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Vector PhaseShaping OSC with 8-oversampling

(11 Votes)
Audio Player
0.7 (Updated 6 years ago)
September 30, 2018
Reaktor 6


Following the forum discussion initiated by @shroud, I have been studying the Vector PhaseShaping synthesis based on the paper:
Vector Phaseshaping Synthesis (VPS), Jari Kleimola, Victor Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney, Vesa Välimäki, Proc. of the 14th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-11), September 19-23, IRCAM, Paris, France, 2011.

The authors have defined a technique to reduce the aliasing for values of V higher than one. It is a strange technique that does not really address the aliasing created for extreme values of D (D close to 0 or 1). Moreover, I think they overlooked the behavior around V=1.5, 2.5, etc. as a discontinuity is created.

Following the encouragements of @tenandtracer and the advices of @colB, I have implemented a Vector Phase Shaping OSC in blocks with 8 oversampling to minimize the aliasing. I have also left the technique proposed in the paper (alias button). Even if the approach has some drawback, it may be useful in certain contexts. So here it is, if someone wants to experiment with it.

I have used elements from Salamanderanagram, shroud and Benjamin Poddig.

v0.6: Correction of the Gate mode.
v0.7: Addition of Exponential, Linear and Linear TZ FM modes.


6 years ago
Thanks Philippe for spotting this. This has been corrected now.
6 years ago
Thanks PhilSal. Thanks Philippe I change it in my version.
6 years ago
Very nice, but Gate input is in Event mode, normal ?