Articulation Expression SESSION
Long Dynamic
Round Robin Dynamic Layers Round Robin
Sustain 1 no vibrato 4 1 4 1
Sustain 2 vibrato 4 1

Sustain 3 no vibrato, same note legato 4 2 4 1
Sustain 4 vibrato, same note legato 4 2

Fast grace note (smear sustain) no vibrato 4 1 4 1
Fast grace note (smear sustain) vibrato 4 1

Trill semi tone (Saxophones) 2 1

Trill whole tone (Saxophones) 2 1

Shake (Brass) 1 1 1 1
Legato up 12 intervals (semi tone - octave) 2 1 2 1
Legato down 12 intervals (semi tone - octave) 2 1 2 1
Growl no vibrato 1 1

Growl vibrato 1 1

Staccatissimo 4 4 4 2
Staccato 4 4

Marcato medium 4 4 4 2
Marcato long 4 4

Staccatissimo (Extreme Fortissimo - Tuba Solo) 4 4

Staccato (Extreme Fortissimo - Tuba Solo) 4 4

Marcato medium (Extreme Fortissimo - Tuba Solo) 4 4

Marcato long (Extreme Fortissimo - Tuba Solo) 4 4

FortePianoCrescendo 2 Beats 1 2

FortePianoCrescendo 4 Beats 1 2 1 1
Falls with Attack fast 2 1 2 1
Falls with Attack medium 2 1 2 1
Falls with Attack slow 2 1

Doits (pitch up with attack) medium 2 1 2 1
Doits (pitch up with attack) slow 2 1

Falls no Attack fast 2 1 2 1
Falls no Attack medium 2 1 2 1
Falls no Attack slow 2 1

Doits (pitch up no attack) medium 2 1 2 1
Doits (pitch up no attack) slow 2 1

Rip (pitch up without attack) 1 2 1 1
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