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Aerobus 2

Semi Modular Block Synthesizer

(28 Votes)
Audio Player
V2.0 (Updated 6 years ago)
August 16, 2018
Reaktor 6


10/10/18 V2.0

More modern, more agressive, more "semi modular", more experimental !
Many new options for this update : frequency modulation, HP Filter, oscillator's shape, new patchbay, tempo sync, complex LFO, XY pad and more... I hope this synthesizer helps create great moments of music for you !

V2.0 correction : Pitch and Gate button + note and Info Hints

NOTE UPDATE : Don't forget to set the pitch and gate source in a first time. If you use a midi keyboard directly, set the Pitch And Gate button to "INT". If you use a sequencer (bento for example), set to "EXT".

If you use a sequencer and want to make the Snapshots's navigation more quick and easy (don't change all the time the value of Pitch and Gate button to "EXT"), you can disabled the option "include in Snapshots" for each button : click on the button / EDIT mode F1 / Properties F5 / Function.

The file contains also the aerobus v1.

16/08/18 V.1.1
Inspirated by the sound and the workflow of a small but amazing greek analog synthesizer, and powered by the Salamander Anagram's patch bay, the aerobus is a simple but complete "analog style synth" solution, with a block size and ergonomic interface (you can switch between panel A and B for different size and options).
The patchbay (thanks to salamander anagram) offer a lot of sound design options, and this synth have a total compatibility with Reaktor's blocks world.

In fact i wanted to capturate the spirit and the workflow of the original synth, "the semi modular experience", completely open to "blocks".

It's not a total reproduction of the sound of the original Dreadbox hardware (i don't have this synth), but a lot of features (filter 2 poles with pre resonance, tape echo, paraphony...) are here !

I hope that you will have a good time with this synth and don't forget to use the 4 CV input !! (and click on the small "+" in the patchbay and use the text edit... very useful for know what is connect to what !)


This upload contain the original Aerobus .ins and a 4 voices polyphonic version.

16/08/18 V.1.1

PS : If you like my work don't hesitate to donate on paypal !


Artem Moroz
4 years ago
Thank You!
Rulgert Ghostalker
6 years ago
to disconnect patch cable, hover over destination, and right click... i didn't know that until recently, so i thought there might be others.
6 years ago
Alright, I'll give it a try. Thank's a lot! Looking forward to hear more amazing sounds by studio10c :D
6 years ago
Thanks Octobird for your comment (and for the aero filtr :). For the patchbay, maybe try with simple settings (the lfo connect to the vcf for example). The modulation are very similar to the traditional Mod AB blocks, the difference is all the mini knobs for control the depth of modulation are not linear but "quadratic" : the modulation increase slowly at the beginning, and after it's exponential, positive or negative way... (sorry i'm french, bad english but i think you understand). So maybe it's the reason of your feelings about the modulation patchbay. In any case for me all it's ok, and it's more simple with this choice of "quadratic" modulation depth knobs, to have soft and subtle modulation, more musical. If you have any question you can contact me on facebook : samuel balmas or studio10c.
6 years ago sounds kinda Greek(ish). I wonder where I got that impression from ;) But I guess that's why I love it so much! Only downside I noticed: I don't really get a lot of Impact out of the patchbay Modulation. Maybe it's just me being stupid...or the Modulation depth could use some tweaking. My next one on the wishlist: a "Maeduso"
julian farina
6 years ago
amazing sound quality, will use it a lot thanks!
adriaan baussens
6 years ago
just one word , top!
6 years ago
Thanks Michel and Dieter ! I'm happy you like the echo, it's the basic core echo of reaktor but i take a lot of time to set all the components, the most complicated was the "host" option... to find all the values for a good synchronization with the host... 4 hours of A/B comparison with echoboy of soundtoys in my DAW :)
Dieter Zobel
6 years ago
much thanks. sounds very good. the echo is incredibly good
michel thouseau
6 years ago
J'adore cet instrument!
6 years ago
Un grand merci à Philippe Loiseau pour tout ses bons conseils !!!
6 years ago
Thanks a lot Z Gabr !
Cryptic Tone
6 years ago
6 years ago
Hi Adriaan thanks for your comment ! The output are not connected because it's an instrument : .ins; not an ensemble. In fact it's a complete synth but in "block format", so like others "blocks" you need to connect the output.
adriaan baussens
6 years ago
great experiment, i would have connected the outputs because maybe some don't find why they have no sound