Atmos Synth & Fat Bass

(20 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 10 years ago)
April 11, 2014
Reaktor 5 or lower


for Grime | dubstep | Drum n' Bass | Electro


paulo santos
2 years ago
such incredible and powerful basses man, thanks a lot
István Király
4 years ago
The samples are not essential, they are just in the sample map. Annoying when opening though. Press F6, select all samples, remove them, save.
6 years ago
Waves from osc 1 and 2 are similar. Save map from osc 1 to hdd and load in osc 2. Don't forget to save the in R6 repaired ensemble again. In R5 is no issue.
6 years ago
Same here
6 years ago
When i load this in Reaktor 6 it says "Some external samples cannot be found (75 remain missing). Would you like to locate /C/\Program Files\Native Instruments\Reaktor 4\AudioFiles/01 - BaseOct.wav now?"
Thor Jonsson
7 years ago
Fantastic, any patches available.?
Tagor Chilltribe
10 years ago
How is it possible to hostautomate this one in ableton Live ? unlike in razor f.e. it appears no contextmenu to acheive that.. any help available ?
dada tzara
10 years ago
Ales Ferfecky
10 years ago
Big Up! This thing is sick! :)
Lars Bo Hermansen
10 years ago
Thanks a lot. A lot of possibilities here. Very good. Nice GUI in layers. Some info about some things like the 1 cut 3 knobs and the sub about what they does and about how things work together would be nice. Also info about picthbend and pitch. A pitch bend on the master pitch beside the 3 seperate pitches would be nice too. Just a suggestion. I see on that there are 6 synth in the package. We are still some who communicate without using twitter and facebook. Could you for us uploud all yhe synth in the package to the community please? Kind regards Lars