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Metaphysical Scenery

Drones, soundscape generator

(45 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 7 years ago)
April 19, 2017
Reaktor 6


Reskinned & modified version of metaphysical function feat. driver "Skream" module and extra presets. Metaphysical fabrications updated version included by Christian Kjeldsen. Original design by Mike Daliot. Dronelovers united!

By NI's sound designer, Angelos Liaros.


Daniel Wiklander
9 months ago
I get multiple event loop alerts loading this in Reaktor 6. Any suggestion why?
Patrick van Raalten
1 year ago
Wow! Love this mod! Thank you!
valentin königshofer
1 year ago
Download-Button wasn´t working for my in any browser, then tried again later and it suddenly worked. Thanks!
Santiago Rodriguez
2 years ago
how do I record?? :) ty
Michael Hoyland
4 years ago
is it just me or the spin function isnt active anymore right?
Catman Dude
5 years ago
Set the width of the 'A' to 20 or 30 and the controls just mentioned work as they should.
Catman Dude
5 years ago
I love this mod of Metaphysical Functions. One tiny bug for any downloader to fix: the 'A' (visible at the left in the image above) has been given a width of 100 pixels, which means that the first 2 of OscA's sine waves have inaccessible buttons for Pitch Modulator 2's Ons, and inaccessible faders for the same to sine waves for the 'additional gain stage' faders just below those On buttons.
Sascha Dikiciyan
7 years ago
Skream - i dont hear it. Weird.
Asterios Fakits
7 years ago
Big thanks for this different new version!
7 years ago
does work right for me...automatically plays random notes on its own and doesn't respond to me playing. Odd...looks interesting though - wish it worked for me.
rdrdrt dtrdtrdt
7 years ago
Any changes except presets and distortion?
Jeffre Jackson
7 years ago
I loved Metaphysical Function and this is an awesome revision. The sounds are so engaging, I often just leave it running and forget to add anything else. Bravo.
Glenn Sogge
7 years ago
I am missing something or are the 2 leftmost buttons at the top of the "A" section not working?
david jaro
7 years ago
Hello, There is the way to move your snapshots from metaphysical fabrications by Contort distort to this version? I was using this synth for my live peroframnces so each snapshot represented a song or part of the song. It would be nice to move those patterns to this version.
James Park-Watt
7 years ago
I'm encountering a problem when I re-enable audio in reaktor after disabling it (Using the reaktor interface not mute) none of the automation restarts automatically.
Woody Poulard
7 years ago
Anyone getting alot of errors with this patch?
Stephen Wey
7 years ago
Awesome thanks
David Coffin
7 years ago
Sounds cool as is, and GREAT with Prism FX! Thanks!