KNBSTRB8 Collection
Collection of front panel patching Blocks.
Version 2.4
The KNBSTRB8 collection has been fully renewed in the front panel patching format.
Racks made with KNBSTRB8 blocks are posted under the following UL entry:
Envelope: 6
Filter: 7
FX: 10
LFO TK: 18
Mixing: 10
Modulator: 14
Oscillator: 6
Percussion: 8
Sequencer: 5
Utilities: 6
Total: 90
AMP - ADSR: ADSR envelope generator with integrated VCA and LP filters. Reset mode, Inverse envelope, EOA, EOC (2.4)
AMP - AR TS: Host tempo synced AR envelope generator with integrated VCA and LP filters. Straight / Triplets / Dotted, Inverse envelope, EOA, EOC (2.4)
AMP - AR: AR envelope generator with integrated VCA and LP filters.Reset mode, Inverse envelope, EOA, EOC (2.4)
MOD - ENF: Envelope follower. In gain can be boosted to +24 dB (2.2)
MOD - FUNC: Function generator, based on a AR envelope.
AMP - AHR: AHR envelope generator with 4 gate inputs and VCA's. One shot / AHR mode, Reset mode (2.4)
FLT - BP: Bandpass filters.
FLT - COMB: 3 comb filters.
FLT - HP: Highpass filters. Pitch Tracking (2.2)
FLT - LP: Lowpass filters. Pitch Tracking (2.2)
FLT - SVF TSK: SVF and TSK multifilters. Pitch Tracking (2.2)
FLT - LP4 SAT: Non-linear LP 4 filters with added overdrive. Pitch Tracking (2.2)
FLT - BW: Butterworth 1st and 2nd kind HP and LP in series.
FX - 4 TAP: 4 tap, host tempo synced delay with XY mix control on the 4 tap outputs. Freeze (2.4)
FX - DLY FBK: Feedback delay with integrated LP and HP filters on the feedback path. Freeze (2.4)
FX - FLPH: Stereo / Barberpole flanger and phaser with external LFO input.
FX - PRE DLY: Non-feedback stereo pre-delay.
FX - SR BR: Sample rate and bit depth reducer.
FX - PING PONG: DLY FBK in Ping Pong setup. Freeze (2.4)
FX - DLY TAPE: Tape delay emulation. Noise, flutter and tape speed control. Freeze (2.4)
FX - DLY PS: Pitch shift delay.
FX - SAT: Saturator with built in emphasis / de-emphasis EQ.
FX - STUTTER: Stutter FX. The freeze function of a delay and a cut of the dry signal at gate on.
LFO TK - CONV: Converts the incoming signal into a LFO phase driver (PD) signal.
LFO TK - MW 4x1: 4 PD inputs, 1 LFO wave selector, 4 LFO outputs.
LFO TK - MW M: 1 PD input, 1 LFO wave selector, 1 LFO output.
LFO TK - MW Q: Quadrature LFO. 1 PD input, 1 LFO wave selector, 4 LFO outputs (increasing 90 degrees phase offset).
LFO TK - MW S: Stereo LFO. 1 PD input, 1 LFO wave selector, 2 LFO outputs (left and right).
LFO TK - PD FR: Free running phase driver generator. Additional ultra slow frequency range (2.2).
LFO TK - PD Sync F: Host tempo and transport synced phase driver generator. Tempo selection in fractions of 1 bar (128 bars to 1/128 bar). Straight, Triplets, Dotted (2.4)
LFO TK - PD Sync: Host tempo and transport synced phase driver generator. Fixed tempo selection (256 bars to 1/256 bar). Straight, Triplets, Dotted (2.4)
LFO TK - PD TS F: Host tempo synced phase driver generator. Tempo selection in fractions of 1 bar (128 bars to 1/128 bar). Straight, Triplets, Dotted (2.4)
LFO TK - PD TS: Host tempo synced phase driver generator. Fixed tempo selection (256 bars to 1/256 bar). Straight, Triplets, Dotted (2.4)
LFO TK - XY OUT: XY mixer and attenuverter for LFO signals.
LFO TK - PD RND: 8 LFO random free running phase drivers (harmonic randomness). This block needs a gate or manual gate to start the output.
LFO TK - PD RTS: 8 LFO random host tempo synced phase drivers (8x random selection out of 32 tempo intervals). This block needs a gate or manual gate to start the output.
LFO TK - MW RND: 8 PD inputs, 2 LFO wave selectors, 1 x 8 waves random mixed output, 2 x 4 waves random mixed outputs. This block needs a gate or manual gate to start the output.
LFO TK - PD FR4: 4 Free running phase drivers with individual frequency control.
LFO TK - PD TS4: 4 Host tempo synced phase drivers with individual tempo control.
LFO TK - PD Sync 4: 4 Host tempo and transport synced phase drivers with individual tempo control.
LFO TK - MW 4x4: 4 individual LFO wave selectors with direct bipolar and unipolar output.
AMP - MIX 4: 4 input mixer and macro knob controller.
AMP - OUT: This block is completely rebuilt in version 2.3. Level fader, stereo image, DJ filter, AUX send / return and gain control (2.3).
AMP - VCA: VCA with integrated LP filters.
MIX - CV SEL: 3 CV (8 in) selectors.
MIX - PAN: Pan control on left and right channel plus gain control (L/R and M/S input).
MIX - XF: Crossfader. Manually (A/B) or by an incoming gate.
MIX - XYZ: XYZ mixer with 8 inputs. 3 XF outputs. 2 mono, 1 stereo (2.4)
MIX - SP: Serial / parallel mixer with crossfader.
MIX - MUTE 4: Four mute buttons with slew and macro button outs.
MIX - CV MIX: 4 in 1 CV mixer with attenuverters. Six matrix mix pair outputs. Absolute and relative level mode. Mix and multiply mode. 4 direct outs.
MOD - DRIFT: Audio rate random walk generator.
MOD - FLD SAT: Wave folder and soft clipper.
MOD - N STP: Gate activated stepped modulation signal generator.
MOD - RNG: Gate activated random number and gate generator.
MOD - TM 16: 16 bit Turing machine.
PRO - CALC: Signal converters and combiner.
PRO - COMP: Comparator.
PRO - LOGIC: Boolean logic gate combiner.
PRO - S&H: Multimode sample and hold (4 in, 1 gate or 1 in, 4 gates). 4 outputs.
MOD - T&O: Three attenuverters and bipolar offsets.
PRO - SLEW: Three slew limiters.
MOD - ADC 8: Analog to 8 bit digital converter.
MOD - DAC 8: Digital 8 bit to analog converter.
MOD - FLIP: Three probability gate triggered flip-flop mixers. 4 inputs, 6 outputs.
OSC - 4 WAV: 4 wave oscillator and sub-oscillator with AM and FM input.
OSC - HA 8: Harmonic oscillator with control on the 1st to 8th harmonic. Oscillator selector has been replaced with control over the harmonic intervals and the mix function is in between the output and the 1st harmonic (2.3).
OSC - NZ: Stereo noise generator with S&H gate input for RNG output. Second RNG output (2.4)
OSC - Vinyl: Dust generator with 33/45/78 RPM LFO as envelope or constant output.
OSC - PM: Sine oscillator with phase modulation input.
OSC - UNI 5: 5 Oscillators that can be unison detuned.
OSC - BANG: Kick drum synthesizer.
OSC - BOOM: Kick drum synthesizer.
OSC - CLAP: Clap synthesizer.
OSC - HIHATS: Closed- and open hihat synthesizer.
OSC - Kick It: Percussion synthesizer with full control and FM input.
OSC - PEW: Noise FX synthesizer.
OSC - SNARE: Snare drum synthesizer.
OSC - TOM: Tom drum synthesizer.
SEQ - 8 STP: 8 step sequencer.
SEQ - 16 BIT: Two 16 step sequencers based on a 16 bit value.
SEQ - CIRCLE: Euclidean sequencer with gate, NOT gate and reset gate output.
SEQ - 4x4: 4x4 note matrix sequencer (pitch output). X sequencer, Y sequencer, 2 output variations. Additional 4 row output streams.
SEQ - 4x4 PG: 4x4 probability gate matrix sequencer (gate output). X sequencer, Y sequencer, 2 output variations. Additional Boolean gate combiner output.
INT - P&G: MIDI pitch and gate and a host tempo + transport synced clock.
SEQ - CLK 4: 4 clock dividers and an integrated rotator.
SEQ - PQ: Pitch quantizer.
INT - WONKY CLK: The Wonky Clock patch in a block. Synced to host transport via internal reset gate. Intervals are initially synced to the host tempo, but can be rushed or lagged with 8 controls and an internal 8 step sequencer. Gate and reset output.
MOD - P2G: 4 pitch to gate converters and a probability gate triggered octave shifter.
MOD - UTIL 4: 2 Wavescanners. 4x11 utilities: Gate to switch gate and trig, S&H, VCA, XF / Pan, LR to MS, MS to LR, AND, OR, XOR, Bipolar to unipolar and vice versa, 1 sample delay.
Credit roll:
MOD - TM 16: Modified ASR macros from Michael Hetrick's Turing Machine (Euro Reakt).
OSC - Vinyl: Modified SC DUST macro from Michael Hetrick's Dust (Euro Reakt).
SEQ - CIRCLE: Modified Euclidean rotator macro from Salamander Anagram's Euclidean.
OSC - HIHATS: 6 Pulse oscillator macro from NI Niji drums Hihat.
SEQ - PQ: Based on the NI Digilog Quant block. Contains debug solution by Catman Dude.
INT - WONKY CLK: Based on a Eurorack patch by Colin Benders.
GUI: Efflam le Bivic