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LPG 4 Mix

4 LPGs + 4 Mix combined (Stereo and Mono LPGs)

(10 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 7 years ago)
April 30, 2017
Reaktor 6


New upload contains:
-4 Mono LPG -> 4 Mix
-4 Mono LPG -> 4 Mix slick (only ModA)
-4 Stereo LPG -> 4 Mix
-4 Stereo LPG -> 4 Mix "slick" (only ModA)

just hooked them up and tried to get this as compact as possible.
7 units.

it is not one big core... but i have deleted as much as possible

have fun.


4 years ago
@Catman Dude Thanks for the fix instructions - super straightforward. Very useful Block.
Catman Dude
6 years ago
In case Prry Pmmns comes back, you're right. You can fix this by going into the main Process Macro, and on the last LPG (says 'Channel1' when it should say 'Channel4') just change all 4 QuickBuses to the '4' group that applies. (Right click; Delete QuickBus; Right click; Connect to QuickBus; select the appropriate QuickBus from Dropdown.) Then right click the instrument and choose 'Save Instrument As'.
Prry Mppns
6 years ago
This is great, thanks for making it. One possible problem is that channel 4 on the 4 Mono LPG -> 4 Mix seems to be the same as channel 1; at least that's what's happening for me.
Jay Scott
7 years ago
Great! Thanks so much!
Omar Misa
7 years ago
Very convenient, thanks!
Andrew Madden
7 years ago
simple but amazing.