Nord Rack

Subtractive Synth

(280 Votes)
2.0 (Updated 13 years ago)
February 10, 2011
Reaktor 5 or lower


- 2 oscillators with 13 waveforms, frequency modulation, phase modulation, ring modulation, sync
- 1 filter with 5 filter types and frequency modulation
- 2 LFO's
- volume envelope, filter envelope, modulation envelope
- poly mode and percussion mode
- arpeggiator and Midi echo
- FX section
- lots of other features
- some banks with snapshots
- manual
- no performance mode (not multitimbral)

Have fun!


Lars Freisig
11 months ago
Absolutely freakin' lutely I'm gonna use this...AMAZING!! Thank you.
Chris Savage
5 years ago
How do I set this up direct in Reaktor? Like I do with Razor?? Can’t add to the library, is there a full version of this Nord Synth?
Juan Andrés Muñoz Fortoul
6 years ago
Old memories !
6 years ago
great! thanks
7 years ago
Hey what's up, this sounds great, is there a way how to automate any of the parameters in Ableton? I'm having no luck with mapping anything. Reaktor 6 / Live 9
Samuel Clement
8 years ago
Thanks for this great job !
ksound kvision
8 years ago
Bryan Holt
8 years ago
Tom - just to add to my comment about the sustain pedal clipping. I experimented a bit, and looks like it only clips when in Poly mode. In both Legato and Mono modes, sustain pedal works properly. Thx & best.. B
Bryan Holt
8 years ago
I seem to be having an issue using the sustain pedal with this ensemble. Every time I press the sustain pedal, it clips the CPU meter in Reaktor audibly clipping/interrupting the audio. I have plenty of CPU power/Memory. This isn't the issue. And I've tested other ensembles in Reaktor. This sustain pedal clipping is only occuring with Nord Rack 2x. Looks and sounds amazing otherwise. Hopefully I can fix this issue and have use of the sustain pedal. Thx and best.. B
István Király
9 years ago
Aleff Passos
9 years ago
How can i open this ? it's just an archive .ens
florian schuh
9 years ago
Awesome sounding synth and very close to my old nord rack. Unfortunately i can't map the semitones knob to my controller. CC 78 always moves the amp release knob. And if i try to assign another CC to the knob it won't move either
Daniel Helmstedt
9 years ago
Ich bin immer eher skeptisch, was kostenfreien Kram anbetrifft, aber das Teil - einfach nur genial! überhaupt kein reaktor-typischer kalter Sound. Definitiv genial! ;) Thx für das super Teil!
Daniel Hogan
10 years ago
Nice. TY :)
Edvard Slåttum
10 years ago
Kriz Di
10 years ago
Automation support for Ableton, please
10 years ago
Thank you!! Amazing!!
10 years ago
Hm, einige Downloader vergaßen die Anleitung zu lesen .. bin auf dem Weg ein paar Snapshots zu kreieren. Some downloaders left the manual less to read .. I´m on the way to create some snapshot for this synth.
10 years ago
Claude Samard-Polikar
10 years ago
Thanks :-) Great work
Sebastien Prouvost
10 years ago
Thank you ... great sounds and interface !
julien MAUZAC
11 years ago
One of the best most complete synth of the userlib for me, big thanks.
Andreas Sandberg
11 years ago
Fixed the bug! What an awesome instrument! Long thought of buying an original, so this was an early Father Christmas for me. Thanks!!
Oli Ni
11 years ago
Awesome sounds but I have trouble to understand how such a variety of sounds can be made with so few controls. Are there samples below? Like the drum kits how come each key is mapped a different sound?
Chris Tyrpkos
11 years ago
Thanks for the synth. Excellent.
Luca Agneni
11 years ago
Sandy Small
12 years ago
I found a bug in the arpeggiator where it gets stuck when the range is turned all the way up. This can be fixed easily by going into the structure of Input > Arp > Arp > Arp >Read > Octave Range and changing the last compare module (with "4" in the lower terminal) from "=" to ">=".
van ko
12 years ago
when i save in FL studio project and load agen synth his tuning of patch failure, incomprehensible in what problem other synth work normally... it is certainly possible sampling but it not "iron" that with him so to romp :(
van ko
12 years ago
and to add synchronization of lfo and faser,comb filters... as in discovery vst that it was :D then there will be fantasy...
van ko
12 years ago
filter lp-noth not work...
van ko
12 years ago
why you did not begin to do as in a ferrous version possibility soundings of 4 parts as in a ferrous variant? and a wheel of modulation would be by the way... in any case interesting thing))) if to use reaktor randomizer that sound at poly, mono sounds constantly only at legato... and the separate button of including of section of effects would be probably added...
Tom Büttner
13 years ago
retrigger in MonoMode: no bug, feature. This produces the typical mono-synth-remember-jan-hammer-trill-sound. In LegatoMode there is no retrigger.
Karel Skakal
13 years ago
Your both contributions are absolutely great:-) Thanx for share
Sohrab Nahreini
13 years ago
absolutely amazing! thank you!!
Tom Büttner
13 years ago
Thank you, Sandy, I'll take a look.
Sandy Small
13 years ago
I noticed a bug in mono mode where if more than one note is being held, releasing a note that is not sounding causes the envelopes to retrigger. This can easily be fixed by inserting a step filter between the Select Max module and the Equal Trg core cell inside the Input->MonoPoly->Mono->MonoRetrig macro.
Dirk Landau
13 years ago
the first one i rated 10 - thanks
Bob Kershaw
13 years ago
Pretty well a complete instrument. Love the Choir voices. The insects in the FX had me scratching. Thanks a million for this.
Melvin Banks
13 years ago
love this tom thx for makeing my day great synth,
Gregory Wells-King
13 years ago
Yes, I was right, this is an excellent syntn, you must have spent hours getting it to look and feel right.. Thank you very much..
Jim Pennington
13 years ago
I just have to say again, because that wasn't enough... If you haven't downloaded this yet, DO IT! This is much better than many softsynths I've paid for. Limitless potential. This should be the highest ranked reaktor ensemble. Only downside is it's not automap friendly (yet) for me. But I can work around that slight issue because it's just so incredibly well done. Thanks Tom. I appreciate the work you've done here. Incredible!
Jim Pennington
13 years ago
Amazing! Easily one of my favorite synths! 10+ Thanks so much!!
Paul Henry
14 years ago
Thanks Tom. Great synth.
Denis Spiridonov
14 years ago
Just brilliant!!! take my 10, and hand- shake! I gues one of the best emulation here=) BRAVO!
Tom Büttner
14 years ago
Thanks for your comment. This ens can't do midi learn. If you want to know about alternatives and other features the manual will help you.
Neil Pollard
14 years ago
Great graphics and more importantly, great sounds. The only thing is that midi learn doesn't seem to work with just this ensemble for me. Anyone else finding this?
R Ben
14 years ago
Outstanding Synth. However, in Reaper 3.75 (on Win.XP 32bit) I get problems: After playing MIDI notes a while on the "Nord Rack" (and changing snapshots while playing) the audio drops out and/or has artifacts. In Ableton 8 and Cubase 5, all is well. Could someone reproduce this ?
Tom Büttner
14 years ago
There is a list of midi cc's in the manual.
Paul Henry
14 years ago
Amazing sounds, but don't seem to be able to automate the pots. Is this an issue in Cubase? Otherwise spot on.
14 years ago
i can't believe people are rating anything other than a 10 on this...
Sander Alkemade
14 years ago
This is the best synth in the library. It's almost commercial release quality. Wow !
Gennaro Giugliano
14 years ago
Many thanks Tom for share your synth
Raimonds Petrans
14 years ago
benjamin kilchhofer
14 years ago
awesome! thanks!
Sebastian Wolf
14 years ago
Great Synth
yannick Le Déan
14 years ago
whaoo! great gui and sounds ! love the fx section congrats ! and thanks to share
Gregory Wells-King
14 years ago
I'm just downloading, but I can allready see your gui is excellent 2nd to none.
francois elie
14 years ago
i really like these ensembles BUT ..ive had the same issue with your two ensembles : very long to loading into reaktor and its makes reaktor a bit unstable ..its the first time since a long time ago i see reaktor crashing in ableton live 8..
14 years ago
prima synth, auch hier wäre midilearn wirklich hilfreich
gentleclockdivider .
14 years ago
It seems that some patches have some problems with dc offset JUst choose 'the pulse bass ' from the basses category snapshot , tweak the cutoff while recording in an audio editor , a huge dc offset of the wavefrom Also some nasty clipping occurs when resonance it tweaked ,
Björn Heuer
14 years ago
absolutely incredible 5 Stars
David Waldman
14 years ago
Sandy Small
14 years ago
Terrific work, and it made my day to see some of my work represented herein. Cheers!
gentleclockdivider .
14 years ago
One thin , using the parameter preset morph puts a verry high load on the cpu
gentleclockdivider .
14 years ago
SOunds great and the gui is absolutely TOP NOTCH BRILLIANT
Stefan Knauthe
14 years ago
Brilliant work...! Tom, thank you for sharing...
Tom Büttner
14 years ago
I can't exactly figure out what this might be, on which presets do you notice that? The polyphony depends on the number of voices in the properties, and, if UNISON is enabled you must divide this number by two, because unison uses 2 voices for each note you play.
allan walker
14 years ago
Amazing synth. great set of presets too. However, I noticed a wee problem with the poly mode. Its okay up until you play 5 notes. when you press the fifth note there is a slight delay.
francois elie
14 years ago
thank you for your wonderful ensembles !
Glyn Darby
14 years ago
Great one Tom,i like it a lot,good graphics too.glyn
Bodo Kuznik
14 years ago
Absolutly great...
Steven Wilkinson
14 years ago