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The Rounds Series

Blocks Inspired by Blocks

(43 Votes)
2 (Updated 7 years ago)
March 07, 2017
Reaktor 6


Update 2!
A big error with the gate sequencer was fixed; It will no longer freeze indefinitely on a step if a mute is enabled. I also made a number of smaller improvements, including fixing each block's automation IDs.

I discovered an error within a macro I use frequently, an improper connection within the oversampled saturation macro from the Bento Mix. I have gone through each block and fixed it, so now they should sound even better!

I also added a cool little NI logo to the scope. I think it looks quite sharp!

Original Description:
Twelve blocks, inspired by the vast possibilities of modular synthesis. They suit a variety of different purposes, but all feature a tidy Rounds theme.

It contains a multi-input ring modulator, a three tap delay, a dual LFO, a VOSIM oscillator, and a variety of CV mixers. It also includes an ADSR envelope with controls over bias and polarity, and a compact sequenced gate mixer.

If you like these blocks or any of my other work, please donate to

AUX-Rounds Scope
EFX-Rounds 3-Tap
EFX-Rounds Ring Mod
MOD-Dual Rounds LFO
OSC-Rounds Dual VOSIM
PRO-Rounds CV FX 1
PRO-Rounds CV FX 2
PRO-Rounds CV Mix
PRO-Rounds CV Mix 2
PRO-Rounds CV Mix 4
SEQ-Rounds Gate Sequencer

The different CV processors share common features, but in different combinations. The best one can be chosen for each situation.

Thanks for checking out my blocks! I really hope you like them!

Special thanks to Michael Hetrick, Benjamin Poddig, and Sandy Small. I used the ring mod & waveshaper from the Euro Reakt series, Poddig's oscillators and filters, and Sandy's slew limiter.

My music is here:
My album is here:


Richard Figone
3 months ago
I know it's been 6 years. But this is slick. Thanks man.
Patrick Naughton
3 years ago
Yeah, there's no possibility of these being updated to being rack ready?..It's a shame..
Stephan Bobinger
4 years ago
Hey Brett are you going to update these Blocks for Rack use as well?
Vincent Fliniaux
6 years ago
I just LOVE your emulation of the Sputnik Delay! Thanks so much for that! Any possibility to add the "grain" mode of the original Rounds Delay? I kind of checked inside and it's seems that your implementation is way different that the original so I could not easily add it myself. Cheers!
Brett Lavallee
7 years ago
Thanks a lot for the kind words everyone! And thanks for the generous donation Philippe!
7 years ago
So personal... Open minded, always rich in new possibilities you (at least I) never thought of.
Bradley Gray
7 years ago
Can't wait to check this out. I was thinking it would be cool to have a rounds block similar to the Rounds digital (FM) oscillator engine.
Jonathan Tremblay
7 years ago
Classic. Apart from having the rounds aesthetic, there's some really capable pieces of digital electronics in here.
7 years ago
7 years ago
All three updated, Brett.
Brett Lavallee
7 years ago
Sure! Call it what you like! But please update, version 1.3 includes another error fix. Sorry!
7 years ago
Okay, to say by EuRounds? A artificial word for your work.
Brett Lavallee
7 years ago
Blocks inspired by Eurorack and the style of Rounds Blocks, to be exact!
7 years ago
Blocks inspired by Rounds!
Brett Lavallee
7 years ago
Version 1.2 includes a few minor bug fixes.
Brett Lavallee
8 years ago
Sorry for the confusion. Unlike most blocks oscillators, VOSIM ships with key-tracking turned off. To toggle it, press the little buttons that look like keyboards, they're in the ring module.
Doug Banks
8 years ago
Thanks for the awesome blocks! I can't, however for the life of me, get the VOSIM oscillator to change pitch when I play different notes on my controller. I have connected "notePitch", "Util Note In" and "Pitch and Gate" modules to try and get the notes to change when I play my controller. I have also played with the MIDI in and MIDI out settings in the "Connect" tab to no avail. I'm sure it is something simple that I'm not doing correctly.
Gonzalo Moncada
8 years ago
Awesome, thanks!
Tiago Alvez
8 years ago
Thanks for that!
Russ Miglicio
8 years ago
Awesome! Your other stuff is killer! Great work.
8 years ago
I'm happy with Brounds
Kostas Karamitas
8 years ago
Thanks a lot Brett. These will be very useful!
Anton Crowley
8 years ago
Brett, I think I'm in love with you. Someday I will make a donation when these bills stop piling up
Andrew Madden
8 years ago
This is why I love having my homepage being the reaktor user library