
Channel vocoder with some unusual features

(246 Votes)
2.5 (Updated 18 years ago)
May 07, 2006
Reaktor 5 or lower
Effect Filter


8-channel vocoder with graphic interface for easy control of channel frequencies. Extra features include spectral display, formant shifting, unvoiced detection, pitch-tracking, and control of alternated stereo panning of the vocoder channels for spatial effects.

Instrument contains built-in modulator and carrier sources including samplers, grain resynths, and a simple dual-osc synth. Select "external" inputs to use other Reaktor instruments or mic inputs as modulators and carriers.

This instrument is designed to use one sample for each sampler/grainular module with root note 60 (middle C) and looping turned on. Right-click audio waveform displays to replace samples or to modify root-note and loop settings.

I have entered text into all info fields, so you can hold the arrow over controls to get hints.


andrew wainwright
8 years ago
In the ensemble there are no audio in terminals. This might effect some DAW, easy to fix, just add terminals from the carrier and modulator ports on the instrument.
John Markopoulos
9 years ago
Can anyone help me out? I can't seem to get this to work. I have the modulator set to the sample + midi trig, the carrier set to external, and the output set to vocoder. My microphone channel's audio is being sent to my MIDI channel with bluecoder on it .. what am I doing wrong?
Michael Pettis
10 years ago
Wow!! This is way more old school and Korg like than the Logic vocoder. This is $. Excellent job!!!
Jonathan Canupp
11 years ago
I still use this often - thank you very much for creating and sharing this wonderful machine - tenandtracer
Lee Boyce
14 years ago
This is brilliant! Excellent work!
Michael Irslinger
15 years ago
This is FANTASTIC !!! Excellent and masterful work. You can hate me but I would love to see a 16-band (or user-adjustable bands) for this. This vocoder is my default vocoder in all of my musical work now. 10 out of 10.
Demian Rueter
16 years ago
Thanks for this! However can someone tell me how to use external input for both carrier and modulator with Ableton Live as the host? Sorry, i can't figure it out! It would be very appreciated!
Mario Strack
16 years ago
Very good! Thanks!
andrea bianchini
16 years ago
awesome!! simple and efficent!! great results in few seconds...all you need for a ready-to-go great vocoder!!
16 years ago
good one thanx
Simon D Klapper
16 years ago
Nice Vocoder!!! Thanks
Simon Stockhausen
16 years ago
Wow I got some alien voices out of htis that made me shiver! Great ensemble!!
17 years ago
F*** this is great! The sound/spectrum altering is fantastic. Thanks!
The Soundpilot
18 years ago
Is is possible to do a Reaktor 4 version of this?
Rune Broendbo
18 years ago
Thanks! I actually use this more than N.I Vokator, as it´s more simple to use and give better results in many occations.
Michael Carter
18 years ago
Phil Durrant
18 years ago
one of the best Reaktor vocoders!
Phil Durrant
18 years ago
great work!, thanks for sharing :-)
Michael Carter
18 years ago
My own preference was to work with one sample loaded at a time, and the fastest way to replace a sample in this case is to right-click on the waveform display of the sampler or grain module and select "replace sample..." (instead of "add sample"). You can also do this in the sample map editor which pops up when you double-click on the waveform display. If you would like multiple samples loaded simultaneously, you can connect a knob to the "sel" input of the sampler modules to select a sample by its root note (assigned in the map editor). You can also select samples with note pitch, but that would be less common/practical for vocoding in my opinion. Hope that helps!
Jamie Cresswell
18 years ago
I really like this but am having problems selecting samples after I have loaded them. How do I change them in the sample or grain modules. thanks
Michael Carter
18 years ago
I'm sorry to everyone who downloaded 1.0, I wasn't thinking clearly about voice management. I highly recommend the 1.1 update.
18 years ago
Very nice work! Thanks.