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Grained Ma

a sampling toy,

(21 Votes)
2.0 (Updated 8 years ago)
December 24, 2016
Reaktor 6


needs audio input and external clock. Let audio signal in, then press Freeze Button (or not). Haben Sie Bitte Spass.


Ben B
4 years ago
Confused on how to get a sample into it, could definitely be me overlooking something, but I'm lost.
Pablo Bastian
5 years ago
Fantastic granulator. Granufink block sounds amazing and very high quality for hours of granulation. I second one of the previous comment bellow, to be able to save the frozen audio and have it stored so it's still there when re-opening a project in the DAW.
Rob Cosh
6 years ago
This is very nice - thanks!
6 years ago
Is there a way to save the frozen audio? I would love to be able to open a project up and have it just like I left it. Great work!
Damon Krause
6 years ago
This rules! Thank you!
Danilo Mazzone
8 years ago
amazing!! i love it! thanks!
Jonathan Canupp
8 years ago
Absolutely wonderful. I'm so pleased to see another Zobel / Blocks upload! This has already made its way into my latest track and is sure to be used for many more - Incredibly useful sound design tools, thank you!
Ian Proshkovskyi
8 years ago
not working(
8 years ago
Thanks Raymond. There is a function now.
GG.G SakabeaT
8 years ago
sorry now it work
GG.G SakabeaT
8 years ago
Vagelis M
8 years ago
I like the interface a lot which makes it very useful. the sound quality of grains is great and also the distance knob that can be synced!..Thanks!
Raymond Szwec
8 years ago
Paule - The "Freeze" button in the Granufunk instrument is enabled by default. Click it off and let audio in and then re-freeze.
8 years ago
Ma isn't graining.
8 years ago
In standalone: load an audio file and start, view there is a message on the input, start the clock, all is in move, choice a snapshot, press a key - no sound come out of the dark. What do I wrong? BTW there is no connection on G and A to the grain cloud module. Dieter, please explain or repair!
8 years ago
Oh, ein Weihnachtspräsent - danke Herr Taxidriver.