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Six Mirror

Envelope generator with normal and mirrored output

(5 Votes)
0.9 (Updated 5 years ago)
April 01, 2019
Reaktor 6


Left slider controls rise time, right fall. Blue line controls shape of rise, pink line shape of fall. Knob controls total duration/speed. Same as CFG block.

In addition to normal output, there is additional reversed/mirrored envelope output. Mirrored envelope shares controls (and mods) with normal envelope but rise and fall parameters are exchanged.

Two upper lamps monitors normal envelope, bottom two reversed.

ps: There is a little "inherited" bug from Boutique Multiwave OSC – modulation indicator disappears for sliders for low/bottom values and in some cases negative modulation keeps going on even if mod amount is set to zero. Suggestions welcomed. It is present in all blocks I have made with sliders I think.


5 years ago
Isn't the Env 2 time shifted too ?