Dusk BLK

Fat synth bass

(26 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 10 years ago)
April 11, 2014
Reaktor 5 or lower


for Grime | dubstep | Drum n' Bass | Electro | Indus


István Király
4 years ago
The missing samples are from DUSK blk V1.1 -> OSC -> unnamed macro in the middle -> DUSK WAVE -> wavetable
6 years ago
Wnfried, you can solve the issue: After appearing the warning window click on cancel. Then do the descripe I wrote below yesterday. Okay?
Winfried Sitte
6 years ago
Also have the same problem - missing samples.
6 years ago
Waves from osc 1 and 2 are similar. Save map from osc 2 to hdd and load in osc 1. Don't forget to save the in R6 repaired ensemble again. In R5 is no issue.
6 years ago
When i try to load this it says "Some external samples cannot be found (80 remain missing). Would you like to locate /Users/radiansoundlab/Desktop/dossier sans titre/10.wav now?"
Russell Jones
6 years ago
I have an error, 80 missing samples. Where are these samples?
10 years ago
Very nice, 10 out of 5 stars :o)
Fenwick Walker
10 years ago
This is a fantastic synth, can't believe it's free, however, I'm unfortunately getting clock sync issues with the performer rendering that particular feature slightly unusable -- may be due to an old version of Ableton Live (7).
Caleb Colpitts
10 years ago
I use these synths (dusk, spawn, atmo) a lot for my larger Reese Basses, increadibly clear saw synthesis! it would be nice if there was more of a resource for them, im very willing to contribute presets and spread around any info you would be willing to share (Kale.sata@gmail.com)
Lars Bo Hermansen
10 years ago
Thanks a lot. A lot of possibilities here. Very good. Nice GUI in layers. Some info about some things like the 1 cut 3 knobs and the sub about what they does and about how things work together would be nice. Also info about picthbend and pitch. A pitch bend on the master pitch beside the 3 seperate pitches would be nice too. Just a suggestion. I see on http://www.radiansoundlab.com that there are 6 synth in the package. We are still some who communicate without using twitter and facebook. Could you for us uploud all yhe synth in the package to the community please? Kind regards Lars