Guitar Amp Simulation

(79 Votes)
Audio Player
3.1 (Updated 14 years ago)
July 06, 2007
Reaktor 5 or lower
Effect Other


Here is the New one



Matt Berger
4 years ago
Wow! I have no shortage of guitar recording equipment (mics, modelers), but this amp sim is incredible, especially considering its age and that it was done in Reaktor. I love the bread-and-butter effects, kind of a Gilmour slant.
Tomas Rommel
10 years ago
This is just great! Easy to use, broad chance for ideas to translate and plain friendly. Thank you for the effort.
Daniel Hogan
10 years ago
Demo sounds impressive. Thank you.
Andreas Sandberg
10 years ago
Lovely! use it together with Kontakt 5. Sounds superb!
Brendan Bradley
12 years ago
Great stuff Are you working on any more? i added a eq and skined it with Boss GE7 i will upload the macro soon. and got meatball shin and double ganger pedal skin as well.
Birthday Monster
14 years ago
Agreed. ^^ I like this more than Guitar Rig. It's in Reaktor! I can't believe only 1000 people have this.
14 years ago
Who need Guitar Rig now? Wonderful mix of good stuff.
Sandy Small
16 years ago
I'm just smitten with this! I've been playing my Telecaster direct into it for the past three hours or so--had to quit to go to bed. I have played through quite a few vintage Fender amps, and this really nails the tone--it even responds much like a physical amplifier as well. It sounds especially impressive at higher sample rates. Thank you for this magnificent upload.
andreas timm
17 years ago
yessiree!!the volume pot gets a new significance.feels like playing with burritos.gimme more,thanks
shawn gilbert
17 years ago
Georg Fries
17 years ago
I like this a lot, and thanks too to Michael Barker for the suggestions to save CPU! Great upload...
Michael Barker
17 years ago
Hello again, Just wanted to thank you again for this - very useful. I spliced NI's Spring Tank into michats Space Echo emulation (to replace Michats Spring Macro), removed the tuner and delay from Twangy Amp, and then spliced the revised Space Echo Instrument in place of your reverb unit. The result is delightful. Better still, with this new (frankenstein) ENS in mono mode, I reduced my CPU usage by 20%. Sounds great, and I'm thrilled. Thanks again! Michael
Michael Barker
17 years ago
Heinrich, I like this very much - both the tone and the interface - and the work I am doing at the moment has a 'twang' focus - so thanks for this great fender-esque tool. I could do without the tuner (though it's a nice touch). I'd love to fool around with this more (maybe splicing in Michat's Space echo - I'd love to see a little 'Joe Meek'-esque guitar rack!) but at the moment my CPU usage hovers around 50% (admittedly on a macmini) which makes it a little ungainly for hosting in my DAW - is it possible to make it a little leaner? Perhaps not. Works great in standalone. I would be thrilled to see more of your amp models in the library - what did you have in mind? Maybe a British model? 10 outta 10! PS - Love the mp3 too.
Larry Gates
17 years ago
Yep, best Reaktor GUI I've ever seen. Don't even need to hear it. You get a 10 just for that.
17 years ago
Yepp, please more. Some like Dieter's desire would be great.
Jonathan Style
17 years ago
Very nice. This is very, very useful for me. It is also usefull for instruments beside the guitar. The interface looks great as well. Excellent upload and a well worth the time to download for us on the UL. Thank you.
Maarten Versteegh
17 years ago
Very cool. Thank you for sharing.
Phil Durrant
17 years ago
yes, please do more...i enjoyed playing my guitar through this!
Ned Bouhalassa
17 years ago
Sweet. Very cool. Please do more!!!
Dieter Zobel
17 years ago
oh yes! i wish an emulation of the VEB Musikelektronik Klingental MV 3 and the Vermona Phaser