The Rounds Series
Blocks Inspired by Blocks
Update 2!
A big error with the gate sequencer was fixed; It will no longer freeze indefinitely on a step if a mute is enabled. I also made a number of smaller improvements, including fixing each block's automation IDs.
I discovered an error within a macro I use frequently, an improper connection within the oversampled saturation macro from the Bento Mix. I have gone through each block and fixed it, so now they should sound even better!
I also added a cool little NI logo to the scope. I think it looks quite sharp!
Original Description:
Twelve blocks, inspired by the vast possibilities of modular synthesis. They suit a variety of different purposes, but all feature a tidy Rounds theme.
It contains a multi-input ring modulator, a three tap delay, a dual LFO, a VOSIM oscillator, and a variety of CV mixers. It also includes an ADSR envelope with controls over bias and polarity, and a compact sequenced gate mixer.
If you like these blocks or any of my other work, please donate to
AUX-Rounds Scope
EFX-Rounds 3-Tap
EFX-Rounds Ring Mod
MOD-Dual Rounds LFO
OSC-Rounds Dual VOSIM
PRO-Rounds CV FX 1
PRO-Rounds CV FX 2
PRO-Rounds CV Mix
PRO-Rounds CV Mix 2
PRO-Rounds CV Mix 4
SEQ-Rounds Gate Sequencer
The different CV processors share common features, but in different combinations. The best one can be chosen for each situation.
Thanks for checking out my blocks! I really hope you like them!
Special thanks to Michael Hetrick, Benjamin Poddig, and Sandy Small. I used the ring mod & waveshaper from the Euro Reakt series, Poddig's oscillators and filters, and Sandy's slew limiter.
My music is here:
My album is here: