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Silverwood Tenor Sax

Breath-controlled waveguide-based tenor sax

(22 Votes)
Audio Player
1.0 (Updated 6 years ago)
August 17, 2018
Reaktor 6


Silverwood Tenor Sax is a waveguide physical model of a Bb tenor sax. It is activated by a wind or breath controller and is monophonic. Its range is from G#2 to E6.

To play in tune the sample rate must be either 44.1 or 48 kHz.

This instrument is breath-controlled and without a wind or breath controller operating on CC2 or CC11 it will make no sound. I'm currently using a TEC breath controller, available at It plugs into a USB port and is very nice.

The panel controls include:

• Tuning – Octave, transposition, and fine tuning controls.
• Vibrations – Vibrato, tremolo, flutter tonguing, and growling.
• Model – Breath response speed, noise, punch, reed aperture & stiffness, bore efficiency, and slur timing.
• Modulation – Six MIDI modulation busses with 43 sources and 16 destinations.


Mitch Landy
3 years ago
I’m looking for software that will run on Big Sur OSX (my new MacBook), or an affordable stand-alone processor for my EWI-USB and my instrument amp. Is this anything I can use?
Colin Landrum
3 years ago
sounds great!
Giordano Rosadoni
3 years ago
Is it possible to use it without a breath controller?
Shmuel Perednik
4 years ago
It's honestly unbelievable that this is free. Thank you so so much. If you can add an option to use this and the clarinet with a modwheel instead of a breath controller (Similar to what you added to the clarinet) that would be terrific. Thank you again, best wishes
Andrew Trapani
4 years ago
Thank you so much for all of your physical models. They are splendid. Your kindness and generosity are admirable.
Chet Singer
4 years ago
Hello Michael. Your request is an often-heard one. But I don't think it's possible to save an ensemble to a previous version of Reaktor.
michael sintros
4 years ago
Any way of getting my hands on a version of this that works with Reaktor 6.1? My computer won't go up to 6.2. Your clarinet is really nice, and would love to try the sax!
Jonathan Stubbs
4 years ago
As I posted, on the flute comment section, I would appreciate being able to access this in Reaktor 5 for the reason I stated there.
jace cavacini
5 years ago
Nice work on this. I'm fairly ignorant of the natural instrument and the waveguide programming. Is there any easy way, within the GUI of the ensemble, to widen the range a bit? I'm finding that the lowest note is dying abruptly, and the transpose GUI gives a seemingly non-functional selection of ranges in the lower end.
Chet Singer
5 years ago
Hello Alex and thanks for your kind words. I believe the model can be used to make other saxes, although I tried a baritone once and was disappointed in the timbre. I'm not building waveguide instruments right now, but I'll keep this in mind.
Alex Enkerli
5 years ago
This remains one of my favourite sounds to play. I now use the VL70-m sound module as part of my live rig and I’m liking what can be done with the Respiro plugin. Still, this one ensemble is the one which produces the most satisfying results in terms of “what’s in my head”. Chet: been hoping for other ensembles to cover some of the other saxes. It’d help in terms of range and could make for a great “ensemble” ensemble. (Say, with Robby Kilgore’s MIDI Rotator to generate chords.) My guess is that it’s mostly a matter of tweaking a few parameters (range, waveguide, maybe formant) to convert Silverwood Tenor Sax into Silverwood Soprano Sax (still Bb). And not that much more to make Eb Silverwood Baritone Sax and Silverwood Alto Sax. Tried to look into the patch and was a bit overwhelmed with the number of things which can be tweaked. Any advice on experimenting with this? And/or do you have plans to release a broader suite of sax ensembles?
Frans Dijksman
5 years ago
Nice. I use it for on my akai ewi It sounds great.
Daniel Hogan
5 years ago
qef qefi
6 years ago
Great. Thank you very much. How about retrigerin notes?
Krypton Council
6 years ago
Many thank yous!
José Vicente Montón Bueno
6 years ago
Thanks again! That worked perfectly.
Chet Singer
6 years ago
Hello José, yes there are six curvature macros in there, one for each modulation bus. I now think that they should be removed. I'll do it myself in the next couple of days. If you don't want to wait for me, drill down into Panel > Silverwood Tenor Sax Ens > Silverwood Tenor Sax > Stacked Mod Busses > Modulation Core and you'll see six Selector macros (one for each bus). Inside each Selector macro is a Sine Smoother macro. Bypass each of those Sine Smoother macros and the responses will be "straight".
José Vicente Montón Bueno
6 years ago
Thank you so much for this! I've been using your original Silverwood plugin for a long time now, and it works great with the Eigenharp Pico, so it was nice to find out about this new version. I have a question, though. In the original Silverwood plugin, you could set up the pitch modulation to different modes (straight, steep...). Is there a way to set up the pitch modulation response to straight in this plugin? Because right now it seems that it has curved response, and the Eigenharp sends pitch changes with a held note as a bend with a straight curve, so it can't be controlled properly.
Stephen Wey
6 years ago
Unbelievable! Thanks
6 years ago
Very impressive... jaw droppingly good!
6 years ago
This is a great tenor sax. Very nice sound! It resembles Mr Sax (Samplemodeling). Therefore it fills a gap because Mr Sax is not available anymore.
Matthew Babineaux
6 years ago
Incredible work as always!!
Matthew Babineaux
6 years ago
Incredible work as always!!
Alex Enkerli
6 years ago
Seriously, this was the music in my head, which couldn’t really get out. It feels so good to play this! Will probably start using an expression pedal to control growl. Got a MIDI Expression pedal adapter, so that should be easy to do.
Chet Singer
6 years ago
You're welcome, Alex! Thanks much for posting that!
Alex Enkerli
6 years ago
Very satisfying. Thank you so much, Chet!
Chet Singer
6 years ago
Hello Yorgos, it was initially designed to operate at 88/96 kHz, but I received requests to lower it from people who didn't want to run their gear that high. So I lowered it. It does have some hidden tuning tables that I can adjust to run at 88/96 kHz if people really want it.
6 years ago
Actually, I am on vacation. But I am looking forward to try this tenor sax, when I am back. Thanks again, Chet!
Yorgos Simeonidis
6 years ago
Is it possible to modify it so that it plays in tune at high sample rates?