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Silicon Hearts

Oversampled oscillators

(37 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 5 years ago)
April 10, 2018
Reaktor 6


The download contains six 8x oversampled oscillator blocks. 4x and non-oversampled versions of the blocks has been added. The non-oversampled oscillators might be used as LFOs.

Silicon Blocks:
Complex Oscillator
A pretty common oscillator topology of two oscillators having various modulation capabilities between each other.
- 4 geometric waveforms (classical "analog" waveforms)
- Linear or logarithmic FM
- Ringmodulation
- Sync with Softsync
- Symmetry or duty cycle modulation
- Resettable Phase
- Endless knobs for even more fun :)

Cosmo Oscillator
An oscillator inspired by the great CZ-Synthezisers from Casio.
- 8 Phase Distortion waveforms
- Concatenated waveforms

An oscillator array inspired by the great DX7 from Yamaha.
- 6 Operators
- 32 Algorithms
- Symmetry or duty cycle modulation
- Keyscaling
- Dedicated modulation input for each operator

Standard four waveform oscillator block with experimental synthesis features and GUI elements.
-P (Pitch) and G (Gate) modulation bus
-Phase distortion in two dimensions: X- und Y-symmetry
-Phase control before and after phase distortion
-Periods per Cycle parameter enables synced sounds without anohter oscillator
-S&H-circuit for modulation busses.

-The knobs are embedding their corresponding mod-sliders. The sliders are accessible by clicking on the scale around the knobs and dialing around the knob (Not up and down, like for regular knobs)
-Four tuning modes (Free / Hz, Note / Midinote, Time / seconds, Sync / BPM)

Another oscillator with four geometric waveforms featuring two controls for phase distortion.
- Pulsewidth
- Zeropoint
- Endless knobs with endless modulation for Waveform-, Phase-, ZP- and PW-control.
-S&H-circuit for modulation busses.
-The knobs are embedding their corresponding mod-sliders. The sliders are accessible by clicking on the scale around the knobs and dialing around the knob (Not up and down, like for regular knobs)
-Four tuning modes (Free / Hz, Note / Midinote, Time / seconds, Sync / BPM)

Thanks to Salamanderanagram for his tutorials on Oversampling, Brett Lavallee for the Blocks designs I used, Philippe Loiseau for the ADR macro, Cal Scott for the Blocks textures I used for PDLR and ZPO.

19-05-18: 1.0
A list of features has been added, a lot of changes were made and two new oscillators has been added.


gentleclockdivider .
2 years ago
The "square" , "impulse" ," saw-pulse" and saw -square for the cz osc are still wrong. When both set to saw or doublesine are the only one that are correct THere is no smooth transition going with the other ones , discontinuities in the phase morphing( distortion )
andrew aronson
4 years ago
can't believe i never saw this. dunno if you will see this, but i used your dpw oscillators for phase reset modulation with 50 cycle hum and pink noise, hoping for some analog-ish voodoo. it looks from the description that the PDLR variety could be a more ideal oscillator for this kind of modulation? guess we'll find out soon enough. cheers!
memory splinter
4 years ago
These are loads of fun. Thanks so much!
Benjamin Poddig
4 years ago
@gentleclockdivider: Thanks for mentioning that. I didnt really used a reference when I build the cosmo. Next upload will include some improvements on the cz.
gentleclockdivider .
5 years ago
The phase distorttion impulse and square in the cz is done wrong
Catman Dude
5 years ago
Big thumbs up for the Dual 8x XMod oscillator! I'm getting some very nice and fresh sounds from it. (Therefore thanks too go to Brett.) I want to study the great oversampling techniques (for when/if I ever get to the point where I can consider oscillator-building!)
Fernando Temblador
5 years ago
do these have the side pannels like the 6.3 Blocks?
5 years ago
And again thanks for the Racking ADR 6 :-)
5 years ago
So you added OP Select in the algo view to OP-6, great ! And you new A/B mods take less place than regular ones, interesting. OP-6 is still so powerful...Thanks !
5 years ago
wow, welcome back :-)
Benjamin Poddig
5 years ago
@gentleclockdivider: It's there now
gentleclockdivider .
5 years ago
the op6 block is great But where is the feedback parameter ( for feedback enabled operator )
Bodo Elsel
6 years ago
Excellent work. Thank you.
Benjamin Poddig
6 years ago
Thanks to everyone. I am glad you like these modules. The next upload will contain some computational optimizations as well as some bugfixes I'll report in the description.
6 years ago
Was just playing OP-6. So goooood.
Benjamin Poddig
6 years ago
@ Brett: The pleasure is mine. Thank you for stating these out. I was just blind. And to attenuate the sum absolutely makes sense. Fixed. As well as the alignment of the waveforms phases to better mimic the outputs behavioural. @ Future Aztec: Thank you for the suggestion. It is on the list for MkII. It will not reach infinity levels though bc of cpu limitations. But you can approximate it really good and get really large levels, so I'll think about that. At the moment you can workaround this by using a multiplier or non clipping/saturating vca in front of the modulation input.
Brett Lavallee
6 years ago
These blocks and macros are great. Thanks for upgrading the X-Mod oscillator too! If you have time, please attenuate its summed outputs by 50%. Also, on Complex Osc the Coarse 1 display latch output has the wrong quickbus. Everything else is awesome, thanks again!
Nico Staelens
6 years ago
Sometimes it's X-mas in April. Thank You Benjamin!
Aaron Hemeon
6 years ago
I just noticed that the shape knobs are infinity knobs! I haven't seen this before. Makes me wonder about infinity mod levels...rings around knobs instead of A,B sliders...
Aaron Hemeon
6 years ago
Joey Valizan
6 years ago
I'm in love. This sounds amazing and 360-degree knobs are awesome.
6 years ago
Nice and sensitive sounding
6 years ago
ouch, seems (and probably will sound) great ! Merci beaucoup !
Brett Lavallee
6 years ago
Awesome, thank you!