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vfft pitch shifter

pitchshifter block

(25 Votes)
Audio Player
1.2 (Updated 7 months ago)
July 22, 2016
Reaktor 6


The vfft pitch shifter alters the pitch of both polyphonic and monophonic audio in real-time. It leverages a phase vocoder with an added phase lock to significantly reduce reverberation artifacts.

At its core is a new FFT implementation (a modified ezfft) designed for higher overlaps, adjustable frame sizes, and low latency. This, however, comes with the trade-off of heavy CPU spikes.

Parameters include:

Pitch (coarse and fine) with A and B mods for coarse pitch
Non-modulatable parameters:

Block size
Free pitch/Snap to semitones
Phase lock/Pure phase vocoder

Version 1.1:

Window Change: Updated windowing function from Blackman-Harris to Hann, reducing artifacts at low overlaps.

Pitch In: Added a "Pitch In" feature that adjusts the pitch knob, centered at mid C (no shift).

Demo Ensemble: Included a basic demo ensemble with a looper from Michael Hetrick's Euro Reakt 3.0, plus an LFO and delay.

Version 1.2:

Overlap Compensation Fix: Resolved a bug in overlap compensation, enabling low overlap factors of 2 and 3.

Phaseless Bin Processing Fix: Fixed an issue with 1-dimensional outer bin (DC and highest bin) processing where an unset phase value introduced noise.

Output Volume Adjustment: Made adjustments to the output volume for better balance.

Block Size Update: Extended the knob range to include a block size of 2^13 (8192 samples per block, 4096 bins). While 2^14 isn’t currently supported due to array size limitations, you can explore extreme values by lowering the sample rate.


Brett Lavallee
6 months ago
Thank you
Jan Brähler
7 months ago
thank you very much - the main update is a bugfix in the overlap correction in the output, this keeps the sum of all window-functions at constant 1, but this value just has to be squared because each window is applied twice (input and output), this is what makes overlap 2 possible - plus some minor changes (the version 1.2 list)
7 months ago
What updates have you made recently? btw excellent work on this!
Jan Brähler
1 year ago
it's a bit unstable too, not sure if these big event iterations don't cause problems
Robert Savell
3 years ago
Great work!!! Thanks!
Memento Eternum
4 years ago
Love it. I am having trouble where saving/loading a preset with a modified coarse pitch doesn't work (Ableton Live with Full Reaktor). I can work around it but thought I'd report.
Jan Brähler
6 years ago
it's similar but a complete rework - the main difference is the way the fft processing is done (ready for different overlap and block sizes, less latency, but more cpu stessing)
Machtigen Salas
6 years ago
is this an upgrade to the one u released 4 years ago?
7 years ago
Superbe work. In my opinion, It sound even better then waves sound shifter.
Hugo Portillo
7 years ago
I have to say this is EXCELLENT!
craig burton
7 years ago
Ignore last comment, noob user error, very nice sounding effect. Thanks
craig burton
7 years ago
Can't seem to get 100% wet signal ? Original still sounds alongside pitched version ?
Marcel Stark
7 years ago
The first PS wich is almost free of artifacts. Really great work. Cost some cpu, but its worth! Thank you!
Aaron Hemeon
7 years ago
Just wondering if this block could be stripped down in order to preserve as much cpu as possible, which would allow me to reduce latency. I am using it to play live baselines with a guitar. Nice block!
Peter Postma
7 years ago
Great work, Jan! I have created a slightly modified version that makes the shift based on the difference between two notes for my MonoToPoly ensemble (
Hristo Velev
8 years ago
Great, thanks!
Jan Brähler
8 years ago
thank you! yeah, i am working on the combination with a sample player and time stretching at the moment which could become a new pitchomat, but i guess it'll take some time
capsule computer
8 years ago
it sounds great. would it be possible to upgrade pitchomat with the new fft stuff you have going on?
andrew aronson
8 years ago
very cool
Jan Brähler
8 years ago
aaah! changed it! thank you! :)
8 years ago
By the way, one can put the graphic inside a larger canvas so that the library image shows everything. 500x240px is recommended.
8 years ago
The audio quality is excellent.
Jan Brähler
8 years ago
added the updated version
Vagelis M
8 years ago
Jan Brähler
8 years ago
the instrument contained in the ensemble can handle the mod a and mod b in the block language and can be used in a block setup. the major problem might be the latency introduced. i'll add a basic example block ensemble and the instrument as ism-file! :)
Vagelis M
8 years ago
Was wondering,is it also possible to make a blocks version ?
Vagelis M
8 years ago
Very useful!Thanks!
Shane Higgins
8 years ago
nice - cheers
Omar Misa
8 years ago
Yay! Thank you!