added an output for xor of int mod and main osc
added cv input for shape
proper tuning and outputs from intmod and env
extra sync for intmod
added two new phasemod modes...
W (woop) is envelope modulation and B(bite) the oscs modulate (cool with sync on)
better pitchenv behavior and improved fold section
improved noise section and waveshapes (sine to pulssawish)
-better noise section (Ringmod/Crush) and proper routing
finetuning on the envelopes
-added an internal modulator which will modulate AM, FM and PhM if nothing is patched to the
mod inputs
-reworked the foldback