CUBA consists of 17 carefully compiled ensembles, all including alternative instrument setups for more sonic variety.


NKIs: 17
Melodic Instruments: 4 (10 Variations)
Percussion Instruments: 11 (51 Variations)
Category Ensemble Name Included Instruments Instrument Variations Recorded Articulations
Melodic Ensembles (4) Melodic Ensemble (Classic, Contemporary, Folkloric, Old School) Bass Electric, Upright
Piano Grand, Upright
Tres Unisono, Octave
Trumpet Staccato, Marcato, Sustain, Tenuto
Clave Clave 1, Clave 2, Clave 3, Clave 4, Clave Africana
Percussion Ensembles (4) Cajón Ensemble Cajón 1 Cajón 1, Cajón 2 4
Cajón 2 Cajón 1, Cajón 2 4
Conga Cajón Conga Cajón, Low Conga, Mid Conga, High Conga up to 8
Cajinto Cajón Cajinto Cajón, Palito Cajón 4
Palito Cajón Cajinto Cajón, Palito Cajón 4
Clave Clave 1, Clave 2, Cata, Clave Africana, Spoons 1, Spoons 2 1
Hand Percussion Ensemble Maracas Maracas 1, Maracas 2, Maracas 3 4
Cowbell Mambo Bell 1, Mambo Bell 2, Mambo Bell 3, Cha Cha Bell 1, Cha Cha Bell 2, Cha Cha Bell 3, Bongo Bell 1, Bongo Bell 2, Guataca 2
Guiro Guiro 1, Guiro 2, Guiro 3, Guiro 4, Guiro 5, Metal Guiro 3
Shekere Shekere 1, Shekere 2, Shekere 3 5
Woodblock Woodblock 1, Woodblock 2, Clave Block, Cata 1
Clave Clave 1, Clave 2, Clave 3, Clave 4, Clave Africana, Spoons 1, Spoons 2 1
Rumba Ensemble Low Conga Low Conga 1, Low Conga 2, Low Conga 3, Mid Conga 1, Mid Conga 2, Mid Conga 3 6
Mid Conga Low Conga 1, Low Conga 2, Low Conga 3, Mid Conga 1, Mid Conga 2, Mid Conga 3 6
High Conga Low Conga, Mid Conga, High Conga, Conga Cajón 6
Shekere Shekere 1, Shekere 2, Shekere 3 up to 4
Clave Clave 1, Clave 2, Cata, Clave Africana, Spoons 1, Spoons 2 1
Guiro Guiro 1, Guiro 2, Guiro 3, Guiro 4, Guiro 5, Metal Guiro 3
Salsa Ensemble Conga Tumba, Conga, Quinto 6
Bongo Set Bongo Set 1, Bongo Set 2 6
Timbales Timbales 1, Timbales 2, Timbales 3 5
Guiro Guiro 1, Guiro 2, Guiro 3, Guiro 4, Guiro 5, Metal Guiro 3
Maracas Maracas 1, Maracas 2, Maracas 3 4
Clave Clave 1, Clave 2, Clave 3, Clave 4, Clave Africana 1
Single Percussions (5) Bongos Low Bongo Low Bongo 1, Low Bongo 2 5
High Bongo High Bongo 1, High Bongo 2 5
Bongo Bell Bongo Bell 1, Bongo Bell 2 2
Cajón Cajón Cajón 1, Cajón 2, Conga Cajón, Cajinto Cajón, Palito Cajón 8
Conga Set Tumba Tumba 1, Tumba 2, Tumba 3 8
Conga Conga 1, Conga 2, Conga 3 8
Quinto Quinto 1, Quinto 2, Quinto 3 8
Conga Solo Conga Tumba, Conga, Quinto, Conga Cajón up to 8
Timbales Low Timbale Low Timbale 1, Low Timbale 2, Low Timbale 3 5
High Timbale High Timbale 1, High Timbale 2, High Timbale 3 5
Cha Cha Bell Cha Cha Bell 1, Cha Cha Bell 2, Cha Cha Bell 3 2
Mambo Bell Mambo Bell 1, Mambo Bell 2, Mambo Bell 3 2
Clave Block Clave Block 1, Clave Block 2 1
Melodic Instruments (4) Bass Bass Upright Bass, Electric Bass
Piano Piano Grand Piano, Upright Piano
Tres Tres Unisono, Octave
Trumpet Trumpet Staccato, Marcato, Sustain, Tenuto
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