Six Deck
1s looper with speed mod
Records input and plays it automatically back, loop/recording length is 1 second (+1s of post-buffer for fading). Loop is recorded on 3 channels simultaneously, each channel has different default playback speed (base speed for every channel is adjustable in B view - sliders). Playback of all 3 channels can be sped up or slow down by constant value - knob "speed" and each channel's amplitude envelope can affect playback speed of following channel - knob "follow". Playback output is equal mix of all three channels.
1.0 update:
Added trig input for recording - when recording process is activated, playback slows down to zero, block records 1s of main buffer, another 1s of "post-buffer" and starts playback. Post-buffer is used for "fade out" after loop points to soften transition. Duration of fade out can be set for each channel in B view (knobs on top). Added gate input for pause, separate signal and gate output for each channel (50% of channel's effective loop duration).