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Continuum Wavetable Block

A 64 Wave X/Y Wavetable Grid with 5000 Waves

(32 Votes)
Audio Player
1.6 (Updated 6 years ago)
February 11, 2018
Reaktor 6


If you feel like supporting future reaktor works by me you can donate by paypal here...

You can also contact me regarding any bugs reports or feature requests.

Thank you All.

Updated on 07/12/2018... again, three times in one day, Hmmm...

I found a major bug and fixed it up nice and right.

Updated on 07/12/2018... again, twice in one day, Hmmm...

I found another small bug and fixed it up.

Updated on 07/12/2018

Found and fixed a small bug relating to XY morph placement and snapshot recall.

Updated on 02/20/2018

I have implemented a few user requests from Thala.

You can now quantize X and Y independently.

The main master "Q" button will quantize both X and Y, while the QX and QY buttons on the right will quantize them independently.

There is now an ordered wave fill mode.

The "R" Button for randomize has been replaced with a "T" button for "Trigger"

On the far right there is a "Random or Ordered" button.

In random mode everything works as before, you can randomize from all 5000 waves or from a listed category.

In Ordered mode you select your starting wave and hit the "T" button and it will fill in the wavetable with the next 64 waves from that point.

Example: Set the ordered value to 0200, the first wave(upper left corner) will be wave 200, the last wave (Lower right corner) will be wave 0263.

Updated on 02/18/2018

I added some smoothers to the quantize mode to eliminate clicks and pops.

I also stacked up on the oscilloscope to make the waveform overview look fuller and fatter.

Added the new Six Shooter Mod Block to the example ensemble.

Updated on 02/17/2018

I made some internal improvements that greatly reduced cpu consumption by almost %40

I added the X/Y Motion recorder from freshmaker...

I modified freshmakers XY recorder to go 4 times longer, look at the bottom right corner where the green lines are at.

Right clicking turns the XY automation on or off, the horizontal green line is at the bottom for off and at the top for on.

The vertical green line shows your automation recording time.

End of Update Info...

This is Continuum, a Reaktor Block with 5000 waves set into an X/Y wavetable grid with multi directional morphing.

Watch The Video Here....

There are controls for pitch, Fine Tune, Vol, Shape Bend, Shape Bend Type, Rate Reduction and Bit Depth.

It does FM modulation.

There is an intelligent randomize function that will allow you to select groups to randomize from.

Quantize wave steps.

An internal wave order list.

256 Internally stored permanent presets

4 modulation inputs and 8 modulation routing slots.

An LFO mode where you can morph through LFO shapes.

Frequency or Tempo Sync controls.

There is the Instrument Block as well as an example Ensemble

Needs Reaktor 6.2.1

And a special thanks to Riccardo Ferri for all his work on the original 5000 wave wavetable.


Michael Hagen
3 years ago
Yes Great, wonderful
Anders Arensbach
6 years ago
unreal synth sound
José Reis
7 years ago
Thank you
brad wutke
7 years ago
HOLY F@CK... this is unreal.
Thala Estra
7 years ago
Thanks again, Michael! the visibility of the small waves is better too now. it`s really fun now to explore series of waves :)
Justin Krotz
7 years ago
Thank you sir
7 years ago
Lots of variants, thanks Michael.
David Coffin
7 years ago
Ah, you make me smile, Michael; perfection!! Thanks!
7 years ago
Thanks again, Michael.
David Coffin
7 years ago
Jonatan Rosengren Drake
7 years ago
Wow! What a beast! Great work!
dave p
7 years ago
Ooops! I needed to update to 6.2.1 too, false alarm
dave p
7 years ago
Michael-The .ens crashes Reaktor on mac and the .ism says "not a valid file." Love your work BTW
Thala Estra
7 years ago
This is the real Axis of Awesome :)
David Coffin
7 years ago
Excellent; thank you!
michael o'hagan
7 years ago
I think I fixed the video link, let me know if its working properly now.
7 years ago
seems great ! BTW , problem with the link to video, correct one is
7 years ago
Hard working man! Thanks Michael.