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MASCHINE Sequencer

Eight-channel, 16-step sequencer for REAKTOR Blocks

(34 Votes)
1.1 (Updated 4 years ago)
June 08, 2016
Reaktor 6


Update July 23, 2020: The MASCHINE Sequencer has been updated with Panel Ports and is now Rack-Ready! You can use it as User Block in Racks (REAKTOR 6.4 and later).

The MASCHINE Sequencer Block is an eight-channel step sequencer designed to control Blocks patches directly from your MASCHINE MK2 controller. Each channel has independent controls for the attributes DIVISION, DIRECTION, LENGTH, and START, making it easy to quickly create complex polyrhythmic patterns. The eight pattern slots allow you to store and recall patterns in their entirety. Patterns can be copied and pasted between slots by using the COPY and PASTE buttons. Additionally, the MASCHINE Sequencer features a Euclidean pattern generator that can be used to populate a channel with an algorithmically generated sequence. Although designed to be used in conjunction with the MASCHINE MK2 controller, all parameters are available in the software panel, allowing you to use the MASCHINE Sequencer without a MASCHINE MK2 controller.

The MASCHINE Sequencer works perfectly with the Niji Drums. Download them here:

The MASCHINE Sequencer requires a specific controller configuration that you need to load onto your MASCHINE MK2 controller utilizing the Controller Editor software. Note that loading a new configuration will overwrite any unsaved changes made to your current controller configuration. If you wish to keep the current state of your controller configuration, save your current configuration before loading the configuration required by the MASCHINE Sequencer.

How to setup the MASCHINE Sequencer for use with your MASCHINE MK2 controller:

1. Launch the Native Instruments Controller Editor application, go to File > Open Configuration and open the "Reaktor Blocks - Maschine Mk2.ncc" template.

2. Switch your MASCHINE MK2 controller to MIDI mode by pressing [SHIFT] + [CONTROL] on the controller.

3. Open the Audio and MIDI Settings in REAKTOR and go to the MIDI tab. In the Inputs pane, set the "Maschine MK2 Virtual Input" (OS X) / "Maschine Mk2 In" (Win) entry to "On". In the Outputs pane, set the "Maschine MK2 Virtual Output" (OS X) / "Maschine Mk2 Out" (Win) entry to "On".

Once you have loaded the Blocks in a Rack, you can use your MASCHINE MK2 controller to play and program sequences.


A. Rod
2 weeks ago
No Mk3 support???
Frank Leichuer
1 year ago
Hi, in the download file I miss the "Maschine_Sequencer_example_patch.ens". I can't find it ??????
Bradley Aukerman
2 years ago
MK3 support! Hire a couple programmers!
Miles Derksen
2 years ago
Here Here - support for MK3 Please
3 years ago
Does it work with the old MASCHINE MK1 too?
Boris Divjak
3 years ago
I made a mod for the Maschine sequencer to work with my MK3:
3 years ago
3 years ago
Please add support for Maschine+!!!
3 years ago
Please add Maschine mk3 support!
3 years ago
Please add support for Maschine+
3 years ago
Mk3 support any time? cmon NI, cmon....
Catherine Stay
4 years ago
Would be great to get not only a MK3, but also a Mikro MK3...
Fabio Maurer
4 years ago
well ..i'm no coder (zero dev skills) and maybe it's not for the best to post this here, but i have found a workaround for MK3 implementation in Reaktor 6/ windows 10, and it feels too selfish not to share, again highly not recommended, bc i have no clue what i'm doing, but if you're stupid like me and dont give a shmoo, when maybe this is something for you: -open template Reaktor Blocks - Maschine Mk2.ncm2 with note pad (editor) -4th row change MK2 to MK3 (no clue if that really helps, just did it;) -save as Reaktor Blocks - Maschine Mk3 -open the folder where the file is and change the extension from .ncm2 to .ncm3 (for this you have to unbox the "the hide extensions for known file types option" in the option tab in the windows folder window (yes my english gets worser and worser;) just google it -so now i am able to transfer the template to my mk3 (power on mk3 and open controller editor, load the template)... for the most part it works pretty well!! i have to say, but not golden... so it's time to reassigne some knobs -start Reaktor 6 and set it up (Midi Pref: MK3 I/O 'on' everything) and this is the end, bc there are only so many words this comment section allows, haha, just tweak the rest in the controller editor, and check the cc in Reaktor (press F3) some of them are not visible in the editor, one last tip, while tweaking in the editor check show all labels box, its an easy set up, have fun
4 years ago
still no mk3 support... smh
Dave Ashford
4 years ago
Channels 7 & 8 are missing as they are listed on the outputs with 5 & 6 twice. Seems like a pretty big mistake...
Filip sjodin
4 years ago
Hey NI! Could you please support your newest gear???? How come there´s no support for Mk3? Come on!
Jonah Topping
4 years ago
The instructions talk about a .ncc file but when I download and extract I don't have one, just these: Reaktor Blocks - Maschine Mk2.ncm2 Reaktor Blocks - Maschine Studio.ncmst SEQ-Util Maschine Sequencer.ism What am I missing, I've not set up much with Blocks?
Ryan bailey
4 years ago
i was super excited to hear this... but no Mk3 support?!?!?!?
4 years ago
Come on NI sort out MK3 support. What are you thinking ?
4 years ago
Seriously, you updated it but not with MK3 support?
Andy Simon
4 years ago
Still no MK3 support?
Native Instruments
4 years ago
Update July 23, 2020: The MASCHINE Sequencer has been updated with Panel Ports and is now Rack-Ready! You can use it as User Block in Racks (REAKTOR 6.4 and later).
Nils Sanders
4 years ago
PLEASE a version for maschine mikro mk3. That would be awesome!!!
5 years ago
@ Michael Leuzinger: NO! The Maschine 2 is very old now, this should be a simple update for them! Please lmk if you find a way
Michael Leuzinger
5 years ago
Has anyone gotten this to work with MK3?
5 years ago
guys, wheres the Maschine Jam version?! Its been a while...
5 years ago
Maschine Studio support please! Or else I'll have to downgrade from Studio to MK2, which doesn't make any sense
Rodney Willis
5 years ago
The Hardware Controller Functionality doesn't work when u load Reaktor inside a DAW. I use studio one v4, are there steps to get the controller to work? or is the functionality only in stand alone?
Christian Thaler
5 years ago
Does this work as advertised in ?
6 years ago
Hi guys, all Machine Jam users find here a solution for this sequencer:
6 years ago
Hi Native team! Could you tell us when you will release the Maschine Jam script please? Thank you ;)
nenad ruvidic
6 years ago
how does this workin Jam end Ableton
chelibi bruno
6 years ago
MK3 Plz ;) et merci!
Robert SC
6 years ago
maschine mk3 please
Kenneth Geddings
6 years ago
maschine mk3 please
Bryan Green
6 years ago
Maschine Jam, please.
Raymond Smith
6 years ago
Please can we get a Mk3 & Jam version.
7 years ago
Please release the Maschine Jam version of this!
chris sneed
7 years ago
Same as the question below. Seems you guys kind of pulled a vista on us with this version of maschine. Literally no support right now. I would really like to be able to use this, of course I would also like a TSI for traktor as well, the mk3 is great but maybe you should have had all the templates and what not figured out before release, just a thought, meanwhile I guess we wait to use all this functionality. Wow threw down 599$ Now having to wait for stuff, not cool.
Edoardo Benevides Costa
7 years ago
where can I find a template for maschine mk3?
Robert cappitelli
7 years ago
!!STEP ONE IS A TYPE-O!! You must select OPEN TEMPLATE, not config. Took me 20 minutes to figure that out, hopefully I save you that time.
Robert cappitelli
7 years ago
BLocks.ncc file? THere is NOT one. What are you talking about?
7 years ago
is it possible to trigger different midi tracks on ableton with each of the channels ?
Ishaan Kashyap
7 years ago
Is there not a template for Mikro MK2?
John Linke
7 years ago
Why no support for the MK1?
Lothar Heitz
8 years ago
With Maschine Studio it doesn't work ???? please how
Martin Bayer
8 years ago
Here's my version for Maschine MK1, works fine except for the lights. Just copied all settings from the Mk2 template in Controller Editor and had to shift some knobs:
Martin Bayer
8 years ago
+1 also from my side for MK1 support
8 years ago
+1 for mk1 support! please!!
Leon Trimble
8 years ago
are you even listening? mkI support very much needed by many...
Paul Pringle
8 years ago
Mk1 support +1 please :)
Aaron Hemeon
8 years ago
Hey there. Notice joseph perkins' comment two down. We are stuck. Here's a video
Victor Carrillo
8 years ago
Trying to follow the directions below... {"Reaktor Blocks - Maschine Mk2.ncc" } this file is not located inside the Maschine Sequencer download folder. {*Reaktor Blocks - Maschine Mk2.ncm2} is inside the Maschine Sequencer download folder. Where do we find the "Reaktor Blocks - Maschine Mk2.ncc" that's in your step #1 ? Thank you.
joseph perkins
8 years ago
Does this one only work in standalone mode? the Kontrol F1 mod has an issue in Ableton. If this one works in Ableton then there's hope for the F1 version :)
Jason Chatzilias
8 years ago
MK1 support please.
oli fant
8 years ago
MK1 +1
8 years ago
MK1 +1. ....
Ian Cohn
8 years ago
Hi, does this work in Mk2 Mikro? Not coming up in the midi out list
w edmond
8 years ago
Sussed it. Correct setup in Cont Editor is: 1. Launch the Native Instruments Controller Editor application, select "Open" from the "Edit" drop down menu in the "Template" pane, and open the "Reaktor Blocks - Maschine Mk2.ncm2" (MASCHINE Mk2) / "Reaktor Blocks - Maschine Studio" (MASCHINE STUDIO) template.
w edmond
8 years ago
Mapping appears wrong in mk11. I also needed to rename the configuration file to .ncc before it would open.
Josh Bassett
8 years ago
MK1 version would be amazeballs.
Bryce Upright
8 years ago
Any idea what the 1.1 update changed?
8 years ago
Makes no sense to have a block like this that doesn't work with all Maschine variants, IMHO...
Worwell _
8 years ago
Thank you NI. This is very cool.
Andreas Karperyd
8 years ago
is there a technical reason it don't work with the machine Mk1 ?. or just
8 years ago
hey Matt.. I just installed maschine sequencer but I can't see it in reaktor on the list in reaktor blocks, I double check into my library but I don't see it
Andy Darcy
8 years ago
Reaktor Blocks - Maschine Mk2.ncc where dp you find this or am i missing something
Frank Wiedmann
8 years ago
Does this sequencer work with machine mkII and REAKTOR standalone only or is there a way to get it to work with reaktor in a DAW like ableton? thnks
Emlyn Lucas
8 years ago
Please allow this to work on all Maschine Hardware. Thanks NI! Particularly Maschine Studio.
Worwell _
8 years ago
Micro please!
Rob Cosh
8 years ago
Thanks Deutsch Christophe - great to hear you are working on it!
michael matos
8 years ago
Studio support please!
8 years ago
mk1 version pretty please with sugar on top!
adnan imami
8 years ago
NI thanks for this but come on don't neglect MK1 users we are old but not obsolete :(
deutsch christophe
8 years ago
I've made a MK1 version, everything is working, but the only thing i can't have for now is the "light-state-feedback" on the controller. someone got an idea how to make it ?
Heikki Rinkinen
8 years ago
Please someone hack this to work with MK1! Thank you.
Joey Valizan
8 years ago
It would be awesome if the division function supported odd numbers: 1/3, 1/5, 1/7. I haven't looked at its guts but is that possible?
deutsch christophe
8 years ago
I'm working on making the machine mk1 controller version guys...i'll upload it when its ok
Rob Cosh
8 years ago
+1 for Mk1 please!! This looks awesome. Major props to NI for having been great about backwards compatibility with Mk1 for a long time... please don't stop! :)
Solid State
8 years ago
Weird that it only supports MK2. Mikro, Studio and MK1 support please!
Victor Carrillo
8 years ago
hey Matt Cellitti, it's viktor. in less its been fixed, If your using Maschine 2 inside of a daw like Live 9, there was an issue specific to Reaktor plugins with-in {Maschine plugin(midi ch1)}. Were Reaktor would not reset its midi channel and was stuck on midi channel 1. Had to manually change the midi channel in reaktor on both levels. maybe something similar to what your experiencing.
deutsch christophe
8 years ago
+1 for machine mk1 please
kris northern
8 years ago
I followed the install directions and also updated all NI programs Machine Studio does not reflect what the Machine Sequencer is doing in Reaktor. Has anyone else gotten it to work?
Adam Guth
8 years ago
+1 Please let us know about Maschine Studio. Thanks!
Bryce Upright
8 years ago
Same issue here Matt
Christian Schneider
8 years ago
I was so looking forward to this. Please, please consider a Mk1 version. Thanks!!!
Klas Linder
8 years ago
Matt Cellitti
8 years ago
Some real issues with certain steps transmitting other MIDI/Note data...for instance, I began tweaking the example ensemble to have (2) MIX 4's instead of the "add" module. Now every time I hit Step 15 on the controller it automatically makes Ch 1 of the Mix 4 drop to zero. Any ideas? Big issues if you try to add a Note In block for triggering other Osc's as well....
saki sdrakas
8 years ago
david elson
8 years ago
love this...
andy o donoghue
8 years ago
This might be exactly what I'm looking for, excited to try it out, will report back !!
Mark Ashworth
8 years ago
Can anyone confirm if this is working with Studio? Mine is not working as it should....
Rocky Durand
8 years ago
Make sure that you backup your existing Maschine Mk2 Templates in Controller Editor (FILE > SAVE CONFIGURATION), before opening the "Reaktor Blocks - Maschine Mk2.ncc". Otherwise you will wipe out all of your existing templates...
Martin Géč
8 years ago
+1 for Maschine MK1 version!
Konstantin Kaltenegger
8 years ago
please do a version for the mk1 ... i was so looking forward to this :/
Jason Ruddy
8 years ago
So I can't use this with my Maschine Studio - the step above Maschine?
Sander Baan
8 years ago
Believe this only works with Maschine MK2
Phil Durrant
8 years ago
I don't think it will work with the MK1 because, you need to load Maschine Mk2.ncc into the Controller Editor App,
8 years ago
Does someone know if this will work with maschine MK1 hardware?
Martin Novak
8 years ago
Awesome! Thanks
GG.G SakabeaT
8 years ago
nice one thx
8 years ago
Ah, the missing file. Thankx!