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Silverwood Flute

Breath-controlled waveguide-based Western transverse flute

(29 Votes)
Audio Player
2.0 (Updated 2 years ago)
July 08, 2018
Reaktor 6


EDIT: Version 2 now does single-finger trills.

Silverwood Flute is a waveguide physical model of a Western transverse flute in C. The model includes a jet mouthpiece and a cylindrical bore with 13 toneholes which can double as register holes. It is activated by a wind or breath controller and is monophonic. Its range is from C4 to C8.

To play in tune the sample rate must be either 88.2 or 96 kHz.

Silverwood Flute is breath-controlled and without a wind or breath controller operating on CC2 or CC11 it will make no sound. I'm currently using a TEC breath controller, available at It plugs into a USB port and is very nice.

The panel controls include:
• Tuning – Octave, transposition, and fine tuning controls.
• Vibrations – Vibrato, tremolo, and flutter tonguing.
• Model – Breath response, noise amount & color, register shifting, and slur timing.
• Modulation – Six MIDI modulation busses with 43 sources and 14 destinations.

The model is an expansion of a design by Dr. Christopher D. Chafe, as described by him in US patent 5,508,473.


Chet Singer
1 year ago
David, I removed the original Silverwood ensemble from the UL because I didn't think it aged well. Sorry. The remaining flute and tenor sax ensembles have better models than the original did.
David Govett
1 year ago
Great work Chet! I curious where the Silverwood Ensembles went. Is it available anywhere? Thanks
1 year ago
Real Nice Chet!
2 years ago
Thanks for this update, Chet! - The Silverwood Flute is one of my user-libary-favorites!
Jonathan Stubbs
2 years ago
Always nice to see updates to these amazing Chet Singer instruments. Any chance some of the others might get these trills as well?
Andres Villarroya
2 years ago
Just awesome, good job bro!
Hristo Elkov
2 years ago
Hellow, can you add last-note priority so trills can be played with a single finger?
Daniel Kisielewski
2 years ago
Stefaan Steyn
3 years ago
Thanks Chet. I’ve played this via Akai Ewi and about to try it with the Warbl. Great to have a physical emulator to play with.
Andrew Trapani
4 years ago
Incredible work. Much admiration and gratitude for this.
Sujoy Bose
4 years ago
I am using Geoshred (with CC2/11) to play this flute. But I am not able to achieve the pitch bend range 12. Any help will be appreciated,
Jonathan Stubbs
4 years ago
Might you be willing/able to post a version compatible with Reaktor 5? I'm running an older MBP that can't go higher than OS 10.11, so Reaktor 5 is the max. I understand it might not be possible/practical.
Chet Singer
4 years ago
Hello Mu, if I'm understanding you correctly, midi learn works only for panel knobs. The air pressure on this instrument isn't mapped to a panel knob, but grabbed directly from cc2 or cc11, whichever is selected at the bottom of the screen.
4 years ago
Hi, the sound and the sounddesign possibilities in this instrument are awesome! I tested it with a Maschine Jam controller to provide signals on CC11 and CC1 (no breath controller available and the Maschine Jam served me well as a multi channel midi controller in other applications). I had to edit the strips on the Maschine Jam in the controller editor however, to map them to the two channels, because I could not "midi learn" the two fields. Why is that so, am I doing something wrong, here? Thanks, anyway, for this wonderful instrument!
Jorge Wienken
4 years ago
This seems to be a very nice job. Once something like this is achieved it should not be too difficult to create other instruments of this family (flue pipes, pan flute, bansuri, etc.)
Misha Rodin
4 years ago
please, help! tool uploaded but no sound, nothing happens, what to do? reaktor version 6.3.1
audio juke
5 years ago
Hi, Chet It 's my request would kindly develop bamboo flute, like bansuri??
5 years ago
Great sounding ens, Chet! If there is a single thing to object, it is how modulation bus source and destination are selected. There is no way to see the list of all sources/destinations in a dropdown menu, you are forced to mouse drag through it. I'd very much like to see an additional dropdown menu for better overview (both here and in your tenor sax ens). Thanks!
6 years ago
nao sai som como usar?
Krypton Council
6 years ago
Thank You!
Chet Singer
6 years ago
I don't think there is. At least I don't know of one.
Lauri Koivisto
6 years ago
oh yeah sorry it says you did it with reaktor 6 and i have 5. Is there any way to get it to reaktor 5?
Chet Singer
6 years ago
Hello Lauri, I'm not certain which version of Reaktor I was using when I posted this. But it was a pretty recent one. If you haven't already done so, please check your version of Reaktor from within Reaktor itself, and make sure it's what you think it is.
Lauri Koivisto
6 years ago
Hi, for some reason Reaktor says i'm not using newest version. I am using newest version, i re-installed Reaktor and its in the same folder with your Clarinet and it works fine. Any ideas? Thanks!
Chet Singer
6 years ago
It requires a wind or breath controller operating on CC2 or CC11.
lorne milan
6 years ago
there is no sound coming out ...?
6 years ago
Looking great, sounding great! Thank you! :-)
Christian Huygen
6 years ago
And across the land, the piper played his magickal flute, and all who heard it said to themselves, "We are not worthy; we are not worthy." Thank you Chet!
Anto Kovačić
6 years ago
Excellent work. Thank you, Chet.
tim clement
6 years ago
Thanks Chet !!!!
6 years ago
Thank you for this gift, Chet.
6 years ago
ty Chet