Juice 3

Ensemble with vintage monosynth, tape echo and flanger

(90 Votes)
Audio Player
1 (Updated 10 years ago)
March 17, 2014
Reaktor 5 or lower



A Company-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named asked me via their legal representatives to change the name of this ensemble as they though someone might get the impression that this is a proper product from the Company-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I have therefor renamed this ensemble to Juice 3 - it still sound as juicy as before and you still get 3 oscillators. I'm sorry if someone got confused. I've made this ensemble on my own with love and care, Sowari was kind to test it and add a bunch of snapshots. I'm greatful that NI still offers to hosts this ensemble.



This ensemble uses the Analog Legacy techology.


When asking synth aficionados about their favorite synths they describe them as having a specific raw power and organic feel. Jupiter 4, SEM, OBX, Odyssey, Roland System 100, Modular III, CS80 comes in high and Prophet 5 and Polivocs are held high and described as organic and raw. Note that most but not all* on the list of favorite synths are first or second generation of synth with design made in the 70s. The reason to the raw power and organic feel is in my opinion the basic (or even poor) design and fairly low quality components (compared to today). It's important to understand that there are many factors behind that organic and raw sound and it's not equal to distortion. Overdriving the filter gives a lot of character, specifically at higher resonance values, but it's not the only factor. Just by adding some white noise is also not way to analog nirvana. Zero delay filters are much acclaimed recent years and offering the correct frequency response is important but it is still not a one way ticket to vintage weirdness.
People have tried to imitate analog synthesizers for decades e.g. by sample a single wav cycle but failed badly. Not only should waveforms be non perfect from a mathematical point of view they should also vary over time, just like a violin. However it's not the detuning and the drift, which is mainly a nuance and could easily be emulated by detuning the oscillators on purpose but instead, it's the microscopic variation in all parts of the circuitry that makes all aspect of the sound to continuously varying over time. These variations are very flattering to the brain as humans are very good at pattern recognition. Hearing a static sound becomes dull quite quickly but subtle or even subliminal changes becomes interesting and pleasing to listen to.
E.g the oscillators might vary in frequency and amplitude at high frequency adding more of a noise character but also variations at frequencies above and below the played note. Same with the frequency of the filter and the amplitude response of the amplifier; all functions varying at all frequencies.
Analog Legacy is the theory of modulating all functions in a synthesizer at all frequencies. The key is to find the right balance of the modulation depth for each frequency. Juice is the first attempt to use this theory in practice.
Just to make it clear: The Juice 3 is not in any way a copy of MONARK. I have not used or have had access to MONARK during the making of Juice 3. Instead the old ensemble Minimood made by NI in 1999, which has then been modified by several users, has been used as the starting point. I think that the basic structure will be recognizable from that early ensemble.
*Polivoks might not be designed in the 70 but the point is that the design and components are not of high quality measured by todays standard.


carlos pinheiro
3 months ago
Reaktor free just run´s in Demo !!
2 years ago
It's low key priority, just as the hardware. There's no switch on the user interface to change this - you have to add that feature yourself.
Mark Meador
2 years ago
Greetings, again. I've started using Juice 3 again and noticed an odd thing: I can play Down the keyboard (legato) and each notes sound, but when I Up the keyboard notes do not sound, unless I play staccato...that is, to re-trigger each note. I just never noticed this before when I commented a couple of years ago. Is there any way I can correct this? Thanks! Mark PS. I'd be happy to PM you, but not sure how I do that here.
2 years ago
@Chris St: When building this I thought this was how it's in the hardware and made great efforts to build it. But you are correct, it's not true to the original. However, I like it. One day I might build a toggle switch.
Chris St
2 years ago
The Portamento/Glide is only for legato (overlapping) notes? That's a small difference to the original hardware. :-)
Chris St
2 years ago
The 440 tune button is creating a 220 hz sinus. Intended or bug?
3 years ago
And then you need to hit a key on the keyboard to open up the amp/VCA.
3 years ago
@Gheorghe. Are you trying to filter an external sound? Then you need to turn the off blue switch, second from top in the mixer section. Then the external sound will be controlled by the "Distortion Volume" knob.
Gheorghe Dragomir
3 years ago
Hi, please hel me with this, I have loaded in Reaktor 5 but for some reason the signal gets in but it dosent gets out.Thank you so much in advance and all the best!
Fernando Martin
3 years ago
This one is hands down the best Moog emulator I've seen (including all the nuances of the Moog.)
István Király
4 years ago
BIG thank you.
Mark Meador
5 years ago
I sold my well-worn Model D some years back. At last, I feel like it's back with me again, thanks to your work. I own all the best commercially-done VST renditions of...and love several of them. Yours is instantly my GO TO authentic Model D. Thanks so much!
Lafayette Escadrille
5 years ago
Better than Monark, more wonky like it should be. Who wants a sterile mm. shhh don't tell anyone.
5 years ago
Daniel Hogan
5 years ago
6 years ago
@Mathis: it appears you are running the demo version of Reaktor. The time limitation is related to Reaktor and not the Juice ensemble-
mathis thomas
6 years ago
only work 30 min
mathis thomas
6 years ago
no sn: seriol
Paul Godfrey
6 years ago
You have to be logged in, to be able to download the files...
6 years ago
It works for me - please contact NI...
alex bogle
6 years ago
cant download file on Mac. says it cannot be found.
6 years ago
Petar Kulić
7 years ago
this is just incredible.
7 years ago
Hey ZooTook. Just want to send you some personalized praise! do you have an email adress? I am SO in love with your synths. I just did the music (and sound design) for a trailer that was shown at the E3 messe in front of a big audience (and even bigger online). I think pretty much all of the synths were your oberheim and moog stuff. Plus i have some positive critisism for the moog. You can drop me a mail at trjaudio ad gmail dot com. Thanks:)
8 years ago
No idea - maybe NI updated the file. I think they've done that in the past. I hanv't at least. Send me PM in the forum and I'll can email you the R5 version.
Laurence Wilkins
8 years ago
I have reaktor 5 but for some reason my version of reaktor says it wont load this synth as it was 'saved' with a newer version and i need to update... Any ideas? thanks L
8 years ago
@Jörg: it possible to make Juice 3 polyphonic but quite some work. However I believe most CPU could not handle the load. I'm working on another poly classic. Hopefully I'll release that next year.
Jörg Moeken
8 years ago
Super, sehr gut gemacht! Habe hier den Vergleich zu einem echten Minimoog Model D ;-) Was mir bei diesem wohl fehlt, ist die Polyphony. Wäre sicher als Option auch interessant und machbar für Juice 3 oder? Konnte das mit Hilfe des Internets für den Monark bereits einbauen. Habe dann versucht, das auch für Juice 3 umzusetzen, leider ohne Erfolg. Best Regards from Germany ;-)
Lafayette Escadrille
8 years ago
I prefer Juice 3 over Monark because it is more alive/real sounding. Monark is more analytical.
8 years ago
@bulin Nessi: the tape echo effect is very noisy at some settings, so try change the tape age parameter or just shut it off to see if the noisefloor is reduced.
9 years ago
There is no way to turn of the low level noise. It's integral part of the synthesisprocess. It's not something added to the sound at the end but that easily can be removed. And it's not just simple white noise. Sure it's design decision how much of this "noise" and I made what I though was a good compromise.
Bulin Jessi
9 years ago
hi great instrument. quick question, for the life of me i don't know how to disable this low white noise that's in the background. I disable all of the buttons in the mixer window and it's still there. is this just a sound that is added to resemble analog or is there any way to disable it?
Mervin van Veen
9 years ago
Nice! This thing has got great character!
István Király
9 years ago
Stunning. Thank you!
Mary Lopez Diane
9 years ago
you're GENIUS!!! I make " 80 NewWave" & "70 space disco" music... Your work is great, really!!! I have taken your "analog modules" for many "70/80 synths emulations" in the user lib (Juno 106/Prophet5....) the new sounds are more "Yeah"!!! (i use often all yours synths for my songs, so thank's a lot)
Lafayette Escadrille
9 years ago
More life than Monark IMHO. Great job
9 years ago
Just flick through some snaps. The echo is not on all. To set is your self the send FX needs to apply and in and out levels needs to be tweaked. And the power switch turns in on/off. But browsing snaps shoud get you going...
Manuel Poschadel
9 years ago
Very Nice!!! Can't hear the Echo though, what am I doing wrong?
Derrick Roberts
10 years ago
is this compatible with maschine?
10 years ago
I get about 35% CPU load on one Core on my 3 year old iMac (i5). This means I can run about 8 using all Cores. Turn off the tape echo if not used. I usually render to audio if I need more than 2 instances anyway. How many has got 3 or more Minimoogs in their studio apart from Wakeman.
Brandon J Banks
10 years ago
I'm shopping my way through and i've seen this...heard the demos and i'm convinced. Excellent work my friend and thank you for your dedication on building a such a synth. one question. how much of an effect will this have on CPU usage? on a scale from 1 to 10
David Reuter
10 years ago
Thank You
Hanspeter Lyrer
10 years ago
super thanks
10 years ago
Ruslan Troknyuk
10 years ago
Gotthard Ortner
10 years ago
Sounds very very big. Thank you :)
10 years ago
Had 3 sips cooool juicy mojo … 8-D
Phil Durrant
10 years ago
very juicy ;)
Rob Stuart
10 years ago
This mojo is a mofo. ;-)
István Király
10 years ago
Michael Propst
10 years ago
It's a little too wide for the Reaktor window and it can really eat your processor power but the sound is incredible.
simon pickering
10 years ago
This is fat, love it thank you.
Scott Kos
10 years ago
Fantastic sounds! Thanks!
Richard Hargrave
10 years ago
And loads of presets thanks alot
Richard Hargrave
10 years ago
Very Impressed, Good Job
Thomas Clement
10 years ago
The synth and effects work extremely well together. Really captures the age
10 years ago
@Jeromy - sadly I can't. I've been struggling to achieve that for years but failed. There are a few attempts in the UL but none is working properly AFAIK.
Jeromy Denk
10 years ago
Great synth! I was wondering though, if you could suggest a way to add a button to switch between legato and retrigger modes on the volume envelope.
Panos Ghekas
10 years ago
thank you ! I got the original for many years. This is very very close !
Robert Lustgarten
10 years ago
Thank you ZooTook. Great synth. It's my favorite Mini now and I've played a lot of real Minis.
10 years ago
@Robert - You have a midi PitchBend module in the Controllers macro. Change the range (in 1/10 of normal P, so 0.1 to get one half note)
Robert Lustgarten
10 years ago
Is there a way to change the pitch wheel amount. I can't find any way to adjust. It seems to default at 6 half steps but I like to use 1 step bend amount.
Christopher Soulos
10 years ago
Excellent. Like all Moog Model Ds, none are the same, not one. Great to have another (irregular) Minimoog in the arsenal. Cheers
10 years ago
Really great - well done. Thank you :)
Jerome Santiago
10 years ago
Very smooth Moogy sound, love the variance factor. Reaktor and it's community of patchers rock!
Johann Dreyer
10 years ago
Very Cool! Thank you so much!
Maurice Wilcher
10 years ago
Absolutely Brilliant!!!
Norman Maldonado
10 years ago
woooow!! completely awesome!! sounds beautiful
Seth Priske
10 years ago
Thanks NI
10 years ago
Daniel - do a search in your file system for minimojo
Randy Hollingsworth
10 years ago
This sounds fantastic. Thanks so much.
Daniel Heslop
10 years ago
What am I missing? I downloaded it, unzipped it into my N.I folder but reactor cannot seem to find it. Using a mac mini running mavericks if that helps.
10 years ago
FuNK Machine!
Leonardo Chaibun
10 years ago
Thomas Clement
10 years ago
Sounds gorgeous. Thanks so much.
10 years ago
Ben,please find the Space Echo effect in a separate upload in the UL
Steve Duffy
10 years ago
Incredible I just went through all the sounds and they sound amazing
Ben Allen
10 years ago
Ok. I'll see if I can work that out. As I said, I'm quite new to Reaktor. It would be great if you could upload the space echo as its own ensemble. I think it's a really nice sounding unit. Better than the other emulations here. Really nice work!
10 years ago
You can take external via the minimoog (remember to press a key to trigger en envelope) and then to the Space Echo but no way to go direct to the Space Echo. But it's just to copy the Instrument and past it into a new Ensemble. I'll upload a separate ensemble soon.
Ben Allen
10 years ago
Is there any way to process other instruments through the space echo? May be quite simple but I'm not well versed with reaktor.
Olaf Bubel
10 years ago
sounds perfect good job :) THX
10 years ago
Tremendo!! gracias.
Daniel Hogan
10 years ago
Sounds great \m/
CC lines of the acid
10 years ago
Thanx ZooTook !
Michael Liebner
10 years ago
Nice work!
10 years ago
allan walker
10 years ago
This actually looks like a minimoog.... sounds like it too! excellent work. thanx.
Mary Lopez Diane
10 years ago
Marvellous!!! Very Usefull for me. THX
10 years ago
I want to transfer some presets from my Arturia Mini Moog but this one here sounds to heavy.
10 years ago
Yup. Wow.
Andreas Sandberg
10 years ago
Beautifully executed! However, my laptop is to weak for this ens, so I have to wait until I have a more powerful processor before I really try it with the fx.
Jan Brähler
10 years ago
Trevor Gavilan
10 years ago
you did it again
10 years ago
tim goldsworthy
10 years ago
Steven Wilkinson
10 years ago
Amazing work as always. Can't wait to try it out.